Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 436 Great Harmony

Chapter 436 Great Harmony (two in one chapter)

Brother Zhang is also a person who has seen big winds and waves. He has ideas and courage, so he should discuss it with Ju Min.

There are many advantages to two people working together, of course, there are also risks and troubles.

Take Brother Zhang as an example. In the past, the rice was sold directly after it was produced, saving time and effort.If he cooperates with Ju Min, he will have to grade the rice after the rice is produced, and he has to find a way to send the rice to the factory. In short, it will be a lot of trouble.

However, Big Brother Zhang is a person who can take care of things and is not afraid of trouble. After the discussion, he made a decision: "Big sister, we are all straightforward and not foolish. As long as my rice can be sold at a high price, I will mess with you." !"

"Brother, in a few days I'm going to a large supermarket chain in other provinces to discuss cooperation. If you have time, let's go together. Let's see how much our rice is sold outside. When we come back It’s better to set the price of the packaging, don’t you think so?” Ju Min suggested.

Brother Zhang is quite excited, wishing he could go and have a look with Ju Min now.

Ju Min really didn't expect to be able to negotiate two deals at once. He was very happy. It happened that Peng Yan was also in town, so he called him and asked him to have dinner.

There are dormitories in the factory, and the migrant workers from the villages below live in the dormitories if they cannot go home.Ju Min lived in a dormitory when she was working in the factory, but her dormitory was a single room, and the conditions were slightly better.

She thought about calling Peng Yan over. She was cooking two dishes on the induction cooker in the private cafeteria, but Peng Yan told her good news on the phone.

"I bought a second-hand house near your factory, the kind that can be moved in with a bag. It just so happens that you have time today, how about I take you there to have a look and have dinner there at night?" Peng Yan said.

The factory office is here, and it is impossible for Ju Min to stay in the dormitory all the time. She planned to buy a house when she has more money, but Peng Yan did not expect to do it first.

When Peng Yan was in the town, he always lived with Uncle Peng. After all, he was not married yet, and Ju Min always felt awkward living in the past, so she and Peng Yan didn't even have a common space in the town for so long.

It's all right now, she can live in a more comfortable house, and have a more private space with Peng Yan, killing two birds with one stone.

As Peng Yan said, the house is not far from the factory, on the edge of the town.This building is relatively old. It used to be the family building of the town hospital. Later, when the town hospital moved, there were many houses vacant in this family building, but no one bought them. Peng Yan really didn't spend much to buy this one.

It doesn't look good from the outside, but the decoration inside is not bad. There are all kinds of electrical appliances. You only need to add some daily necessities and items that cannot be shared with outsiders.

The two of them went shopping first, and when they came back, Peng Yan cooked and Ju Min helped, and by the way, they chatted about working with Brother Zhang.

Some of Peng Yan's friends are in logistics and some are in supermarkets, and they can help Ju Min in both aspects.

Ju Min didn't need him to do anything, as long as he drew a line from it, she would discuss the cooperation matters, so that there was no need for Peng Yan to owe favors, and he and his friends would not feel embarrassed.

After eating, the two of them went downstairs again to get familiar with the environment and chat with people who live nearby.

Others regard them as young couples who have just moved in, and when chatting, they always shift the topic to marriage and children.Fortunately, both Ju Min and Peng Yan are good at socializing, and they didn't embarrass others.

Walking back after strolling, Ju Min thought that Peng Yan would talk about marriage and other things, but he didn't expect this kid thief to be calm and didn't mention a word, but in the end Ju Min couldn't help but mention it .

"Your uncle and your mother didn't urge you to get married, did they?" Ju Min asked.

Peng Yan shook his head: "I have the final say on my affairs, and they have nothing to do with it. Sister Min, please don't stress, it's fine for us two now."

These words made Ju Min relax a lot.

She held Peng Yan's arm affectionately, and the two walked home talking and laughing.

Peng Yan stayed at night and did not leave. Afterwards, Peng Yan went to take a bath, and Ju Min lay lazily on the bed chatting with Ju Jing and Ju Ling.

Tonight, both Ju Jing and Yin Kaixuan lived in the house on the hillside, and only Ju Wenqi, his wife and Ju Ling were at home.

The Ma family, the last group of guests who came to the wedding, had all left, and the house that was full before was now vacant. Ju Ling felt very deserted living alone in the hut at home, and she was still a little unaccustomed to it.

"Oh, the eldest sister is with brother Peng, the second sister is with brother Kaixuan, and I'm alone. I'm too miserable." Ju Ling wailed with the two sisters in the group.

