Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 439 Pursuit

Chapter 439 Pursuit (two chapters in one)

Ju Jing chatted with him on QQ until late at night and talked a lot.

She could feel his pain, reluctance and confusion from Jing Chengxi's words.

It's really embarrassing for a guy in his 20s to really like someone for the first time and want to be with him for a long time, but ended up like this in the end.

She also hesitated for a long time in her heart, and finally Ju Jing made up her mind to encourage Jing Chengxi to follow her heart.

She told Jing Chengxi: "If you can't let it go, don't let it go. If you like it, go after it. If you haven't tried hard enough to chase after it, you must not be willing to let go. You have tried everything you should, and you have nothing to regret if it still doesn't work out in the end." of."

In fact, Jing Chengxi also has this idea, but he has too many worries and has been hesitating, so he needs someone to push him, and Ju Jing is the one who pushes him.

The next day Jing Chengxi went to tell Ju Min about his plan, and Ju Min not only didn't stop him, but also gave him 1 yuan.

At first, Jing Chengxi refused to take it, so he also saved some money. If he went to the capital to live for too long, it should be no problem to stay for half a month and a month, and he didn't need Ju Min's money.

But Ju Min insisted on giving him the money, and told him to bring more money when going out, because no one knew what would happen, and if he needed it urgently and didn't have it on hand, he would be very passive.

Jing Chengxi was persuaded, and accepted Ju Min's money with embarrassment.

Jing Chengxi ran so far alone, and Ju Min was still worried about being rich, so he asked him to contact Ju Ling in advance, and asked Ju Ling and Qiao Jue to take care of him there.

This is for sure, Jing Chengxi has never regarded himself as an outsider, and he must find Ju Ling and Qiao Jue when he goes to the capital.

One day to prepare, the next day to buy a ticket to start.

The unlucky child not only failed to buy a sleeper ticket, but also failed to buy a hard seat ticket. After standing for [-] hours to get to the capital, he was tired and stupid.

Qiao Jue, who received the news in advance, came to pick him up at the station, and Jing Chengxi fell asleep leaning on the seat as soon as he got on the bus.

He planned to stay in a hotel, but Ju Ling and Qiao Jue disagreed.It's not that I don't have a place to live, so why go to a hotel and spend my money? There's nothing wrong with doing something with this money.

Qiao Jue's house originally had two rooms, but later the guest bedroom was converted into a study room, so Jing Chengxi could only sleep on the sofa in the living room.

Take a good rest during the day, and at night Jing Chengxi and Ju Lingqiaojue went out to have a big meal together, and took a walk in the university to digest food after the meal.

I don't know whether Qiao Jue did it on purpose or not, but he took a casual step and walked to a building.There is nothing unusual about the building, it is a comprehensive building with complicated functions, what is unusual is a bulletin board in front of the building.

A very eye-catching rainbow flag was posted on the bulletin board, and all three of them knew what the flag represented.

Ju Ling took Jing Chengxi's arm and yelled to see what was written on the bulletin board, but Jing Chengxi followed him regardless, and was immediately attracted by the content on the bulletin board.

Above is the profile of a society.

This society is not an open society registered by the school, but a secret society spontaneously organized and developed by the students of the school every year. It is very difficult to organize activities. The venue is not good enough to rent activities. Funds cannot be applied for and can only be raised by members of the society.

The members of the club write the club profile on the bulletin board not to recruit new students, but to hope that all the same kind of people who are still confused in the school can have a place to communicate freely.Below the introduction, there is a QQ group and forum built by the club itself. If you have any questions, you can join them for discussion.

"Brother Xiao Jing, you should also join the QQ group, and remember the forum, you can go and have a look later", Ju Ling poked and poked Jing Chengxi, telling him not to just look.

Jing Chengxi obediently took out his mobile phone and opened QQ, but hesitated when searching the group: "This is a QQ group for college students, can I join it?"

"They are very tolerant, as long as they are willing to join, they will not reject them," Qiao Jue replied for Ju Ling.

Sure enough, Jing Chengxi successfully joined the QQ group.

"Brother Jue, you seem to know this club very well," Ju Ling asked in bewilderment.

Qiao Jue smiled, bent his fingers and tapped twice on the bulletin board: "Not everyone can use the school bulletin board."

He spoke vaguely, but Ju Ling already understood what he meant.It was Qiao Jue who helped the club members apply to use this bulletin board.

After returning home, Jing Chengxi held his mobile phone and chatted with the people in the group.

He really didn't expect that there would be so many of his kind in this university.He joined the communication group 12, and there are more than 80 people in the group, which means that there are eleven other groups before this group, all of which are already full of people.

