Chapter 437
Recently, Ju Jing is too busy, and when she is not working, she has to get bored with Yin Kaixuan, so she really doesn't pay much attention to Jing Chengxi.

Jing Chengxi went back to the village every day after finishing his work in the field, and lived alone in a room in the hotel at night. If there was something he didn't take the initiative to say, Ju Jing might never know what was on his mind.

Thanks to Ju Ling's careful observation, he found that he was not in the right mood, so Ju Jing decided to find a chance to chat with Jing Chengxi.

However, Jing Chengxi didn't give her this chance at all, to put it bluntly, he just didn't want to talk.

His performance couldn't be more obvious, and there must be an emotional problem.And Zhan Yi was the only one who had emotional entanglements with him, and if he couldn't find anything from Jing Chengxi, he could have a chat with Zhan Yi.

Ju Jing has Zhan Yi's QQ, and she usually doesn't contact her because she is afraid of disturbing her work. She only sends a few messages when discussing cooperation.

The first time I contacted Ju Jing because of a personal matter, I didn't beat around the bush. When I came up, I asked Zhan Yi if he had a conflict with Jing Chengxi, and said that Xiao Jing was not in the right mood recently.

Zhan Yi is also a straightforward person, and told Ju Jing everything that happened without hiding it.

Jing Chengxi and Zhan Yi are indeed interested in each other, they have kept in touch since the first time they parted, and the content of the chat has become more and more ambiguous.During the summer vacation, Zhan Yi came over and got along with Jing Chengxi alone a few times, and did some things that young couples would do. Jing Chengxi, an innocent young man, felt that they were together. his people.

However, Zhan Yi didn't think so.

Zhan Yi is a more realistic, rational, and pessimistic person. From the very beginning, he felt that it was impossible to be with Jing Chengxi, and doing those things was just to relieve his desire. He didn't expect Jing Chengxi to take it seriously.

In Zhan Yi's words, "People like us can play with everything, but we can't play with emotions. Few people who are touched by true feelings will end well."

It's not that he doesn't think about the good side or something, it's just that he has seen too many separations and reunions. Even if the people in the circle he knows are together, they can't last long, and more people are still young. When I was a little older, I would choose to marry and have children to return to the family, and occasionally I would come out to find someone to release my desire.

Zhan Yi won't follow the path of these people, but he doesn't think he is lucky enough to live with one person until he grows up safely.

It's really hard for two men.

When Zhan Yi found out that Jing Chengxi was serious, he immediately made it clear to him.Better to be miserable for a few days now than longer later, he thought.

Jing Chengxi hadn't contacted him since he made it clear, if Ju Jing hadn't come to ask him, he would have thought that Jing Chengxi had let it go easily.

After chatting with Zhan Yi, Ju Jing let out a long sigh.

No one can persuade this kind of thing, it still depends on Jing Chengxi to come out on his own.

Zhan Yi was right, and Jing Chengxi was right, it's just that the two of them have different ideas, and it's too difficult to be together.

Too difficult is too difficult to say optimistically, but not optimistically, it means that it is impossible for the two of them.

Later, when Ju Jing talked about Jing Chengxi and Zhan Yi in the group of the three sisters, Ju Min and Ju Ling had mixed feelings.

They have long regarded Jing Chengxi as their own family, and all three of them have a good home, only Jing Chengxi is still single, and they all hope that he can gain something emotionally.

This harvest does not necessarily mean finding a boyfriend or something, but being able to go along with it a little bit.When you feel comfortable being single, you can be single. When you meet someone you like, you can have a happy relationship. If you want to be stable, you can have someone who is willing to accompany him to live an ordinary life.

However, Jing Chengxi's emotional path is not destined to be smooth, who made him take a detour by nature.

The three sisters discussed how to get Jing Chengxi out of the broken-hearted mood as soon as possible. Ju Ling and Ju Jing said a lot of things were useless, but Ju Min's idea was more solid.

Now more than a dozen college students have signed up to come to her factory for internships. This is really beyond her expectations. She really didn't expect so many people to come.

The school sent her the resumes of these dozen students and asked her to choose a few among them.

Ju Min has read the resumes, and they are all young boys. She picked a few majors that are more compatible, and one of them is as white and clean as Zhan Yi, who can dress up and clean up. Maybe this child is also like Zhan Yijing. Hee is one of a kind.

Let Jing Chengxi get in touch with this kind of people more and choose more, why can't he meet the right person.

After Ju Min finished expressing her thoughts, Ju Jing was very embarrassed.

If you want Jing Chengxi to have more contact with that college boy, you have to let him go to the elder sister's factory. How can you let Jing Chengxi go there willingly without knowing their purpose?
Ju Min just killed but didn't care about burying, let Ju Jing figure out a way by herself.

Ju Jing pondered over such a small matter for several days, and finally had no choice but to lie to Jing Chengxi once.

When she was working, she went to Jing Chengxi's side and told Xiaojing that Ju Min's factory was in trouble now, there was not enough manpower, and Ju Min was tired and thin when working alone.

"Hey, I can't live without me here. If it's okay without me, I'll go to help the eldest sister. She's working so hard, I'm really afraid she'll be exhausted." Ju Jing said worriedly .

Jing Chengxi immediately became worried, and asked, "Why are you so busy all of a sudden? I called my elder sister two days ago, and she said it was okay, but she didn't say how busy she was."

"Isn't she afraid of you worrying?" Ju Jing said with a distressed and helpless look: "It's not like you don't know what kind of elder sister is, and you like to hide everything in your heart so that we don't know. It took her a long time to find out if her voice was wrong on the phone, if I didn't hear it, she definitely wouldn't tell me."

Jing Chengxi was also worried, and after working dully for a while, he carefully said to Ju Jing: "Sister Jing, if you can come over here, I will go to Eldest Sister's side to help for a few days, do you think it will work?" ?”


Ju Jing didn't show her joy on her face, she frowned and said, "Your going will definitely make the elder sister a lot easier, but the premise is that you are willing to go, if you are not willing, the elder sister will definitely not let you go. "

"Of course I am willing. Why don't you want to? It's not a job to work anywhere. It's my own job anyway." The last sentence is quite heartwarming.

Jing Chengxi contacted Ju Min himself, and agreed to go to the factory in two days, and stay there for a month or two, and then decide whether to come back or stay in the factory when it is less busy there.

Eating canteens and lodging in dormitories, Jing Chengxi's basic life is guaranteed there, and there is nothing to worry about at home.

Jing Chengxi went to the factory on the first day, and Ju Ling packed his things and went back to school the next day.

The bustling family became deserted again. They used to have too much room to sit at a large table, but now they can’t make up for it with a small table. The psychological gap between Ju Wenqi and his wife is very big. Zhang Yongmei still can’t hold back the slump while eating. Tears came.

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(End of this chapter)

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