Chapter 448

Not only is Zhan Yi good at networking, but he is also much better at taking pictures and videos than Ju Jing.

More importantly, he has a strong purpose in doing things.

Take photos and videos for example. Ju Jing usually shoots whatever she has, and then edits the text based on the photos and videos she has taken when she goes back to organize.

This is not the case for Zhan Yi. He always thinks about the theme, and then shoots things around the theme, so that the blog posts he writes will be richer and more attractive.

Zhan Yi found that the development of video websites has been very rapid in recent years. During this process, no one can predict which website will grow and which one will be eliminated. In order to seize the opportunity, he discussed with Ju Jing and decided to cast a wide net. Forget about any platform.

With Zhan Yi helping with the planning and taking pictures and videos, Ju Jing felt a lot easier, and could devote more time and energy to the construction of her own farm.

When the weather turns cold, Ju Jing also has a lot of work.

A lot of netizens in the south asked her if she could come to play during the winter vacation. Ju Jing released the news based on her own reception capacity. She can receive ten to twenty friends during the winter vacation. Anyone who wants to come here can sign up.

As soon as the news came out, more than 40 people signed up in less than an hour. Ju Jing directly picked the top [-] and set a specific time with these people.

With such a long winter, we can actually receive more people, but Ju Jing doesn’t want everyone to be too tired. It’s been a year since I’ve been busy, so I should give everyone a good rest before and after the Spring Festival.

In order to let the netizens come and have fun, Ju Jing also asked Ju Wenqi to build a few luxury ice carts, so that everyone can go skating together.

Ju Wenqi still remembered Ju Jing's grudge against him earlier, he procrastinated and refused to agree, and later made a request that he would only make ice carts if Ju Jing begged him.

Zhang Yongmei rolled her eyes at him when she said he did it, but Ju Wenqi didn't take it seriously at all, and said to Zhang Yongmei in a reasonable way: "You have to pay someone to do the work. I don't want her money, so let her say a few words." No good words are enough? Why are you so partial. "

The eccentric Zhang Yongmei didn't find it difficult to be caught between her wife and the girl. She persuaded each of them if she had the time to spare, and didn't care about anyone if she didn't have the time.After so many years, she has also seen that this is how the father and daughter get along with each other. It really makes them feel uncomfortable when they get along with each other in harmony every day.

If you ask someone to say something nice and don't need money, then there's nothing you can't say.

Ju Jing can bend and stretch, and she really went to beg Ju Wenqi.

With just a few good words, Ju Wenqi happily went to choose wood and buy nails that day.

Ju Wenqi's carpentry work is really nothing to say, and he himself loves to ponder. After making two single-person ice carts, he figured out two-person and three-person ice carts.

Ju Jing, Jing Chengxi and Yin Kaixuan took the ice trolley to the ice for a skating interview. They couldn't stop playing and skating on the ice for a long time.

Zhang Yongmei was careful, and felt that the wooden board was too cold, so she just sat on it and plucked her buttocks, so she hooked the cushion with a dime.She is dexterous, and the cushions can draw flowers, which looks especially good on the ice cart.

After the ice cart was finished, Ju Wenqi made several ice cubes with the leftovers. Jing Chengxi especially liked to play with this. He poured a small piece of ice in the courtyard of the hotel. The whip can be whipped in the yard for several hours, and he doesn't know where he got such a big addiction.

Zhan Yi also gave him special support, he was smoking there whirringly, and Zhan Yi put it aside to take pictures and record videos, and the two of them had a great time playing like children.

Looking back, Zhan Yi sent the photo to the Ju family's large group, but Ju Min and Ju Ling were so envious.

Daqun, as the name suggests, is a group for everyone from Ju Laosan’s family, except that they don’t know how to play QQ, Ju Wenqi and his wife are all in it, which is convenient for everyone to communicate.

Zhan Yi can be regarded as a new member of this large group, but he is currently the most active member of the group.He especially loves to share everyone's life in the group, which is interesting and lively.

Ju Ling looked at the picture posted by Zhan Yi several times and sighed.

The house was so lively that she wanted to go home.

Sometimes she thinks, it would be great if she never grows up, then she can stay by her parents and sister forever without leaving home.

Every time she said that, Qiao Jue would put on a hurt expression, hold his chest and say pitifully to Ju Ling: "Daughter-in-law, if you never grow up, what should I do? You want me to beat you forever Bachelor? You don't have me in your heart at all, I'm so sad. "

Knowing that he was acting, Ju Ling was quite willing to accompany him on the show, and immediately admitted his mistake and went to coax Qiao Jue.

Qiao Jue is still looking at the house, and probably won't be able to make a final decision before spring begins.

Through the experience of buying a house this time, both Qiao Jue and Ju Ling felt that it was enough to buy the house they lived in once in this life, and it had nothing to do with money or not, it was too much trouble.

Buying a house is troublesome, and decorating it is even more troublesome. Now that I think about it, both of them have big heads. Ju Ling even said to Qiao Jue: "Brother Xiao Jue, why don't we stop buying a house, and it's good to live here."

"It's fine now, but when we add more people to our family, the house will be too small. At that time, it will be too late to buy and renovate, so we still have to prepare in advance. Moreover, the house price is getting higher every year now, so we buy it later. It will cost a lot of money a year, do you want to spend more money?"

The last question is rather sharp.

A small house is not a big problem, just overcome it.But if buying a house in the future will cost a lot of money, she will feel very distressed. It is not easy to make money, and every penny must be spent wisely.

Just when Ju Ling felt sorry for the money that hadn't been spent, another large amount of money came into her account.

This money is not money for selling copyrights, but the income from website royalties last month.

She didn't even think that she could earn nearly 3 yuan in just the serialization of the website, subscriptions, rewards, and list rewards, even after tax!
The manuscript fee has to pay a high tax, and it is really, really not easy to have such a high income after paying the tax.

It is said that misfortunes never come singly, and good things sometimes come together.

Following the record high manuscript fees, Ju Ling got good news from her editor that her book won a prize in a literary competition!Although it is not the biggest award, it is a miracle in itself that an online novel can win an award that focuses on traditional literature.

Ju Ling, who created a small miracle, was also invited to participate in the award ceremony, which will be recorded by a TV station and broadcast on TV.

Ju Ling wanted to go, but she really didn't have time.

The schoolwork is really heavy, she has to burn the lamp to study and write homework every day, and she has to keep the codes updated, not to mention receiving awards, even taking an hour or two to go shopping in the supermarket is too extravagant.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that everyone else in the dormitory was so busy, and she was so busy and tired, she would definitely not be able to persist.

The dormitory environment is really too important. Without such an environment, Ju Ling might be like some of her high school classmates and start messing around as soon as she enters college.

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(End of this chapter)

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