Chapter 453
According to the rules here, if you don’t have a banquet, you can’t be considered a serious marriage. Ju Min and Peng Yan received their certificates very low-key. They got their marriage certificates in the morning and came out from the Civil Affairs Bureau. One went to Yunhe to look at the store and the other went back to work in the factory. Have a meal together.

There are still more than ten days to celebrate the new year, and the shops on the Yunhe side are quite busy.The people below came to buy new clothes and shoes for the new year, and the two clerks in the store couldn't take care of them.

Peng Yan came here to work for a few days first, and when Nian Gen'er was on holiday, he would go directly to Ju's house.

That afternoon, an old acquaintance came to the shop.

Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife went out for shopping, passed by a shoe store and saw him in the store, so they came in to chat with him.

Peng Yan asked the couple how the business of the beverage store was, and Ruan Xiaofeng sighed and said, "Let's just leave it at that. We'll barely pay you back. It might be better if it lasts a little longer."

Hearing this tone, there are still many stories in the drink shop, but Peng Yan doesn't want to know, he won't do things that cause trouble to his upper body.

"Brother Xiaofeng and sister-in-law are both able-bodied people, and the business will definitely improve. By the way, the Chinese New Year is almost here. Have you bought all the necessities for the New Year? Have you bought all the new clothes and shoes? The cotton leather shoes are new in style and of good quality, if you like them, I will give you the price." Peng Yan changed the subject.

It's a bastard to have the cheap and not take it.

Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife were satisfied after seeing the new shoes, but hesitated when they heard the price.

The price of two pairs of leather shoes is more than 400 yuan, which is a huge expenditure for them.But if the retail price is calculated, two pairs of shoes will cost more than 700 yuan, which can be so much cheaper. If you don’t buy it, you will feel a loss.

Peng Yan watched them struggle, but refused to let go and said to give them two pairs of shoes.

As for gift giving, it's either a love exchange or an exchange of things. If you can't exchange anything and make people think that you should give it if you have money, then it is very unnecessary. Peng Yan never suffers from this kind of disadvantage.

After struggling for a long time, the couple were still reluctant to spend the money, so they only picked two pairs of cheap shoes in the store, and Peng Yan also gave them the purchase price for them to take away.

After the person left, the clerk joked with Peng Yan, saying that Peng Yan was the most stingy boss on the street, and that friends would charge money when they came to buy shoes.

Peng Yan also jokingly said to the two shop assistants: "Hey, you say I'm stingy? I was thinking of letting you pick out two pairs of shoes in the store and give them to you, since you say I'm stingy"

The two clerks were so obedient and apologetic to Peng Yan, they said a lot of good things before Peng Yan let them go and let them choose any shoes in the store, which was his New Year gift to them.

The clerks are very happy, and they don't just pick the expensive ones, they just choose the ones they like and are suitable for.

Peng Yan is really good at dealing with people, making everyone feel comfortable, even if he doesn't like him, he will never feel bad.

Two pairs of shoes can make the clerk fall in love with him. It seems a simple thing, but not everyone can do it.

Ju Min is not as talented as Peng Yan in this area, but she is not without means.

It's going to be a holiday at the end of the year, and the workers in the factory are a little slack, thinking about home.

There is no need to ship goods outside before the Spring Festival, so Ju Min didn't urge everyone to rush to work, and also imitated other big companies and big companies to hold annual meetings.

She asked employees to use their spare time to prepare the show, and all employees who participated in the performance must be rewarded.

In addition, everyone has a gift on the night of the annual meeting, and employees who perform well have additional bonuses.After the awards, there will be a lottery draw. The special prize is a popular model of mobile phone. The prizes for the first, second, and third prizes are also very good. The employees are looking forward to it just by hearing the video.

At the annual meeting held in the evening of Xiaonian, everyone in the factory gathered together. Apples, oranges and melon seeds were placed on the table. Ju Min personally acted as the host. After performing a show, the excellent employee award was awarded once, and another round of awards was drawn. Various projects are interspersed, and the atmosphere is always very good.

After the annual meeting, I will go on vacation directly, and come to work on the sixth day of the new year.

The next morning, Ju Min made a special trip to the factory again to check inside and out to make sure there were no potential safety hazards, and told the old man who stayed to watch the factory during the Chinese New Year to be careful before she had time to buy new year goods and drive home. .

It was past four o'clock in the afternoon when I got home, and Ju Jing and Ju Ling came to the village to pick her up together.

Ju Min was wearing a short red down jacket with jeans and long high-heeled cotton boots underneath, which looked extraordinarily bright and beautiful against the backdrop of the white snow; Ju Jing was wearing a long black down jacket, with black close-fitting large cotton trousers that were tied together She didn't wear any underpants, and on her feet was a pair of snow shoes that look bulky but are actually very warm. It doesn't look good just by taking one, but it looks very good when combined with Ju Jing, so she insisted on wearing a pair of Feeling free and easy; Ju Ling is wearing a short white down jacket, with high-waisted black leather shoes and a black skirt underneath, lively and elegant.

The three sisters walked side by side, talking and laughing as they headed home, attracting the attention of many people.

When they were poor in the past, they had no time to hide from others when they walked on the street, and they were terrified when they stopped at the gate of others, for fear that they would have to borrow things and money to go into the yard to eat.

Now that life is better, not only are they walking on the road, no one hides, but some people take the initiative to say hello to them.It was so warm, as if they had a deep friendship with Ju Laosan's family.

Ju Min's factory is very profitable, and the workers who work in her are treated well. Many people in the village are thinking about it.

Most of the young people working outside came back for the Chinese New Year, and many parents came out to greet Ju Min, pulling Ju Min to praise their children, implying that they hoped that Ju Min would allow their children to work in the factory.

Ju Min, who was talking vaguely and turning a corner, could still pretend to be stupid. When meeting the kind of Ju Min who directly stated the purpose, he didn't let go. He bluntly said that there were enough people in the factory and there was no need to recruit additional workers.

In the past, I was afraid of offending people, so I had to cheerfully please everyone I saw.Let's not talk about dumping others' face now, at least you can say "no" openly.

Walking back to my home from Tunbianer, the journey was neither short nor long, but the three sisters walked for quite a long time.

After arriving home, Ju Jing said with emotion: "Hey, this person is really fickle. People who used to look at us with white eyes are like this now. If they knew how to leave room for others, they wouldn't be like this."

Whenever we talk about this topic, we always recall the sad past. The three sisters finally got together and no one wanted to be unhappy, so Ju Ling immediately changed the subject and chatted about other things.

The three sisters are all beautiful and glamorous outside, and they have to return to their original shapes when they return home.

Ju Min dug out Zhang Yongmei's big red and green sweater from the closet and put it on, and put on a flower vest sewn by Zhang Yongmei herself, which looked like an old lady's flower vest. It doesn't look good on the outside of the cotton trousers, but it is comfortable.

Ju Ling was even more exaggerated. When she took off her down jacket and skirt, she wore cotton trousers underneath. Her upper body turned out to be a very loose hooded pullover sweatshirt she wore in junior high school. It had a black face and red edges. , The creaking nest is still open, and the air leaks when I lift my arm.

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(End of this chapter)

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