Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 447 Borrowing Money

Chapter 447 Borrowing Money
The car accident happened on the way from Yunhe to Binjiang.

In the early years, there was no expressway between Yunhe and Binjiang, and there was no need to pay tolls for commuting. Later, when the expressway was built, there was a toll. Many people took detours to save money.

There is no charge for the small road, but it is not easy to walk. There are a few sections that are narrow and potholed, and accidents are easy to happen.

Ju Changjie hit a middle-aged woman in her 40s on such a section of the road.

That woman was miserable, she walked to a girl's house far away to give her millet to save a few dollars in fare, and she was hit by Ju Changjie's car when she was walking on the road, and she threw her hand back when she fell to the ground. Holding the bag tightly, it's a pity that there is a cut in the bottom of the bag, and there are millet sprinkles everywhere.

Ju Changjie is a criminal offense and will be prosecuted by the judiciary.

Based on Ju Changjie's situation, the lawyer deduced that he could be sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment of less than three years. If he can actively compensate the victim's family and get the understanding of the other party, he may be sentenced to a suspended sentence!
Tongying went to discuss compensation with the victim's family.

That family is all honest peasants, and the family is not very rich, and there is a 24-year-old son who has never married a wife because he has no money.

Tongying started from this aspect, persuading the other party to accept the reconciliation, and giving the son money to marry a wife, and the woman's death was not in vain.

The woman's husband has soft ears and is a little wimpy.He thought that since his daughter-in-law was gone, he might as well ask for more money so that his son could live a better life.

He gritted his teeth cruelly and asked for 20.

Tong Ying couldn't come up with 20 yuan, so he called Zhao Fen and asked Zhao Fen if he still wanted this son, and if he still had this son in his heart, he would give him some money.

Although she has been hurt time and time again by her sons, and has said several times that she wants to sever ties with her sons, when it comes time for her son to be in trouble, Zhao Fen still can't let go.

Zhao Fen discussed with his current wife, Uncle Hu, and decided to give Tongying 3 yuan.

3 yuan is not too much in front of 20 yuan, but it is not a small amount of money for Zhao Fen and Uncle Hu, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is their pension money.

Tongying is less thoughtful than Jiang Xiaofei and she is easy to talk about. She is quite content with getting 3 yuan when the relationship is so tense, and she doesn't entangle Zhao Fen too much.

With her like this, Zhao Fen felt even more uncomfortable.

She called Tongying several times to ask if she had raised enough money, but she never got any good news.

Zhao Fen is in a hurry.

If her eldest son goes in, what will his grandson do?
The children of Ju Changjie and Tongying are in the third year of junior high school this year, which is the critical period for preparing for the high school entrance examination. If they fail the exam because of Ju Changjie's affairs, it will not delay the rest of their lives.

Uncle Hu couldn't bear to see whether his wife was eating or drinking well, so he secretly went to his daughter's house to borrow money from his daughter and son-in-law.

Uncle Hu's daughter and son-in-law originally disapproved of Uncle Hu being with Zhao Fen, and now they want to borrow money for Zhao Fen's family affairs, so it must not be possible.

The news did not know how to spread, and Zhao Fen also knew about Uncle Hu's borrowing money.She felt very sorry for Uncle Hu in her heart, thinking that even if she wanted to borrow money, it should be her who should borrow it or not, should her wife borrow it.

Who can she borrow from?Naturally, people like the Ju family.

I went to borrow it from Ju Wenlin and his wife, but it turned out that Cai Meiyu was sick and hospitalized and spent a lot of money, and she couldn't even open her mouth.

It's not easy for her as an elder to borrow from the juniors below, and the only ones who can open their mouths are Ju Ying and Ju Wenqi.

She went to find Juying first.

Ju Yingzheng was annoyed by the fact that her daughter-in-law and eldest granddaughter went to her in-laws' house, and her words were like taking gunpowder. Zhao Fen said a sentence and she said a hundred words, not only refused to borrow money, but also buried Zhao Fen.

Lowering his head to borrow money, even if he was buried, he couldn't pay back, so Zhao Fen had to swallow his grievances.

She finally came to Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei, thinking that Ju's family was doing well, so it would be no problem to borrow one hundred and eighty thousand.

She really dared to think about paying back one hundred and eighty thousand. In recent years, Ju Laosan's family has earned a lot and spent a lot. The big girls are all carrying loans. Even if Ju Laosan and his wife have money, they definitely can't borrow it. Outsiders, if they need money at any time, they may not be able to get back the money they borrowed.

In this matter, neither Ju Wenqi nor Zhang Yongmei was confused, and whoever kisses who is farther knows in their hearts.

Zhao Fen cried and cried in front of them for a long time, and the price dropped from 1 to [-], which made it difficult for Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei.

It was also a coincidence that Ju Jing came back from working in the bank, and after getting a general understanding of what was going on, she put a stack of materials in front of Zhao Fen, and said cheerfully and politely: "Second Aunt, this is my application for a loan. Various materials. Do you know how much money I borrowed from the bank? This number"

Ju Jing stretched out three fingers and shook in front of Zhao Fen, and continued: "I don't know when I will pay back the money. My parents can't even take care of me as a real girl. They just don't care about other people's sons." I can't even care about it."

Zhao Fen is a smart person, of course she understood what Ju Jing meant.

Coming out of the Ju's restaurant, Zhao Fen suddenly understood what it was like when Ju's family was in trouble and their family went door to door asking for money.

It is so hard to borrow money from someone who has never done anything wrong and has always been frank, let alone someone who has a bad reputation for bullying others.

She also thought about what she should think about, but she really had no choice but to hope that Tongying could raise enough money to compensate others.

When the first heavy snow fell after the beginning of winter, good news finally came from Tongying. She finally put together the money together and obtained the understanding of the victim's family. Ju Changjie's case ushered in a major turning point. .

After this incident, the relationship between Zhao Fen and the eldest son's family eased a lot, which she never expected.

No matter how caring her halfway wife is, she is not as good as the flesh that fell from her body, Zhao Fen also has a steelyard in her heart, her two sons are more important than her later wife.

Whether it is serious or not is Zhao Fen's business, and it has nothing to do with Ju Laosan's family.

Ju Laosan and his wife have been very busy recently, and after the busy farming season, more weddings began to be held.In order to attract more people to Ju's Restaurant to hold wedding events, Yin Kaixuan also released the news that as long as they make a reservation to hold a banquet at Ju's Restaurant, the hotel will provide a wedding car for the bride and groom.

Who in all directions doesn't know that his car is expensive. If you get married and can find such an expensive car as your wedding car, it will be a matter of face. Just because of this, some people are willing to come to Ju's restaurant for weddings.

When there are feasts, Yin Kaixuan will be the driver to pick up and drop off newcomers. When there are no banquets, Yin Kaixuan will help with the work on the hillside. He is the busiest person in the whole family.

Who is the second busiest?It's not Jing Chengxi or Ju Jing, but Zhan Yi!

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(End of this chapter)

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