Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 442 Decoy

Chapter 442 Decoy
The result of the discussion was that Ju Jing took the lead to explore Zhan Yi's bottom line.

There are many things that Zhan Yi may not tell Jing Chengxi, but if Ju Jing asks, he may say.

Zhan Yi is obviously older than Ju Jing, but Ju Jing makes people call her "Sister Jing" just like Xiao Jing.

She dared to ask, and Zhan Yi really dared to ask.

"Sister Jing, aren't you busy today?" Zhan Yi asked tactfully.

How could it be possible not to be busy when the fruits were being fruited? Ju Jing didn't hide anything, and said directly: "There is a lot of work, and it won't be finished in a while, but the things between you and Xiaojing are more important."

"Us? We're fine." Zhan Yi was still stubborn.

Ju Jing smiled and said: "Stop playing with your sister Jing, he will take you home if there is nothing to do? You won't follow if there is nothing to do! Xiao Jing has 1 thoughts in his heart He didn't say anything, and my sister was worried for him, so I decided to chat with you on my own, and wanted to know your thoughts."

"Xiaojing is a very nice person. If he is willing to go to Kyoto, maybe we have a chance. But if it's in a different place" everyone is a sensible person, and they can't stop talking.

Ju Jing nodded clearly, quite understanding of him.

Long-distance relationship, it is really difficult to stick to it, or this kind of long-distance relationship with no end in sight and no future, and it is really unrealistic to think about it for a long time.

"If I were you, I would definitely think the same way, so I don't advise you to accept Xiaojing, let's just chat casually." Ju Jing sighed and said, "Xiaojing doesn't want to leave home to go to Kyoto, so I don't I will advise you to give up your career in Kyoto and come to us, so you don’t have to feel pressured. I just want to know what plans you have for the future, not emotional, let’s talk about career.”

Zhan Yi really didn't expect Ju Jing to talk about his career with him.

Where does this begin?He has always taken one step at a time in his career, and has no long-term plans at all.

He said frankly: "I quite like the work of network planning, and I have already figured out some ways. Several social accounts under our company's name are very popular. If we continue to do it, it will definitely get better and better."

It is the company that is getting better and better, not himself.

Ju Jing got to the point right away and asked him if he had any expectations for future salary and position.

Zhan Yi said that he hasn't thought about it yet. His salary is not high now, but his normal living expenses are enough.

Ju Jing thief persuaded with a sister-like tone and earnestness: "You can't live like this for a day. If you don't have foresight, you will have immediate worries. You still have to have a long-term plan. Just talk about me, don't look at me every day. Staying in villages and hillsides, I actually have a lot of ideas about the future."

Zhan Yi didn't know why she suddenly talked about her future plans. Out of respect, he didn't interrupt Ju Jing and listened to her continue.

"I have always believed that the Internet is a treasure, and I have been using the Internet to develop my business in the past few years. I will definitely invest more time and energy in this area in the future. But me, you know, I always have typos in my blog posts There are also bad sentences, after all, I have suffered from culture, so I plan to find someone to help me manage these online accounts and help me promote my offline business on the Internet, what do you think?"

Zhan Yi stared blankly at Ju Jing, wondering what she meant.

Zhan Yi can do all the things she wants to find someone to do, and he will do it very well.

It is very delicate to say these things at this time, and I always feel that Ju Jing is throwing bait.

In fact, that's what she meant.

It is true that she wants to find someone to take care of her social and video website accounts, and it is true that she wants Zhan Yi to help her do these things, but it is Zhan Yi who makes the final decision, and she will definitely not force others to agree.

While it is convenient for myself, it also gives Zhan Yi another choice, which can be regarded as a plan that meets both needs.Of course, in her opinion, it is the best of both worlds, but it is not sure whether it is true for Zhan Yi.

"Don't be burdened. After all, people live for themselves in this life. It's most important to stick to your own ideas. You rest, I'm going to work. Don't stay in the house all the time during the day, let Brother Long pushed you out to bask in the sun," Ju Jing said with a smile when Zhan Yi remained silent.

After this conversation, Zhan Yi thought carefully for several days, but did not make a decision.

No one around forced him to do anything, so if he can't make up his mind for the time being, let's not think about it, and think about it when his legs are almost better.

Ju Jing has seen his performance these days, and has judgment in her heart.

"I think he will choose Xiaojing." Ju Jing sent a message among the four people: "Choosing Xiaojing is equivalent to grasping both career and love. If he refuses Xiaojing to return to Kyoto, he will give up love. It's not worthwhile."

Ju Min felt that she was too optimistic, and things must not be that simple.Ju Ling also stood on Ju Min's side, thinking that Xiao Jing Zhanyi was most likely to be BE.

The three of them were chatting happily, when Jing Chengxi interjected: "Elder sister, Miss Jing, don't care, have you forgotten that I'm still in the group? Do you think it's appropriate to talk about my love to death like this?"

Not good not good very bad, the three sisters felt bad, so the group leader Ju Jing kicked Jing Chengxi out.Don't chat in front of Jing Chengxi, so that everyone is at ease.

Kyung Seung Hee:
The aggrieved Jing Chengxi complained to Yin Kaixuan, and also begged Yin Kaixuan to take him in, and pulled him into the group of the three sons-in-law.

Yin Kaixuan Bei Er flatly refused.This is the uncle's group, Jing Chengxi, a godson, is here to join in the fun, maybe he is an undercover agent sent by the three sisters, he must not be dragged into the group.

Kyung Seung Hee:
Xiaojing was suffering in his heart, but no one told him, it was really pitiful.

Having said that, why are Yin Kaixuan and his three sons-in-law afraid of Jing Chengxi being an undercover agent?
Did they do something wrong behind the three sisters' backs?

Of course not.

In fact, they don't chat often when they have nothing to do, and they always ask the other two for advice when they have something to do, all for the sake of maintaining family harmony.

Recently, Qiao Jue is the one who is bubbling up more frequently in the group.

He wanted to buy a house in Kyoto and wanted to discuss it with Ju Ling, but Ju Ling found it troublesome and let him figure it out.Even if he was right about such a big matter, he would always mutter, so he often came to the group to discuss it with Peng Yan and Yin Kaixuan.

Yin Kaixuan bought the most houses, but he didn't give many useful opinions, because he bought houses for rent and appreciation, not for his own living. The factors considered by Qiao Jue were different when buying a house.

Peng Yan also bought a few houses, but he can't give any advice, because the house purchase policies are different in different places. This place is more relaxed, and the other side of Kyoto is stricter.

People who get married think more, and the properties they buy have stricter requirements in terms of room type, location, surrounding environment, etc.Although he and Ju Ling have no children yet, they must be taken into consideration when buying a house, and this alone is enough for Qiao Jue.

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(End of this chapter)

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