Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 441 Opportunity

Chapter 441 Opportunity
I have been "dropping in" for several days like this, sometimes at noon and sometimes at night, when Zhan Yi's colleagues see Jing Chengxi, he will generously invite them to have dinner together. Most of the colleagues in the company are familiar with each other.

Not only colleagues, but even Zhan Yi's leader had dinner with Jing Chengxi.

The leader and Jing Chengxi turned out to be fellow villagers, and they were very friendly. Later, they made an appointment with Jing Chengxi for a big drink, and they called each other brothers before they finished drinking.

Jing Chengxi took advantage of the alcohol to explain to the leader why he came here.The leader knew about Zhan Yi's situation a long time ago, and he was quite supportive of Jing Chengxi. He felt that it was better for two good guys to be together than to be single or just find one.

The leader acted out of righteousness, and started to find ways to match the two when he turned back. He still spoke well of Jing Chengxi in front of Zhan Yi, and let him come to work in the company after hearing that Jing Chengxi had been wandering around all day without a job in the capital.

Jing Chengxi didn't expect to have such a harvest, so he discussed with Ju Ling whether he should give it a try.

He hesitated because the company didn't need employees like him at all, and it was rather awkward to work there.However, if you go there, you can spend more time with Zhan Yi, isn't that exactly the purpose of his visit this time.

Ju Ling's advice to him was not to go, not because he was afraid that he would be embarrassed if he had nothing to do in the company, but because he felt that Zhan Yi was also a person with a temper, and it might be counterproductive if he pressed so hard.

Jing Chengxi accepted her opinion, and only occasionally went to find Zhan Yi for dinner, and would not take the initiative to bring up some topics that made Zhan Yi uncomfortable.The two get along like friends, at least on the surface.

Zhan Yi's heart is not made of stone, besides, he already had a good impression of Jing Chengxi, but after getting along these days, he was even more shaken.

At this time, Zhan Yi had to go on a business trip to a natural scenic spot to finish shooting a short film, so he had to leave for half a month.

Jing Chengxi has been out for a long time, it would be difficult for him to stay in the capital for another half a month and wait for Zhan Yi to come back.After careful consideration, Jing Chengxi decided to go back first, and come back after a while when the weather is cold and there is less work at home.

From Ju Min and Ju Jing's point of view, Jing Chengxi's tossing and turning was for nothing, he hadn't given up yet, and the two sisters definitely wouldn't say anything, just fully support the decision he made.

Everything in Ju Min's factory is on the right track, the interns have done a good job, Jing Chengxi can't play a role here, so he went back to the village directly and continued to help Ju Jing work up the mountain.

Ju Jing asked him when she was tired from work and rested: "You can earn thousands of dollars a night in a part-time job in Kyoto, but when you go home and work for me, you don't have much money, so you don't have anything else. idea?"

Jing Chengxi didn't think the ground was dirty, he just lay down on the ground, looked at the blue sky and replied: "It's not appropriate to work at home and talk about money."

Ju Jing smiled and patted his chest twice, and said cheerfully: "Don't worry, Xiao Jing, Sister Jing will not treat you badly."

Although the two places are separated, Jing Chengxi and Zhan Yi still keep in touch.

Usually they chat on QQ for a while at night, and at ten o'clock and eleven o'clock they will say "good night" and go to bed.

Jing Chengxi sent a message after eight o'clock that night, but did not get a reply after ten o'clock.

Yesterday he specifically asked Zhan Yi if he would work overtime at night, and Zhan Yi said no, he would be able to return to the hotel in the evening under normal circumstances, so it was impossible not to reply to his messages for so long.

Jing Chengxi was very worried, and after hesitating, he sent a message to Zhan Yi's colleague to inquire about the situation, and the reply he got made his heart ache.

During the day, I was shooting at the top of the scenic spot. Zhan Yi fell off the plank road when I was going down the mountain in the evening. Now the search and rescue team is still looking for someone in the dark.

The plank roads that are usually understood are paths built on cliffs, how dangerous it is to fall from above!

Jing Chengxi couldn't stay for a moment, got up from the bed and called Yin Kaixuan, asking Yin Kaixuan to come back and drive him to Yunhe.

Yin Kaixuan drove him directly to Binjiang in the middle of the night, and he bought a plane ticket and flew straight to the place where Zhan Yi was on a business trip.

Arrive at noon, and then contact Zhan Yi's colleague.

Good news, Zhan Yi has been found and is now receiving treatment in the hospital.

His colleagues didn't say whether Zhan Yi's injury was serious or not. When he took a taxi to the hospital, he couldn't help but think wildly. As a result, when he opened the door of the ward, he saw Zhan Yi sitting on the hospital bed holding a box lunch, and he kept hanging. The longing heart finally fell to the ground.

Under Zhan Yi's shocked gaze, Jing Chengxi came over with a few strides and hugged him tightly for a long time.

The colleague didn't make it clear that the plank road where Zhan Yi fell was not high from the ground, and he didn't fall straight down, but rolled down. The danger was far less serious than a straight fall.The reason why the search is difficult is because it is an undeveloped area of ​​the scenic spot, and even if you go in to save people, you have to get approval, which is troublesome.

After the plane landed, he contacted his colleagues, but the colleagues didn't mention Zhan Yi's injury, which made Jing Chengxi feel that Zhan Yi was seriously injured.In fact, Zhan Yi had quite a few scratches and bruises on his body, but none of them were serious problems. The biggest injury was a broken calf, which was a blessing in misfortune.

Jing Chengxi didn't sleep all night, and was worried all the time, exhausting his energy a lot. After making sure that Zhan Yi was fine, he squeezed into the narrow hospital bed and fell asleep.

After Zhan Yi finished his boxed lunch, he looked at Jing Chengxi who was lying beside him with a haggard face and unshaven beard, his heart that was already a little shaken already melted.

With Jing Chengxi taking care of him, Zhan Yi's colleagues feel relieved to go back to work.

When Zhan Yi could be discharged from the hospital, where to go next became a big problem.

Being discharged from the hospital does not mean that he can take care of himself, and his legs cannot touch the ground, so he must be taken care of in his life.So what Jing Chengxi meant was to take him home first, back to Xiaofuqiangtun, and return to the capital when he recovered from his injuries.

However, Zhan Yi felt that this was too much trouble for others, and he and Ju Jingshu were only in contact at work, so it seemed inappropriate to go to others to recuperate their injuries.

In the end, it was Jing Chengxi who convinced Zhan Yi.

He told Zhan Yi: "I am the Ju family, and the Ju family is my home. What's the problem if I bring my good friend here to recuperate? If you don't treat me as a friend, just pretend I didn't say these words."

Even slept through, Jing Chengxi also because he ran all the way here and took care of him in the hospital for so many days, now he is too cheap to say that he is not a friend.

Jing Chengxi bought a sleeper train ticket, and when he arrived in Binjiang City, Yin Kaixuan drove to pick him up, and he went home without too much trouble.

What Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei meant was for Zhan Yi to live at home, where the house would be quiet and convenient for him to recuperate from his injuries.

Jing Chengxi was afraid that he would feel awkward, so he let him live in his own room in the hotel.

During the day, when Jing Chengxi went to work in the field, he could ask Brother Long for help if he needed anything. Naturally, Jing Chengxi took care of him at night.

On the second day after Jing Chengxi arrived home, he was pulled into the group of the three sisters of the Ju family. The three sisters brainstormed ways to help him find a way to take Zhan Yi down while he was recuperating!

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(End of this chapter)

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