Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 435 Cooperation

Chapter 435 Cooperation
If Ju Wenqi said that Ju Jing could go back immediately and let him take care of himself and leave her alone, but his mother said that Ju Jing couldn't be pissed off.

After thinking about it, Ju Jing replied: "There is no need to separate the rooms at home. In the future, if we have nothing to do at home, we will live on the hillside. Anyway, there is everything there. It is convenient for us to work. You and my dad have something urgent for me. Just call."

Thinking of Ju Jing and the others running around the house all day long, it’s okay if the weather is good, but it’s not safe to drive when the weather is bad, Zhang Yongmei understood: “That’s fine. Anyway, if you want to use the computer to surf the Internet, you have to come back every now and then. .It’s just the dog, why do you take it away?”

"Keep one at the restaurant and one at home, and I'll take the remaining four away." The more she talked about it, the more Ju Jing felt that something was wrong, and she said with a smile, "Mom, the hillside is not far from home. If you want to come back, you can come back. Why are you making it look like I'm going to marry far away?"

Zhang Yongmei also smiled, and she was a little sad when she smiled: "Oh, you don't know what mother is thinking if you are not a mother and a daughter. Our little one is married, although it is the same as before, but I I always feel empty in my heart.”

Ju Jing really couldn't understand Zhang Yongmei's thoughts, but seeing that she seemed a little uncomfortable, she took her arm and coaxed: "Oh, what are you doing, the little girl is married, don't you still have the eldest girl and the second girl?"

Zhang Yongmei gave her a sideways look, and said without holding back her smile: "The three of you are the most worry-free and the least thoughtful. I am afraid that one day you will suddenly run away and I will tell your father that you have a child." I still don’t want to get married.”

I can't talk any more, and I have to urge the marriage again.

Ju Jing hurriedly changed the subject and chatted with Zhang Yongmei about something else.

Fortunately, the hotel is not far from home, and we will be there in a while.

Ju Jing chatted with the person who called Ju Min for a while, and knew that he was a well-known big rice grower in Yunhe. His son was admitted to university this year, and he wanted to bring some good gifts to his classmates and teachers when school started. , I heard that Ju Min's factory is for fine packaging of local products, so I wanted to contact him for more products and give him a discounted price.

The packaging made by Jumin factory is really nothing to say, the gift box is very delicate, and recently launched a gift box set, which looks very high-end, and it is perfect for gifting.

Ju Jing had a pleasant chat with him, and finally gave Ju Min's contact information and agreed to go to his village another day to see his endless rice fields.

Ju Jing has this kind of ability. As long as she thinks about it, even if she chats with someone she doesn't know for 2 minutes, she can become friends with them, which is very amazing.

Ju Min was talking to Ruan Xiaofeng in the office when he received a call from the rice planting household.

Answer the phone first, and make an appointment with them to visit the factory in two days. There are a variety of gift boxes to choose from. After choosing the factory, I will distribute the goods to him.

After chatting and hanging up the phone, Ju Min's smile faded a lot.

"Brother Xiaofeng, it's not that I don't help you, it's that there is no need to help at all. You and your sister-in-law can settle things directly. Why do you have to ask me to owe someone a favor?" Ju Min Said with a sigh.

Ruan Xiaofeng came here today to ask her for help.

The booth in the school cafeteria was due, and Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife were afraid that they would not be able to talk about it, so they kept delaying the discussion. Recently, they heard that someone was interested in renting that space, so they came here in a hurry to ask Ju Min for help. .

Ju Min was very helpless. The person in charge of the cafeteria would definitely be willing to rent the booth to the old man. Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife would definitely be able to negotiate a deal. What would happen if she was a person who no longer worked in the school cafeteria?And everyone knew that she opened a factory in the town, so it would be inappropriate to talk to them about whether to bring something, and she didn't want to build things in it for no reason.

I made it clear to Ruan Xiaofeng just now, but he couldn't listen to it at all. He always felt that the husband and wife were not good enough, and only Ju Min could talk.

After Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife sold second-hand drinks last time, the business of the drink shop became worse and worse. After being educated by Ju Min, they changed it, but the business did not improve much. Generally speaking, they can make money , but the earning is definitely not as much as before.

This incident hit the couple very hard. They always felt that without Ju Min, they could not do anything, and they were cautious and timid in everything they did. They had to call Ju Min every once in a while to ask her how to do business.

Ju Min is not impatient, and always persuades the couple to believe in themselves, to do what they want to do boldly, and not to hesitate.

It's a pity that no amount of persuasion was of any use, and the couple lost the chain at the critical moment.

"Big sister, it's not easy for me and your sister-in-law, just help me out," Ruan Xiaofeng still didn't give up.

Ju Min sighed, and refused again: "Brother Xiaofeng, who is it easy for ordinary people to live? If you and your sister-in-law encounter troubles that you really can't solve, you don't need to ask, I will definitely help, but you can really handle this matter." Well, why do you have to let me come forward. Otherwise, you can go back and have a talk with them first, and then come to me if you can't talk, okay?"

Speaking of this, Ruan Xiaofeng naturally couldn't keep talking.

The result was really just like what Ju Min said, the couple agreed to let them rent for another year as soon as the couple went to talk to someone, and they were very happy. None of the troubles and difficulties they thought about earlier happened.

Ruan Xiaofeng was quite embarrassed when he called Ju Min to report the latest situation, he said: "Big sister, don't find me annoying, your sister-in-law and I are not as capable as you, we panic when we encounter something, there is nothing we can do what."

In the final analysis, there is still a way out if you are not forced into a hurry. If you have nowhere to go, no matter how soft you are, you can become hard.

On the day when it was agreed to meet with the big rice growers, they were also honest people, and they came early in the morning, and brought fifty catties of rice to Ju Min.

Zhang, a big rice grower, is in his 40s. He is not tall, slightly fat and has dark skin. He looks like someone who has worked hard and suffered.

Ju Min called him Big Brother Zhang, and he also called Ju Min the Big Sister of the Ju family very bluntly.

Brother Zhang is a very straightforward person. After looking around at the finished products packaged in the factory, he picked out quite a few, and immediately made a decision and paid the deposit.

After talking about the business, it's time to have lunch. Of course, Ju Min wants to keep someone for dinner.

During the meal, Ju Min asked Brother Zhang about the price of rice. Brother Zhang took a sip of barley tea, shook his head and said, "Our rice here is so famous, and it is so expensive outside, but our first-hand food sellers can't sell it at all." The price was raised, and the money was made by the hands in the middle."

Ju Min broke his words apart and thought about it, and came up with a good idea.

She approached Brother Zhang and said, "Brother, you have rice, I can pack it and sell it, do you think we can sell the rice at a higher price if we cooperate?"

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(End of this chapter)

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