Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 451 Must Do

Chapter 451 Must Do

The Ju family all came out of hard times, and their thinking is more pragmatic.Diamonds and other stones are not as real as gold. It can be said that Peng Yan's set of jewelry has been bought into Ju Min's heart.

Of course, even if Peng Yan didn't buy anything and just cooked this meal, Ju Min would agree to him.

Feelings are more important than anything else.

Of course, the accounts that should be settled must also be calculated clearly.

After the meal was finished, the two drank and chatted slowly.

Ju Min smiled and asked Peng Yan: "Did you hear everything I told you that night? Why did you pretend you didn't hear it?"

Peng Yan also laughed, a little anxiously: "I always feel that this kind of thing should be said by me."

Ju Min didn't bother arguing with him about who said it, and continued to ask: "My parents want to hold a banquet, and I can't persuade them. It all depends on your ability. Don't think that it's just because you take the initiative to tell me about marriage." I have to do it."

It is not easy to persuade the old couple to keep a low profile on their daughter's marriage. The little girl's wedding is so big, and the older girl's wedding must not be bad, so Ju Min wants to hand over this big problem to Peng Yan.

"Okay, let me tell." Peng Yan drank the wine in the bowl and asked with a smile: "Then when do you plan to tell the family? Or do you want to wait until you go home the year before last?"

Of course, you have to tell your family in advance, after all, you have to get your marriage certificate before you go home.

Taking advantage of the alcohol, Ju Min took out his mobile phone and started calling the hotel.

It was Ju Wenqi who answered the phone. Before Ju Min could speak, he happily asked, "Minmin, what do you think your mother is doing?"

Ju Min's thoughts were pulled away, and she began to guess what Zhang Yongmei was doing at night.

From making bean buns to chopping dumpling fillings, Ju Min guessed all the things Zhang Yongmei would do every year before the Chinese New Year, but failed.

The more she failed to guess Ju Wenqi, the happier she was, just like a child.

"Let me tell you that you can't guess right. Your mother makes insoles. She went to see your grandma two days ago. A relative from your grandma's hometown brought some pairs of insoles, and your grandma gave your mother a pair. Hand embroidery Yes, thick and good-looking, your mother is thinking about how many pairs you can make yourself, and give each of you a pair." Ju Wenqi revealed the answer.

Touched is moved, but Ju Min also persuaded: "Don't let my mother do this at night, it hurts my eyes. Last time I called my mother, she said that my eyes are always dry, so don't waste your eyes too much."

Ju Wenqi's answer was very perfunctory, obviously he didn't take the words of persuasion into his heart.

After hanging up the phone, Ju Min immediately sent a message in the group, asking Ju Jing to persuade Zhang Yongmei to pay attention to her eyes when she is old.

Ju Min lowered her head and knocked on her phone from there, while the thief Peng Yan on the opposite side looked at her helplessly.

This question has traveled more than one hundred and eight thousand miles.

Ju Jing, who saw the news, also complained in the group: "I told her several times, but she didn't listen. You should make a phone call and talk to them carefully, and don't take anything seriously. I told my eldest sister If you don’t listen, you still have to talk.”

It was really strange, among the three children, Zhang Yongmei and Ju Wenqi listened to Ju Ling the most, and Ju Min and Ju Jing said that they didn't take some things to heart, only Ju Ling could talk about them.

Ju Ling called home immediately after receiving the order, told the old couple everything, and told them not to do things that bother their eyes at night.Obviously what you said is similar to what Ju Min and Ju Jing said, it's just easy to use, don't you think it's annoying!
After completing the task, the three sisters started chatting in the group again. After chatting all over the world for a long time, Ju Min remembered the business and told the younger sister that she was going to marry Peng Yan.

The group was quiet for a few minutes, and then Ju Jing and Ju Ling sent messages like crazy, asking how Ju Min and Peng Yan discussed it, and they wanted to know all the details.

After chatting, I turned off QQ and looked at the time, Ju Min was stunned.

"Why is it past eleven o'clock!" she murmured.

After finishing clearing the table, Peng Yan stood behind her and massaged her neck while laughing, "At first you called home to talk about our marriage, but in the end you went around a long way and told Sister Jing and Xiao Budianer I just didn't tell my parents."

Ju Min slapped his forehead and realized that he had forgotten the most important thing.

"Oh, I completely forgot, let's talk about it on the phone tomorrow," Ju Min said angrily.

However, before she could call back the next day, Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei called first, and immediately asked, "I heard Jingjing tell Kaixuan that you and Xiaopeng are getting married? Hurry up." Ah, the Civil Affairs Bureau is on holiday for the new year, so you have to pick a good day before the holiday. You don’t have to worry about the wine, your mother and I can do it. We don’t want to do it too big, just take it as small as possible, "

Ju Min: .
How big is this? !

That's how big it is.

Ju Min said that the marriage is true, but he didn't want to hold a banquet, so Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei immediately became unhappy.

"Why don't you do it? Why don't you do it? What are you not allowed to do? We will take care of everything, big or small, and we must do it!" Ju Wenqi said resolutely.

Ju Min asked Peng Yan for help, and Peng Yan took the phone and told the old couple, but it didn't work out, and the old couple killed themselves. The banquet must be organized, and it can't be worse than Ju Ling's.

Without talking, Ju Minhe hung up the phone and analyzed with Peng Yan why the old couple insisted on having a banquet, but nothing came out of the analysis.

Ju Min asked Ju Jing for help and asked her to check the news at home.

News came from Ju Jing that night, saying that Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei were so persistent in holding a wedding banquet for the eldest girl because they wanted to vent the anger that had been pent up in their chests for many years.

Back when Ju Min got divorced, how many people said bad things openly and secretly, as if a girl who had married another man could only marry a bad old man if she remarried, but those people who were obviously wronged by a big girl all said that Ju Min did it, that Ju Min didn't know what to do .

So many years have passed, Ju Min no longer cares about these things, but Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei always remember them.

They just want to hold a lively and grand banquet, so that those who chew their tongues can see that their eldest girl is good, even if she is capable, she can still marry a good guy even if she is a second marriage.

Ju Jing also told Ju Min the truth: "Sister, I guess you really can't persuade me, our parents are very stubborn this time. And I also heard them say that they hold a banquet for you not to collect gift money, but just to express their anger. those people."

I have said that in my own life, people can say whatever they want to say, but when people really talk about themselves and their families, how many people can really not care.

Having survived the hard times and experienced so much, there are not many things that the old couple really can't let go of. The eldest girl's marriage is definitely one of them.If it was Ju Jing who told them at this moment that they can just get a certificate if they don't hold a wedding, they might not insist on it, but the big girl's wedding must be held, and no one can say it.

If anyone dares to say in front of them, "Your family Minmin is married for the second time, don't make such a fuss," they will definitely be impatient on the spot.

What happened to the second marriage?Even if it is three marriages and four marriages, do others need to make irresponsible remarks!Why can't a second marriage hold a wedding?
Do, must do!

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(End of this chapter)

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