Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 440 Drunk

Chapter 440 Drunk
There is a muscle show competition at the bar tonight. You don't need to sign up and feel that your muscles are good. If you want to show off, you can go on stage. Whoever has the highest voice will win the first place. There is no reward for the first place.

Even so, there are still plenty of people in the game.After going on stage, she danced and took off her clothes to show off her muscles. The people in the audience danced and yelled, and the atmosphere was very exciting.

If the contestant on the stage happens to be the type you like, the people in the audience can also throw flowers on the stage.Each guest's exclusive number is pasted on the flowers. When the contestants pick up the flowers, they are responding to the audience. After the contest, the two of them can go to other activities.

Because bars often hold such activities, everyone knows the rules better, Jing Chengxi leaned into Zhan Yi's ear and explained: "When you take part in the competition, you accept the rules here. It doesn't matter if no one throws flowers. People have to choose one, and if they don’t choose, they will be ridiculed to death by the people here.”

Zhan Yi picked up his own flower from the table, and his frowning brows did not relax.

"Let's have a good chat. I still have work tomorrow, so I'm going back after we talk," Zhan Yi said to Jing Chengxi.

Before Jing Chengxi could reply, a tall and thin waiter came to pull Jing Chengxi, and said while pulling, "Xiao Jing, you must participate in today's event, don't say you don't have muscles, change your clothes We all saw it clearly when you were in the show, your muscles are so beautiful, it would be a pity not to participate."

Before being dragged away, Jing Chengxi leaned into Zhan Yi's ear and begged in a low voice: "You must throw flowers on the stage later, or I will be dragged away tonight, save me."

Zhan Yi:.
Jing Chengxi really came on stage.

Zhan Yi didn't expect him to be so popular. He hadn't taken off his clothes to show off his muscles when he came on stage. The people below threw flowers on the stage like crazy.

Xiaojing is not good at dancing, so he just wanders along to the music, all supported by his appearance and figure.After taking off his shirt and revealing his upper body, the people in the bar became even more crazy. The people next to Zhan Yi squeezed forward to throw flowers, but he was still sitting quietly.

To be honest, Zhan Yi has never seen such a flamboyant and eye-catching Jing Chengxi.In his impression, Jing Chengxi is just an ordinary person who looks a bit handsome, and generally has no special abilities in terms of education, let alone ideals and pursuits, and is probably doomed to be mediocre for a lifetime.

However, at this moment, Jing Chengxi seemed to be shining, and the people who illuminated it couldn't open their eyes, and the people who illuminated it didn't dare to look directly at his face or his eyes.

Was it because he was too low-key and deliberately concealed his sharpness before, or did he never really understand him?
When this question came to his mind, he happened to see Jing Chengxi looking at him, and pointing at him with a finger.

He immediately understood what Jing Chengxi meant, that he wanted him to throw flowers to save him.

Zhan Yi hesitated for a while before he came forward holding the flowers. Boss Fei squeezed his way to the front row and threw flowers at Jing Chengxi.

The flowers thrown by others would fall on the table, but the flowers thrown by him were caught directly by Jing Chengxi.

Jing Chengxi smiled at him holding a flower. Under the brilliant light, that smile was very handsome, warm and alluring.

Although he didn't drink much, Zhan Yi felt drunk.

Jing Chengxi came down from the stage, and the two went to have a few more drinks.Zhan Yi said very little, basically Jing Chengxi was telling him about the chicken coop in the orchard at home and the situation of his eldest sister's factory.

When he left, Zhan Yi was really drunk and couldn't even stand upright. Even if Jing Chengxi sold him, he didn't even know.

When helping people to leave, the old acquaintances in the bar looked at them with understanding eyes, and some people came to stuff Jing Chengxi's pockets, telling him to take it easy.

Just by looking at the expressions of these people, you can tell what they stuffed into his pocket.

There are several hotels nearby, ranging from ordinary business chain hotels to various special hotels. Jing Chengxi was very serious and wanted to find a place to sleep quietly, but in the end, there were no rooms in the two hotels, so he had to live in one A hotel with a theme of fun for couples.

The vulgar pink tone, balloons, roses, and chocolates are essential, the bedding is all pink with tinge, and there is a strong and pungent fragrance in the room.

Of course, these are not the point, the point is that there are all kinds of tools open in a row beside the bed, and Jing Chengxi, who is less knowledgeable, doesn't know what to use.

Forget it, it's not the time to study these things, he's tired after a day of tossing around, so let's wash up and sleep.

There was only one bed in the guest room, and Jing Chengxi fell asleep not long after going to bed.

Both of them slept for a very long time, Zhan Yi woke up first, he was startled by a piece of powder, and when he turned his head to see Jing Chengxi's face close at hand, he was startled again.

He didn't move, didn't wake Jing Chengxi up, just looked at him quietly.

It's impossible not to be tempted by such a handsome and charming person.But life is not only about heartbeat, but also more practical food, clothing and survival. If he had to choose one of the two, he would definitely choose the latter.

He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't even know when Jing Chengxi would open his eyes. When Jing Chengxi's kiss fell softly, he suddenly regained his senses.

Stretching out his hand to push, Jing Chengxi simply grabbed his wrist and pressed him tightly on the bed.

From the initial refusal, to the subsequent acceptance, to the final catering, it took only two to three minutes.

After finishing the work, the two of them took a bath together again. In the dense mist, Jing Chengxi used a bath ball to make bubbles on Zhan Yi's body while whispering in his ear: "If all you want is this, I can accept it. You can find me anytime you need it.”

"You want to stay in the capital?" Zhan Yi asked in surprise.

If Jing Chengxi can stay, then their relationship may not stop there.

Jing Chengxi hugged him from behind, sighed and said: "My home is not here, and my family is not here. I must go home. But if you need me, I can come here at any time."

It's so far away, it takes two days to get there from Tunzi, are we meeting just to sleep?too unrealistic.

Zhan Yi broke free from his embrace, washed himself under the shower and walked out of the bathroom.When Jing Chengxi came out, Zhan Yi had already dressed and looked ready to leave.

"Call me when you're leaving, and I'll see you off," Zhan Yi said to Jing Chengxi.

The meaning was already obvious, Jing Chengxi was rejected again.

Sitting on the bed, Jing Chengxi wiped his hair and said, "I will stay in Kyoto for a few more days, and I will have dinner with you when I have time."

Zhan Yi thought it would take a few days for Jing Chengxi to "have time", but unexpectedly, he saw Jing Chengxi at the door of the company at noon the next day.

Jing Chengxi only sent a message to Zhan Yi when he was in the place, he didn't say that he came here on purpose, he just said that he came here for shopping and stopped by, and asked Zhan Yi to invite him to dinner as a landlord, but Zhan Yi couldn't refuse.

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(End of this chapter)

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