Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 449 Voluntary

Chapter 449 Voluntary
Even if she didn't go to the awards ceremony, Ju Ling's pen name and works still gained a lot of attention, and the organizing committee gave her works a high evaluation.After winning the award, some paper media interviewed her and wrote some commentary articles, which immediately pushed Ju Ling to a very high level.

To be honest, Ju Ling was a little scared.

When her position was not so high before, she could write whatever she wanted, but now that so many prefixes are added to her pen name, she is not as free as before. When she writes something, she has to consider whether it is good to write like this, and whether she will be picked. Something went wrong.

This state of worry has lasted for a while, and it has affected Ju Ling's normal update.

She felt that going on like this was not the answer, and this problem had to be resolved.

So, she talked about it in the group of the three sisters.

Ju Jing immediately replied: "You are sick. People chose you to win the award because of what you wrote, which is a recognition of what you wrote. Looking back, you don't recognize yourself. Do you think you have sick?"

Sick, really sick.

Ju Jing woke up Ju Ling with a word.

The person holding the pen writes her own thoughts, and the reality has already drawn a grid for her text. She can write whatever she thinks as long as she doesn't go out of line.

This reflection also brought inspiration to her creation. Many stories popped up in her mind inexplicably, and she wanted to write them down.

It was useless to think, she had no time.

After the new year's day, Ju Ling was even more busy and even suspended the online updates.

There is also a final exam, and everyone's goal is not to fail the course, but to get good grades and win scholarships.

Many people don't compete for this scholarship because they need money, but take it as an honor.It is scary for everyone to think like this. One person has to compete with many people, and one cannot relax at all.

At the end of the term, Ju Ling was busy, and so was Qiao Jue.

Various meetings have to be held, various summaries have to be written, and the laboratory still has a lot of data to verify. Almost every day I have to work overtime until eight or nine o'clock in the evening, and I don't even have time to think about my wife.

It is acceptable for Qiao Jue to be a little busy now, he just wants to have a smooth winter vacation and go home with Ju Ling for the New Year.

However, the reality is not satisfactory. The school organizes a training activity for young teachers during the winter vacation, and Qiao Jue must participate.

Qiao Jue almost collapsed when he got the notice.

Can this day be better?As a married man, he can't guarantee to see his wife once a week, so he just looks forward to staying together for more days during the winter and summer vacations. This thing and that thing are endless, when will such a day be the first.

He called Ju Ling immediately to complain, and Ju Ling felt sorry for him.

He complained that he also hoped that Ju Ling could stay with him for a few more days. Ju Ling received it immediately, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Then I will stay at home with you for a few days during the holiday, and I should go home a few days later." It's okay."

Qiao Jue suddenly became happy, and immediately asked Ju Ling what she wanted to eat, and made it for her when she got home.

Qiao Jue was happy, Ju Min and Ju Jing knew that their little sister was going to be home a few days late, but they both had great opinions.

Of course, they didn't have a problem with Xiao BuDian, they had a problem with Qiao Jue.

The two elder sisters always felt that Qiao Jue had snatched their little sister away, and now he is abducting their little sister and never returning home, which is really disgusting.

Ju Jing made Zhang Yongmei laugh out loud when she was complaining to Zhang Yongmei for dinner at home, and Ju Jing laughed inexplicably.

"What are you and Minmin thinking? Xiaobudianer is married to Xiaojue, they are a couple and a family, so there is nothing wrong with kidnapping. Besides, Xiaobudianer has his own ideas, Xiaojue can kidnap if he says so." Go? She must be willing, so you two should worry less," Zhang Yongmei said to Ju Jing with a smile.

It's better not to say it, and Ju Jing feels even worse after speaking.

The cabbage in my house was not only humiliated by the pig, but the cabbage who was humiliated was quite happy. When the pig stretched its nose, she would lean towards her. Are you angry?

A little later, Yin Kaixuan approached Ju Jing and asked her, "Will you come to my side when I kiss you?"

Ju Jing: .
Yin Kaixuan is willing to be a pig, but she is not willing to be a cabbage!

When Ju Jing and Yin Kaixuan were discussing the issue of pigs and cabbage, the elder sister of the Ju family was still working overtime in the factory.

The factory now has a clear division of labor, balanced production and sales, and the benefits are very good.

The stall is getting bigger, so she, the boss, naturally has a lot of things to do. She is really afraid that any link will go wrong, and she must take care of every step.

Busy until after nine o'clock in the evening, only the boss's office is still lit in the factory area.

Ju Min sat up straight, rubbed her waist, turned her neck, and sighed when she heard the sound of clicking.

After all, it’s not made of iron. I thought about continuing to persevere, but my body couldn’t bear it.

Not only tired but also a little hungry, I didn't eat the meal that night because I was too busy, and now I am so hungry that I feel weak.

Just as he was thinking about getting some instant noodles for a bite, there was a knock on the office door, and then Peng Yan pushed the door open, poked his head in and asked with a smile, "Boss Ju, can I come in?"

Tease her?Peng Yan doesn't know whether he learned from Yin Kaixuan or Qiao Jue, his mouth is getting worse and worse.

"No", Ju Minbai replied with a ruthless look.

Peng Yan would definitely not listen to her, and walked in happily with his hands behind his back.

It was only when Ju Min walked to the desk that he realized that he was carrying something in his hand.

It is two insulated lunch boxes tightly hidden in cotton covers.

"Last time you worked overtime so late and didn't eat. I'm afraid you didn't eat them again today, so I cooked some dumplings for you. They're still hot. Eat them quickly," Peng Yan said softly while lifting the lid of the insulated box .

Judging from the appearance of the dumplings, you can tell that they are not bought off-the-shelf, they must be made by him.

Ju Min's heart was warm, and his eyes were a little hot.

On a cold winter night, there is still someone who is wondering if she has eaten, and will take the trouble to make dumplings for her, which is really heart-warming.

Dumplings are Ju Min's favorite pickled vegetable meat. Peng Yan also carefully adjusted the dipping ingredients, soy sauce, vinegar, garlic paste and a little chili oil, just smelling the taste makes you want to drool.

Ju Min was so hungry that she ate all the dumplings in the first insulated lunch box, and then remembered to ask Peng Yan if he had eaten.

Peng Yan sat across from her and looked at her with a smile: "You can eat, I'm not hungry, I still have some at home."

No wonder there were two boxes, it turned out that Peng Yan planned to bring them to eat with her.

Ju Min looked at the materials on the table, then at the insulated lunch box, sighed and said, "Then let's go home and eat together."

"I'm fine, it's fine when you finish your work." Peng Yan thought he was affecting Ju Min's work, so he was quite embarrassed.

Ju Min put away the lunch box, put the ingredients into the bag, and said with a smile, "There's not much left, you can finish it at home. Let's go home together, I can still eat a whole plate."

The two of them went out together, and the bitter cold wind outside the house rushed towards them with fine snowflakes, but Ju Min didn't feel cold.

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(End of this chapter)

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