Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 445 Moved

Chapter 445 Moved
Zhang Yongmei was annoyed by her moaning, so she told the truth.

On the one hand, Xiaojing and Zhan Yi couldn't be kicked out, and on the other hand, it was because of an event that actually happened.

In the turbulent years earlier, a few urbanites who did not know what they had done wrong were sent to the brigade at San Fatzi Village.Among them was a tall, thin guy who was very special. He hardly had contact with people in the village, and the people who came with him ignored him.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. After a while, almost everyone knows why that person is so withdrawn.

He used to be a teacher in a middle school, but was sued by his colleagues that he had that kind of relationship with a man. The incident was quite serious, and after several twists and turns, he was sent here.

Although he is not yet 30 years old, he can already see his head in the future, and there is almost no possibility of turning over again.There is no way out in the countryside, let alone whether he can go back to the city, even if he can go back, he will not even think about returning to his previous life.

Later that man died, freezing to death in the snow, very pitiful.The brigade notified his family to deal with the funeral, but no one from his family came, so the brigade just found a random place to bury him.

Almost all the older people in the nearby villages knew about it, and Zhang Yongmei and Ju Wenqi naturally knew about it too, but everyone thought it was too shabby, and it would be dirty to say it from their own mouths, so almost no one Bring it up again, even now the young children don't know about it.

"I also talked to that person. He was a very good person. He didn't do anything harmful and just left. After leaving, even his family members were not willing to take the corpse. Thinking about it, it's poor." Zhang Yongmei became popular Eyes, sighed and said: "When Xiaojing told us about this, I thought that no matter what, I couldn't force the child to a corner. It's not easy for Xiaojing these years. We can't make him better. Can't make it worse for him."

Zhang Yongmei's idea is actually very simple. It doesn't matter who the three girls and Xiao Jing live with, what matters is whether they can live a good life.Just like when they knew that Ju Min and Lin Dezhi were not doing well after they got married, they would firmly stand on Ju Min's side and support the older girl's divorce.

Of course, Ju Wenqi's thoughts are somewhat different from Zhang Yongmei's.

Ju Wenqi is a face-saving person who thinks more than Zhang Yongmei.

He was afraid that the people in the village would know about Jing Chengxi and Zhan Yi's affairs and say bad things about Xiao Jing and the others behind his back, and even bad things about him. This was something he couldn't accept, so he asked Xiao Jing and Zhan Yi to watch out Some, don't let outsiders know about them.

Ju Jing thinks that Ju Wenqi's behavior is a bit too much. People who don't like Xiaojing will speak bad things about them behind their backs, no matter whether there is something about Xiaojing or not.

She wanted to have a good chat with Ju Wenqi, but was stopped by Yin Kaixuan.

Yin Kaixuan said to her: "One person has one idea. It's very good that a person with such a good face like your father can do this. It's impossible for him to have the same idea with you right away. Take your time."

Later, when Ju Jing talked about this with the elder sisters and younger sisters in the QQ group, Ju Min and Ju Ling also advised her not to be so harsh on her father. Ju Wenqi has really done a very good job.If it was someone else's house, let alone accepting Zhan Yi, maybe Jing Chengxi, an outsider, would not be able to live so comfortably in his own house in the first place.

After Jing Chengxi and Zhan Yi officially got together, there were still some changes at home. First of all, where they lived was a problem.

The hotel room is a large kang, and if someone comes to play in the future, they will live here. It is not suitable for the two of them to have a private space.

At home, there is a big kang on the outside connected to a small kang on the inside, with a sliding door in the middle.Ju Wenqi and his wife lived in the big kang, and the three sisters lived in the small kang, and there was no place for Xiaojing and Zhanyi.

Jing Chengxi and Zhan Yi themselves hadn't thought about this issue carefully yet, so the Ju family started worrying for them.

Ju Jing also thought of a problem, Zhan Yi's work is inseparable from the Internet, so it is best for him to live at home, with access to the Internet and a computer, and he can do any urgent work at night.

In the end, it turned out that Ju Wenqi and his wife made a concession. They went to live in a hotel and gave up their big house to Xiaojing and Zhan Yi!

"Next year in the spring when it gets warmer, the house will be remodeled again, and the west room will be tidied up and put on the kang. Our old couple will live in the west room. Let's deal with it this winter," Ju Wenqi said to everyone.

The Ju family used to have kangs in the east and west houses. Later, in order to save one kang and save some firewood, the whole family slept in one house. The kang in the vacant house was used to store sundries. If you clean it up It can really live with people.

Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei felt that they couldn't do anything for their children, so it was nothing to make room for them.But it was this trivial matter in their eyes that both Jing Chengxi and Zhan Yi were moved to tears.

Especially Zhan Yi, who was embarrassed to cry in front of so many people, forced himself on crutches to sit outside and cry on the ground.

It's really not easy for the young man, because he broke up with his family because of his own affairs, and hasn't contacted him for many years. I really didn't expect to get the warmth of home and the care of relatives here at Ju's family.

Although they were embarrassed, they didn't want to disappoint the couple's kindness, so they moved in. During the rest of the winter and summer vacations, as long as outsiders don't come and Ju Jing and Yin Kaixuan don't come back to live, they can enjoy the world of two!

When everyone is satisfied, Ju Wenqi can always pick out some faults.

He thought the roof of his house was too old and unsightly after years of wind and rain, so he wanted to replace it with new iron tiles.If you change it at home, you must change it at the hotel.

It’s not warm in the Northeast in November, so it’s not really suitable for this job, but Ju Wenqi really can’t wait to change it next year, besides, the young people at home must be very busy next year, how can I have time to change the roof, why not take advantage of it now It was changed before it was too cold to go out.

He remembered that as soon as he came out, he asked Yin Kaixuan to drive him to the town to buy materials that day.

He was optimistic that the materials would be delivered to his door. While waiting for the materials to arrive, Ju Wenqi turned his legs to find someone to help. Replacing the roof of a house is a big project, and the people in the family must be too busy.

If you want someone to help you, you have to take care of the food. It happened that there was half a piece of pork left over from the wedding in the first two days.

On the day of the real work, many people who Ju Wenqi hadn’t called came to help. They were so many and powerful, and they replaced the roofs of the two houses in less than a day. They had a big meal in the evening, and those who love to drink People drank until after eight o'clock in the evening before wandering home.

Everyone in the village was willing to work for Ju Laosan's family for no other reason than because Ju Laosan's family had good food and enough wine like a banquet.

No matter what the reason is, as long as it is lively, as long as someone lifts it up, Ju Wenqi will be happy.

Ju Laosan's family lived in harmony and harmony, but the other members of Ju's family did not live as happily as Ju Laosan's family.

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(End of this chapter)

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