Jing Chengxi said that he was not a student in the school, but just came here to visit relatives, and the group management didn't kick him. He also said that it doesn't matter whether he is a student of this school, the most important thing is to join the group to gain something.

Jing Chengxi didn't expect to gain anything, he just wanted to know more about this kind of people.

He didn't plan to go to Zhan Yi directly without preparation, he had to make complete preparations to make his chances of winning better.

And the first thing he did to chase after Zhan Yi was to go to several famous same-sex bars in Kyoto introduced by his friends in the group!
There are many kinds of bars, quiet and dry, and different stories may happen in different bars.

The first thing Jing Chengxi went to was a music bar. He had a drink, listened to music and chatted with familiar and unfamiliar friends. The atmosphere was pretty good.

Of course, no one will care if someone who is pleasing to the eye gives a password to go to another place for an appointment.

Jing Chengxi belongs to the kind of comrades who are particularly straight. He has a good appearance, a good figure, and is good at dressing. He is considered the best in the circle. If he sits there and does nothing, someone will take the initiative to buy him a drink. Talk to him and give him hints that you want to ask him out.

He was flustered inside but remained calm on the surface, politely rejecting all those who wanted to ask him out, and just quietly observing the interactions of the people around him.

After going to the quiet bar a few times, he started to run to the more lively bars again.In the dark environment, drinking, dancing, talking and laughing loudly, all emotions are constantly amplified.

At first Jing Chengxi was not used to it, especially when someone approached him actively, he would subconsciously hide.However, he found that the more he hides from others, the more they stick to him, because they can tell that he is not an old fritter, but rather pure.

It's useless to hide, so don't hide.He observed what other people would do when they encountered such a situation. He learned what he had learned and applied it now. After a few times, he was able to deal with all the people who came to strike up a conversation with ease.

Jing Chengxi has been in the capital for a week, not only did he not go to see Zhan Yi, but he ran to bars and nightclubs, Ju Ling didn't say anything, but he was quite worried.

She shared Xiaojing's dynamics with her elder sister and second sister in the group, but she was obviously a younger sister, but she pissed off the old mother's heart.

"Brother Xiao Jing won't learn badly, right? I'm really afraid that he will learn badly! Big sister and second sister, what do you think I should do? Do you want to find a chance to talk to him?" Ju Ling said very sadly.

Ju Min felt that Jing Chengxi was not so easy to imitate as a grown man, so let Ju Ling observe for a while.

Ju Jing also meant the same thing, and asked Ju Ling to share Jing Chengxi's situation every once in a while, and discuss with them what happened.

Jing Chengxi didn't make Ju Ling worry for too long, after another two days, Jing Chengxi stopped going to bars and nightclubs, and started calling Zhan Yi, telling him that he was in Kyoto now and wanted to meet him.

It's also unfortunate that Zhan Yi only went on a business trip two days ago, and it will take at least a week to return.

Doing nothing for a week was quite torturous, so Jing Chengxi found a part-time job as a waiter in a gay bar!
He is very handsome and stylish in the waiter's uniform, leather shoes, trousers and white shirt, giving people a feeling of restraint and alienation, which is very attractive.

The waiter can accept tips, and he took a lot of tips on the first day of his part-time job. When he turned around and told Ju Ling how much money he made in one night, Ju Ling once suspected that he had other part-time jobs.

It's really a wave of worry that just subsides and a wave of worry rises again.

Ju Ling immediately told the eldest sister and second sister about this in the group, and the two sisters could feel her worry just from the words.

"He just worked as a part-time waiter in a bar, and he earned more than 2000 yuan in the few hours from eight o'clock in the evening to two o'clock in the morning.

Both Ju Min and Ju Jing didn't really believe that Jing Chengxi would do that kind of thing for money, but earning more than 2000 yuan in a few hours is indeed a bit much, and they also became worried unconsciously.

Ju Ling asked Jing Chengxi several times if he was just a waiter, and Jing Chengxi said that he did nothing else, which reassured Ju Ling.

Ju Ling really couldn't feel at ease without seeing Jing Chengxi's working environment with her own eyes, so she discussed with Qiao Jue, and the two quietly went to the bar where Jing Chengxi worked to have a look.

"Brother Xiao Jue, have you ever been to a bar?" Ju Ling asked Qiao Jue when discussing this matter.

Qiao Jue replied honestly: "I've been there. I've been to the bar where Xiaojing works now. It's very lively at night, especially the alley behind the bar."

"What do you mean?" Ju Ling felt that there was something in his words.

Seeing that she was interested, Qiao Jue explained to her in detail.