Ju Min was quite surprised, and asked Ju Jing if she really lived with Yin Kaixuan tonight.

There are three people in the group, one is divorced and the other is just married. The mention of "living together" definitely does not mean simply sleeping.

Ju Ling could understand the meaning, but Ju Jing didn't understand, and replied carelessly, "Of course we live together, so we can't let him live outside".

Ju Ling hugged her mobile phone and groaned under the quilt for a long time, then typed in the group: "Eldest sister, just from my second sister's reply, I know they are really just sleeping."

When she said Ju Jing in this way, she understood what they meant, and typed a series of ellipses.

After a while, she uttered another sentence.

"I'll give you free time! Go to sleep, I still have a lot of work to do tomorrow!"

The topic ended, but the three sisters were not sleepy.

Ju Ling started chatting with Qiao Jue on the Internet, asking about Qiao Jue's situation in the capital; Ju Min took out a management book from her small bag and read it carefully, improving herself in terms of knowledge.

As for Ju Jing, as soon as she put down her phone, Yin Kaixuan came in from the outside wearing a pair of baggy shorts and slippers.

Yin Kaixuan's face was tanned, but his body was quite fair.However, there is something wrong with being white, and the muscles can't be shown.

Yin Kaixuan also has muscles on his body, not the kind of big, bloated muscles, but very smooth and tight muscles, which look good when he is wearing clothes, but even better when he is undressed.

Seeing Ju Jing staring at his abs, Yin Kaixuan complacently exerted himself to make his abs more obvious.

"It feels really good, do you want to try it?" Yin Kaixuan asked proudly.

Ju Jing was also polite, beckoning him to come over.

Well, it's really good, Ju Jing can't put it down.

She was quite happy, but Yin Kaixuan couldn't hold back his smile.

This, this is too uncomfortable.
"Neighbor, Quiet, we're almost done. You can take it late at night and I can't take it. You also go to wash your face and let's go to sleep. Aren't you going to pruning tomorrow? I'm tired of this job. Let me tell you ", Yin Kaixuan said pretending to be relaxed.

It's really pretending to be relaxed, his heart is very tense now, he is afraid that if he relaxes, he will be scolded by Ju Jing as a "bird".

However, he really wanted to be a beast for a while!

A good man knows how to respect women, and Yin Kaixuan is a good man.So without Ju Jing's permission, he really couldn't be a beast.

The house on the side of the orchard is quite big, divided into several rooms. Dachun and Zhao Laohan still live together, and Zhao Laohan usually takes care of Dachun.Netizens live in other rooms when they come over. There is no such condition for arranging family rooms, and it is still possible to separate men and women.

Ju Jing and Yin Kaixuan now live in a small room, which was never lived in when the netizens came. When the house was built, Ju Jing planned to set aside this room for herself, and would not allow outsiders to live in it unless it was absolutely necessary.

Of course Yin Kaixuan is not an outsider, so when he said that he didn't want to sleep alone in such a big kang, Ju Jing asked him to come and sleep in the same room with her without thinking much.

They did sleep on a kang, but they did not sleep on a quilt.There is room for one person to sleep in the middle of a wall that is close to the top of the kang and a wall that is close to the top of the kang.

I also did a lot of work today, Yin Kaixuan was very tired, and fell asleep after lying down for a while.

Ju Jing listened to the even breathing of the people around her, and opened her eyes to look at the dark night, but what was in her mind was the content of chatting with the elder sisters and younger sisters in the group.

The younger sister is married, and the eldest sister lives with Peng Yan, so she and Yin Kaixuan are too far behind!

No, no, there is no such thing as comparison, she is thinking about something.

But, I can't control it.No matter what you think at the beginning, you will definitely fall into this matter later on.

The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became. Ju Jing turned over several times, making her mouth dry and more energetic.

Sleeping next to her boyfriend, kissing her boyfriend, why should she endure the pain, then what is the point of her having a boyfriend?Is it just for work?It would be better to spend money to hire someone, and if the hired person can't do the job well, he can be fired, and if the boyfriend can't do the job well, he will roll his eyes in disgust at most.

This kind of thing, really can't think too much, it's easy to turn yourself into a ditch if you think too much.

When Ju Jing began to wonder if she had fallen into the ditch, she had already got into Yin Kaixuan's bed, and accidentally woke Yin Kaixuan up.

Well, it's easy to fall into this ditch, but it's not so easy to climb out.

Early the next morning, Ju Jing woke up in Yin Kaixuan's bed, and Yin Kaixuan had no idea where he had gone.

If I move my body, it's okay, there is no pain, I just feel embarrassed.

