Chapter 452

After understanding her parents' thoughts, Ju Min found that she had no way to persuade her.

She didn't live a good life herself, and her parents and sisters have been gossiping along with her for so many years. Not only did they never blame her, but they also thought of her in everything, and she always remembered it in her heart.

Now that she is going to remarry, her parents want to hold a wedding for her. Is it too much to ask?Not too much, how can she persuade?
Just like what my parents said, she doesn't need to make arrangements for the wedding, they will take care of everything. She and Peng Yan only need to show their faces during the wedding.A wedding banquet that was dispensable for her and Peng Yan could make parents happy and make them happy. As a daughter, I really couldn't find any reason to persuade her.

Turning around she told Peng Yan what she thought, and Peng Yan was very talkative, so she just said: "I can do anything, you can do whatever you want. If you want to do it, you can do it in the village. When the time comes, hire a car to take me to the town. Relatives and friends around you can just pick it up."

What Peng Yan meant was that he didn't do it on his side, and just joined Ju Min's side.

The situation between Peng Yan and Qiao Jue is not the same. Qiao Jue married Ju Ling because the two places were too far apart, so it was only held on the woman's side, and the Ju family left was also the woman's wedding ceremony.

The Peng family is in the town, not too far from the village. If he doesn't do it and the woman does it so much, someone will definitely say something about him.

He didn't care about it himself, but Ju Min couldn't help thinking about it for him.

Later, the three sisters discussed this matter in the group, hoping to find a solution that had the best of both worlds.

When they were discussing, the three sons-in-law were also having a heated discussion, and the discussion was naturally about this matter.

Yin Kaixuan gave Peng Yan an idea, let him have a reverse wedding, that is, the Ju family will follow the process of the man's wedding, and ask Ju Min to go to the town to pick up the relatives and bring Peng Yan over. If Peng Yan doesn't hold a banquet in the town, it doesn't matter. easy to say.

Yes, there is nothing to say about the banquet, but the matter of women and men is enough for people to talk about it a lot. It sounds like a bad idea.

Qiao Jue asked Yin Kaixuan to think of some normal ideas, don't be too stupid.

The two discussed for a long time, and found that Peng Yan hadn't spoken for a long time, so they asked Peng Yan what he thought.

Peng Yan actually thought that Yin Kaixuan's idea just now was quite good, he thought it was feasible.

Peng Yan also spoke directly in the Ju family group, saying that the wedding wanted Ju Min to come to the town to pick him up, and he would be the bride for one day, and let Miss Min stand out if he didn't do anything.

It's easy to say, but I've never heard of anyone holding a wedding like this.If you want to be the first one, some people will find it strange and some will say it is not good.

Ju Min was the first to object. Some people already said that Peng Yan is a little man, so what is he going to do with this title?

However, among these people in the group, there are obviously more supporters and less opposition. Young people think this is quite interesting.A wedding can be regarded as a major event in life. If it is plain and boring, if it is more fancy, it can be regarded as a unique memory in life, and it can add a little smile when recalling it in the future.

Ju Min still didn't give up and wanted to vote.

In the end, she was the only one who did not support this!
"You guys just make trouble!" Ju Min said helplessly in the group.

Weddings are supposed to be lively, and the young people are afraid that they will not be lively.

The two younger sisters and Jing Chengxi were not around, so Ju Min couldn't talk about them, so she put down her phone and started talking about Peng Yan.

"Why are you messing around with them? You still think that what you said is not good enough, do you?" Ju Min's brows frowned.

"I'm not afraid to say, it's okay." Peng Yan said with a smile: "I think it's good, let everyone follow the excitement. Don't think too badly about things. Marriage is all about joy and excitement. It doesn't matter what form it is."

Ju Min had a headache, and sighed, "I've voted with a show of hands. It's useless for me to say anything. You can figure it out yourself. But we have agreed, don't listen to Jing Jing changing clothes with me, once you think about it I get goosebumps when you wear a skirt."

"That can't be done. I bought several clothes for the wedding day and couldn't even wear them. Isn't that a waste? Let's not do wasteful things," Peng Yan expressed his attitude.

Well, it's not too far off the mark anyway.

The Ju family is not limited to young people who know how to play. The next day, Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei happily said that it was good after hearing the results of the young people's discussion. In the future, he, Ju Lao San and his wife will have another son.

The Ju family thought it was good, but some people thought it was bad.

The one who feels bad is Mother Peng.

During this time, Peng's mother was very honest and lived her own life without disturbing Peng Yan, but not disturbing did not mean that she knew nothing about Peng Yan.

She is also quite capable, and has met a lot of people, and even contacted people with whom she had a good relationship when she lived in the town, so she inquired about Peng Yan's situation from these people.

Hearing that Peng Yan was going to get married, and the wedding was not held at the man's side, her first reaction was quite flat, but she couldn't stop the people around her from gossiping, saying that her son was born to someone else, and now his elbows are facing outwards Abducted, if the guarantee is not complete, even the child born will follow the woman's surname, and her son is happy to be a door-to-door son-in-law.

Peng's mother began to think wildly, for fear that Peng Yan would become a door-to-door son-in-law and no longer care about her, and she was so scared that she couldn't sleep for several nights.

It's okay for her to talk to Peng Yan if she has an idea, but this person's idea is biased, and the way he walks is not straight.

She went to find Uncle Peng, and urged him to choose something from the middle.

Peng Yan is from the Peng family, and he enshrines the ancestors of the Peng family. You can't even give up your ancestors just to marry a daughter-in-law.This kind of theory has been babbling in Uncle Peng's ear for a long time, which annoys Uncle Peng enough.

Uncle Peng is quite a free and easy person. Everyone is living a good life. He is also very happy that Peng Yan is getting married, but someone is naughty and naughty in his ear. He is very polite if he is not angry.

After seeing Peng's mother away, Uncle Peng immediately called Peng Yan and asked him to deal with his own mother. Don't let Peng's mother bother him.

Peng Yan didn't bother to show up, so he simply called Peng's mother and warned her to mind her own business.

On the phone, Peng Yan said to Peng's mother: "You didn't care about me for so many years, and you have no right to manage me now and in the future. If you let me know that you are trying to tease third uncle behind your back, don't blame me for being unfeeling."

Is this the case this time?There is nothing so cheap.

Peng Yan decided not to give Peng's mother money for three months, and let her learn a lesson!
Mother Peng didn't regret it and no one cared.

In February, the end of the new year was approaching, Ju Ling set off to go home, and Ju Min and Peng Yan finally went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register their marriage.

The date was picked out by Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei by looking through the almanac, everything goes well and it is suitable for marriage.

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(End of this chapter)

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