Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 446 Bad Things

Chapter 446 Bad Things
Cai Meiyu fell ill, very suddenly.

In the morning, he got up to cook well, but at ten o'clock in the morning he was complaining about being uncomfortable. Ju Wenlin didn't take it seriously, and at eleven o'clock he was already lying on the kang and couldn't get up.

Ju Wenlin started to get scared, and immediately called the eldest son and the second son over to take Cai Meiyu to the hospital.

Cai Meiyu's situation is very bad at first glance. It is not acceptable to designate a small hospital. It is better to send her directly to Yunhe Hospital or Binjiang City Hospital in one step.But Cai Meiyu's two good sons were afraid that going to a big hospital would cost too much and send them to the township health center.

What is the medical level of the township health center?The biggest surgery that can be done is appendicitis surgery, and many checks cannot be done. They can't see a situation like Cai Meiyu at all.

After tossing around, I still have to send the person to a big hospital.The doctor at the health center suggested sending him to the hospital in Binjiang City. Ju Wenlin felt that his family had no acquaintance in Binjiang City, and there were no doctors or nurses he knew in the hospital. He was afraid that he would not treat his wife wholeheartedly, so he asked his two sons to send him to the hospital. cloud river.

A close relative of Cai Meiyu's natal family worked as a nurse at Yunhe Hospital. She tried her best to get in touch with her, and got in with a lot of favors. As a result, the doctor did her best to rescue Cai Meiyu without using relatives to intervene from the beginning to the end. return.

Cai Meiyu is getting old, and her body is not in good shape. This time, she is obviously not as good as before.This is not as good as before, not only physically, but also mentally.

After leaving the hospital and returning home, people in the village went to see her with canned fruits and other things. They all said that Cai Meiyu was stupid, and they couldn't respond to talking to her for a long time, and would suddenly say something inexplicably, No one knew what she was going to say.

Both Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei were hesitant to go and see her. Although there had been so much unhappiness and the two families had no contact with each other now, it was an obvious matter. If they were not careful, there would always be people who would make irresponsible remarks. Neither Ju Wenqi nor his wife wanted to be told.

Ju Jing said to the couple: "Then you go and have a look, just bring a broiler chicken and an egg, go and sit down and come back, no one can make a difference."

Ju Jing, who has always been jealous of evil, is so kind?Of course not, she actually wanted to know if the rumors were true, and asked her parents to find out.

Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei didn't know Ju Jing's small plan, they just listened to her and took things to see Cai Meiyu.

After returning, Zhang Yongmei couldn't help but tsk-tsk and said: "I saw her pretty well before, how come I went to the hospital and she became like this. Her hair is messed up and her clothes are not decent, and she eats and drinks under the quilt. But I can’t see it anywhere.”

Cai Meiyu is a very clean person, if she is still mentally healthy, she will definitely not be able to stand being so sloppy.

"Didn't her two daughters-in-law and her own daughter go to serve her?" Ju Jing asked wonderingly.

It's fine if the gentlemen are careless and can't serve well, but the daughter-in-law, granddaughter-in-law and daughter-in-law can't take good care of them, right?

Speaking of this, Zhang Yongmei sighed again, and said: "It's not that we haven't seen a good daughter-in-law. Your aunt didn't catch up. The daughter-in-law can't wait to hide far away, and the granddaughter-in-law can just send food, don't I don’t care about anything else. I just lean forward to serve the girl, but Ju Bo can’t keep up with running around alone, there must be some places where the service is not in place.”

Ju Jing looked at the problem from a rather strange angle, and when Zhang Yongmei finished speaking, she curled her lips and smiled, and said, "Did you see that, the critical moment still depends on the girl, and my son can't count on it at all."

Ju Wenqi felt that what she said was wrong.

"If you don't have a son, your aunt can't even go to the hospital, so you still have to rely on your son."

"Yes, yes, you are right, rely on your son. Then when you have something to do in the future, you can wait at home. Anyway, there is no son to send you to the hospital. The girl must not count on it!" Ju Jing hurriedly shot back.

Ju Wenqi made her angry enough, thanks to Zhang Yongmei's persuasion from the middle, otherwise the father and daughter would have to fight again.

In fact, filial piety is not filial, whether you can count on it has nothing to do with gender, it still depends on the person.The son brought up by Ju Wenlin and Cai Meiyu just can't be counted on, so where can he justify it?

When Cai Meiyu was still in the hospital and did not come back, something happened to Ju Ying's family.

Juying's daughter-in-law was born, a girl.

Although they failed to embrace their grandson as they wished, they finally had a grandson. Ju Ying and Zhu Yunping were very happy.

The daughter-in-law wants to go back to her natal home for confinement and let her mother take care of the confinement.

It was originally a matter of peace of mind for Ju Ying, but Ju Ying didn't appreciate it, and insisted on taking her daughter-in-law and big fat granddaughter back to her home, saying that the members of their old Zhu's family had to stay at Lao Zhu's house and go back to her mother's house to spread the word It doesn't sound good, if the natal mother is really worried, she will come and serve her.

My natal mother also has a temper, the main reason is that her family background is not bad and she stands up straight in front of Ju Ying, so she just got into a fight with Ju Ying.

In those few days, Ju Ying went to the hospital every day, not to see her daughter-in-law and granddaughter, but to quarrel with her in-laws.

She rushed to fight to win, but they didn't want to quarrel with her. They just wanted to take the girl and granddaughter home and take good care of them, so as not to suffer confinement illness.

The natal mother is really not easy to mess with, and Ju Ying made her anxious, so she hit her directly and hit Ju Ying!

Really hit.

Many people in the village saw Ju Ying limping back with a bruised nose and swollen face that day.

Ju Ying felt ashamed, so she pulled Zhu Yunping to support her, and went to the hospital to find her in-laws to settle accounts, but the woman's family directly showed their hole cards - if you can't pass, leave, whoever likes to make trouble.

The woman’s family background is good and her job is good. At the beginning, Ju Ying often boasted to the outside world that his son would find a good wife. She was reluctant to divorce her. Just bluffing.

There are so many good people in the village, can you not see her routine?The person she had stepped on before took the opportunity to step back, and when they saw her, they asked the fat granddaughter why she went to her grandma's house and didn't come to her grandma's house, and whether her son was going to be a door-to-door son-in-law.

It was really a sentence inserted into her lung tube, and she quarreled with others several times a day, and Zhu Yunping dared not let her go out because of the quarrel.She can't stay idle even if she doesn't go out, she quarrels with Zhu Yunping at home, scolds her in-laws for being shameless, scolds her own daughter Zhu Yuping for being unfilial, as if everyone in the world is sorry for her.

What happened to Brother Ju and Younger Sister Ju was already lively enough, but compared to what happened to Ju's second son, it's really nothing to mention!
This time it was Ju Changjie who had the accident.

He used to drive a tricycle to pull people in Yunhe, and he and his wife worked hard to save some money to buy a car.As long as he makes money, he will run in Yunhe City and surrounding areas.People are hardworking people, but unfortunately the idea is not very good, the car hits people!
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(End of this chapter)

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