Sitting up with the quilt in his arms, he was about to look for clothes to wear. Yin Kaixuan walked in with a toothbrush in his mouth, took out the toothbrush, took a mouthful of toothpaste foam, and said cheerfully: "It's only after six o'clock. If you want to be tired, sleep a little longer. I will do the work." Just do it."

Just talk when you talk, his eyes are dishonest, but he can't look around.

To be honest, Ju Jing was quite embarrassed when he first walked in, but it can be seen that she became more embarrassing when he said he was not a yo-yo.

Uncle, she was the one who took the initiative last night, and everything was under her control, so why should she be shy afterwards? What's there for her to be shy?

After thinking it over, Ju Jing took her clothes without any shyness and put them on in a leisurely manner. During the dressing break, she said to Yin Kaixuan: "I'm used to getting up early, and it's really uncomfortable to lie on the kang. It's better to eat early and do it." Let's work."

After getting dressed, he turned to look at Yin Kaixuan. This kid was staring at her in a daze with a toothbrush in his mouth.

"What do you look at, the toothpaste froth has flowed down to the neck!" Ju Jing said with disgust.

Yin Kaixuan regained his composure, his face turned red, and he didn't know why he blushed.

The breakfast is made by Zhao Laohan, it is very homely and simple, no one chooses, as long as you can eat enough.

Just after eating, Jing Chengxi came over with tools and joined the army of pruning branches.

Ju Jing will be very busy recently, not only to work on the orchard, but also to put chicken food and water on the hillside, to clean up the manure in the chicken coop, and to feed the rabbits.

In addition, the greenhouse should also be used.

The results of the online voting turned out to be vegetables like tomatoes and cucumbers with the highest votes, which was not at all what Ju Jing thought.

Ju Jing thought that netizens were more romantic and would vote for planting flowers, but she really didn't expect it to be vegetables.

Growing vegetables in a greenhouse is also very particular, thanks to Wang Yalei who can help, otherwise Ju Jing would have to grope a little bit, and I don’t know how many detours I will take in the middle.

In terms of technology, there is no need to take detours, but Ju Jing can't do all the work alone, they are simply too busy for them now.

In addition, after this year's autumn harvest, this large piece of land will belong to her in the next ten years. Even if she has three heads and six arms, she can't grow it, so she still has to hire people.

It may be too late to hire someone after living to the present, and I am afraid that the hired person will not work hard, so Ju Jing has to look for it now.First hire someone who has experience in greenhouse management to come and take care of the greenhouse for a long time. The farmer does not need to be hired, but you can inspect it first.

How to inspect it?
Of course, it is to ask Ju Wenqi and the others who are honest and reliable in their work in all directions, and who loves to steal, rape, play tricks and have dirty hands and feet.

While busy with these things, Ju Min also has to take pictures and write a blog, which is really hard.

In fact, Yin Kaixuan is not idle, but he still helps Ju Jing to share as much as possible. He is a child who grew up in the city since he was a child. Now he is a thief whether it is doing farm work or shoveling excrement and feeding rabbits. He is born and bred in the village. Young people may not be able to match him.

Ju Ling, who stayed at home every day, also felt sorry for her second sister, and came to the hillside to help with work after all the remedial classes she took were over.

Ju Ling is an observant person. She found that the interaction between her second sister and Yin Kaixuan became more and more interesting. It seemed to be the same as before, but if you taste it carefully, you will find that the two are obviously much more boring than before.

As someone who has been there, Ju Ling knows what's going on, so she finds an opportunity to whisper to her second sister about it.

Ju Jing felt that she was the second sister and shouldn't be weak in front of her younger sister, so she pretended to be calm and told the truth.

Ju Ling didn't want to discuss this topic with her in depth, but reminded her in a low voice: "Second sister, have you prepared something? I don't seem to have seen it in the room. If you haven't prepared it, you have to pay attention, don't worry about it. Pregnancy before you're ready for it."

At first, Ju Jing didn't understand what she meant, but when she said "pregnant", she understood everything.

"It's weird for you to be so young, you don't care about adults' affairs." Ju Jing subconsciously regarded her little sister as a child.

The purpose of Ju Ling's reminder has been achieved, and she didn't argue with her. She immediately changed the subject and said, "Second Sister, have you noticed that Brother Xiao Jing has been in a bad mood recently? He used to go everywhere with his mobile phone and giggled silly Le, he seldom looks at his phone these days, and he doesn't laugh much anymore, did he break up with brother Zhan Yi?"

 Thank you for your support, thank you for voting and subscribing, thank you for the monthly tickets of Xinyu and Hanbing, thank you, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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