The alley where the back door of the bar is located is narrow and narrow, not open to traffic, and the street lights are broken every day, and it is dark most of the time, which is especially convenient for anxious people to do something.

Ju Ling tilted her head and looked at her brother Xiao Jue with a smile, and asked suspiciously: "Brother Xiao Jue, why do you know so much about that side? You used to play wild!"

Qiao Jue felt that his wife might have misunderstood something, and quickly explained: "No, absolutely not. You don't know how straight I am. When I was young, I was ignorant and curious about everything, so I went there twice with my friends. It was too noisy, and I got a headache after a while, so I didn't go there afterwards."

Qiao Jue has always been a mature and stable big brother image in front of Ju Ling, but among his friends, he is still quite playful and playful. In the first few years, he was a bit rebellious and really wanted to explore something new. Thanks to his firm will, otherwise he would not have known what he would have become.

Ju Ling didn't mean to delve into it, so she just asked casually.

It's a good thing that Qiao Jue is familiar with that side, the two of them won't be stage fright if they go together.

On Friday night, the two of them also went out after Jing Chengxi left, and drove straight to the bar.

The bar is quite big, the light is not very good and there are so many people, it's really hard for Jing Chengxi to spot them when they sit in the corner.

It was quite easy for them to find Jing Chengxi, because all the waiters in the bar wore a luminous sign with their names on their chests.

The sign can be a big name or a random name. Jing Chengxi's sign says Xiao Jing, and anyone who wants to talk to him or ask him to serve him can just call him "Xiao Jing".

As long as the people around Ju Ling and the others don't call Jing Chengxi over, Jing Chengxi may not be able to find them if they stay here all night.

From ten o'clock to twelve o'clock, Ju Ling felt that her ears were almost deaf and her eyes were almost blind, and she didn't notice any abnormalities in Jing Chengxi.

Jing Chengxi was very busy, and many people liked to call him to chat with him when they had nothing to do. Jing Chengxi would give them tips when he brought them drinks or provided other services. A piece can indeed charge a lot of money.

After confirming that Jing Chengxi was really only working as a waiter, Ju Ling felt relieved, and hurriedly dragged Qiao Jue out of this place.

"I must have been buzzing in my head for the past two days on the weekend, and the music is too loud, I can't stand it," Ju Ling complained after getting into the car.

On the way home, Ju Ling sent the latest news to the group. It was too late, the eldest sister and the second sister had already gone to bed, and they didn't get a reply after waiting for a long time.

In just a few days, Jing Chengxi earned more than 1 yuan. The bar owner even wanted to hire him to work for a long time. You can earn a lot by working for a year.

However, Jing Chengxizhi was not here. After learning that Zhan Yi had returned to Beijing, he resigned from this job, recharged his energy and adjusted his state to prepare to meet his sweetheart.

He took the initiative to make an appointment with Zhan Yi, Zhan Yi meant to find a place to have a meal in a serious manner, and explain clearly what he had to say face to face, but Jing Chengxi had other arrangements.

Zhan Yi agreed because he came from a long way and waited for him for so many days, and Jing Chengxi will arrange all the spare days.

Jing Chengxi had a full schedule for this day.Meet at ten o'clock in the morning, go to the shopping mall first, find a place to have lunch at noon, watch a movie after dinner and continue shopping, and take Zhan Yi to the bar to play after dinner.

When shopping, Jing Chengxi ignored Zhan Yi's refusal and insisted on buying a shirt for him. He also bought the same style for himself, secretly wanting to wear a couple's shirt with him.

Zhan Yi didn't know that he was working part-time in bars these days, and he thought he was curious about what the gay bars here are like, so he asked Jing Chengxi to pay attention to this and that, lest he would suffer in it.

Jing Chengxi just smiled and said nothing, just quietly watched Zhan Yi frowning and chattering like an old hen protecting his cubs.

Entering the bar, Zhan Yi found that the development of things was completely different from what he thought.Jing Chengxi knew many people here. As soon as he sat down, someone invited them to drink, and someone came over to say hello to him. By the way, he also asked who Zhan Yi was and what was his relationship with him.

Jing Chengxi's answer was very vague, and these people automatically thought that Zhan Yi belonged to him, and Aimei winked at him, and left without disturbing them with a few words.

"How do you know the people here so well? Do you come here often?" Zhan Yi asked him when there were only two of them.

Jing Chengxi first took a sip of wine slowly, then approached Zhan Yi, his lips almost touching his ears, and replied in a low voice: "Yes, I come here every day when you come back, and I know many people, They're all pretty interesting."

Zhan Yi frowned even tighter, showing a look of hesitation.

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(End of this chapter)

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