Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 443 Good News

Chapter 443 Good News

Ju Ling also wants to help choose a house, but she is too busy and really has no time.

I told Qiao Jue to put the matter of buying a house aside until they were not so busy, but Qiao Jue said to her: "Now the house price is so high, the sooner you buy it, the more cost-effective it will be."

It's really not that Qiao Jue likes to plan. Buying a house is not a small sum of ten or eight yuan. It is a big money that many people may not be able to save in their lifetime.For a person like Qiao Jue who earns a fixed salary, buying a house is a big deal, because maybe he will buy this one in his life, and every penny spent is worth it.

Qiao Jue is busy with work and buying a house, while Ju Ling is busy with studies and writing.

This semester, Ju Ling has completed her second degree and has to take various certificate exams. Every day is full of schedules, and sometimes she has to attend classes on weekends. The number of times she goes home to see Qiao Jue has decreased.

The other three people in the dormitory are similar to Ju Ling, and they hardly see anyone except in class and sleeping.

Whenever she was sleepy and tired and had a lot of unwritten homework and no updates, Ju Ling would grit her teeth and say "teachers are liars" in frustration.When I was in junior high school, the teacher said that as long as I was admitted to No. [-] Middle School, I could go to university. After I entered high school, the teacher said that it would be easy to study hard for three years.

Where is it easy?Obviously more tired than when I was in high school.

That night she received a call from Ran Yuqing.After repeating her studies for a year, the girl was finally admitted to university, and she and her family were quite satisfied.

She called not because she had something to do, but because it was too boring to do nothing!
There are eight people in Ran Yuqing's dormitory, no one wakes up for breakfast when there is no class in the morning, almost all stay in the dormitory except for class.Some people watch dramas, some read novels, and some do cross-stitch. Anyway, no one goes to the library to study.

"How did you survive your freshman year? I'm going to die of boredom!" Ran Yuqing said in a long voice.

Ju Ling: .
She told Ran Yuqing the truth, but Ran Yuqing still didn't believe it.

"Are you talking nonsense, you are still studying like this after you are in college? I contacted several classmates and they all said they are not busy, why are you so busy!"

Forget it, don't believe it if you don't believe it, she has to keep busy whether others know or not.

Hanging up the phone after chatting a few words, Ju Ling sighed at the screen of the notebook.

A few days ago, the editor talked to her about the publication of the new book. She wanted to revise the previous content while keeping it updated, and publish it in separate volumes, which would increase her income a lot.

They wanted to buy a house, and the down payment required a lot of money. She made a lot of money, so she couldn't put all the pressure on Qiao Jue.

Ordinary people live to cope with this kind of pressure. Compared with most people, they are actually pretty good.

It is said that "you can become a master when you suffer hardships." There are so many people who endure hardships, how many people really become masters?The vast majority are just struggling at the bottom, barely making ends meet.

Ju Ling knows that she is already very lucky, so she hardly complains to others.Try hard to create what you want, what you get is the harvest, even if you don’t get it, you can gain experience. People always have to look forward positively, and it’s nothing to be tired.

Ju Ling's busyness has paid off. In mid-October, the book she was serializing was recommended by the website to participate in a national, relatively authoritative, and well-known literary competition.

It doesn't matter whether she wins an award or not, being shortlisted is already a great encouragement and affirmation to her.

Ju Ling immediately shared the good news with the eldest sister and the second sister. Of course, the two sisters were very happy for her, and they said a lot of good things without money.

In fact, not only Ju Ling has good news, but also Ju Min.

Ju Min and her factory were featured on Yunhe TV Station.Eight minutes of the 10-minute local evening news was devoted to introducing her and the factory.

Of course, Ju Min informed Ju Wenqi of this kind of face-saving thing. After knowing the specific broadcast time, Ju Wenqi almost used the loudspeaker in the village to tell everyone in the village to watch it.

After the news was broadcast, everyone who saw Ju Wenqi would praise him, no matter whether he praised him or his daughter, he was happy. Lelehehe didn't close his mouth for several days.

Ju Ling was very puzzled, why didn't the elder sister tell her such a good thing earlier, why did she wait until the broadcast was over.

Ju Min explained that it was because the capital couldn't receive Yunhe's channel, and she would only be anxious if she said it, so it's better not to say it, and let her do what she should be busy with.

After exchanging good news about each other, Ju Ling asked Ju Jingjing Chengxi and Zhan Yi what progress they had made.

Of course there has been no substantial progress, the two of them are still the same as before, but Zhan Yi's life here is obviously much more fulfilling than when he first came here.

Jing Chengxi was afraid that he would be bored in the restaurant all day long, so he sent him home during the day and let him play computer games.

Ju Jing felt that they were all facing the computer anyway, and the games were not fun, so it was better to help her with some work.She gave him the videos and pictures she had taken, and asked him to look at the pictures or watch the videos to talk and write blog posts, so that Ju Jing could relax even if he had something to do.

Zhan Yi is a professional in this area, and he does it very smoothly.He imitated Ju Jing's writing style to create, and he was able to guarantee the speed and quality of updates, and the effect was very good.

"I think he is quite interested in giving me a job. I'll wait for him to take the initiative to talk to me."

"This is good news. If they really succeed, you will definitely be credited with it. Don't talk about them, second sister, how are you doing recently? Are you busy?" Ju Ling also cared about her second sister.

Speaking of herself, Ju Jing has a stomach full of complaints.

After autumn, she will be very busy.

First, a batch of chickens are transported away, followed by fruiting.The high-end restaurant ordered a batch of fruits, but Ju Jing packed the rest and sent them to netizens.Just these messy things make her busy and tired.

Before it was over, the autumn harvest of each household was coming to an end, and she found that many households in the large area she owned were threshing directly in the field, leaving all the bean sprouts, corn sprouts, and corn squeezers on the ground. inside.

These things can't rot at all in one winter, and they have to be pulled out of the field before planting next spring.

It's so old, it can't be done in a day or two, and she has to hire someone to find a way to pull it all out of the ground now!

Ju Jing never thought about the problem of straw disposal when she was enclosing the land. Now that the problem arises, it is impossible for her to spend so much manpower and financial resources every year to solve the problem. She has to think of a way to solve the fundamental problem.

For this reason, she also made a special phone call with Wang Yalei to ask Wang Yalei for more scientific treatment methods.

As a result, Wang Yalei told her that so far, there is no single way to completely digest the straw except incineration, and a combination of multiple methods must be used to deal with it.The method he recommends is to first select straw as feed, and the remaining straw is crushed and sprinkled into the field for composting.

Whether it is feed or fertilizer, the processing process requires capital investment.

In other words, Ju Jing is going to spend money again!

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(End of this chapter)

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