Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 454 Rejection

Chapter 454 Rejection
The three sisters chatted on the hot kang, although they chatted in the group every day, they still had endless things to say.

Yin Kaixuan Jing Chengxi and Zhan Yi came back from the outside against the wind, and they also took off their outer pants and went to the kang in cotton pants, chatting with them.

Jing Chengxi felt that chatting was boring, so he took out three decks of poker from the drawer, and wanted to play six-person cart.

The game of pulling a big cart is to place cards in turn. If the cards you play have the same ones, then all the cards between the two identical cards will belong to you. There is no technical content and no need to use your brain. It all depends on luck.

After playing for a while, guests came to the house.

It was Shen Zhicheng and his wife.

Shen Zhicheng and his wife have treated Ju Laosan's family well all these years, and Ju Laosan's family has always supported their work very much.But there are some things that can't be solved by affection alone.

Shen Zhicheng and his wife came to talk to Ju Min about young people in the village going to work in factories.

Before the factory opened, they told Ju Min that they hoped that Ju Min could recruit young people from the village to work in the factory. It would be a good thing for the young people in the village to make money and be close to home so that they could take care of their families.

But when the factory recruited, everyone in Ju Min's village didn't want it. Shen Zhicheng and his wife must have been upset, but they never said it to Ju Min's face.

This was the second time they came to Ju Min for this matter. To be honest, Ju Min was quite embarrassed.

It's okay for her to offend others, but she is afraid of hurting her parents and Ju Jing who live in the countryside.Although the village officials are not big, they are officials after all, and they are very easy to speak in many cases.

Shen Zhicheng and his wife didn't beat around the bush and directly explained their intentions. Finally, they said to Ju Min, "Minmin, we all know the basics of the village, and we are appointed to be more obedient than the people outside. If you help the people in the village, they will remember you." Well, it will be easy for everyone to talk when we meet in the village in the future, right?"

"That's not what I said," Ju Jing said for Ju Min: "It's because they all know the basics in the same village, so it's not easy to let them go to work in the factory. We dare not say that everyone in the village is not good, but Feel your conscience, how many good people are there? If your family opened a factory, would you be willing to recruit people from the village to work?"

The last question was very sharp, so I asked Shen Zhicheng and his wife directly.

You can always be generous to others if things don't fall on you, but you can always clearly calculate the gains and losses when it is related to yourself.

While they couldn't find any rebuttal, Ju Ling also said: "It's good for migrant workers to be close to home, but it's not good for my elder sister. They have to go home to help my elder sister when the farming season is busy. Do you agree or not?" Disagree? There are one or two cheating, cheating and not working hard. Will my eldest sister quit or not? They dislike low wages and unscrupulous work. Will my eldest sister give them a raise? If it is raised, my eldest sister will not make money. It has to be said that my eldest sister's search may even cause my parents to be scolded, as long as she is not stupid, she won't make trouble for herself."

It didn't matter what Ju Min said, Ju Jing and Ju Ling just made Shen Zhicheng and his wife speechless.

That's the reason.It would be fine if everyone could abide by the rules. The problem is that it is impossible for everyone to obey the rules. In the end, only Ju Min will be in trouble. Why bother?

Sending off Shen Zhicheng and his wife, Ju Min frowned and sighed deeply.

"If I had known this, I would not have opened the factory in the town. It is too close to home, so I should have opened it far away," Ju Min said helplessly.

Jing Chengxi, who had already seen through everything, said: "Even if you are driving to the Antarctic, someone will still want to work for you. Isn't it the relationship with fellow villagers that people value, and it will bring a lot of convenience to have this relationship."

"You guys were very aggressive when you spoke just now. They weren't angry, right?" Zhan Yi has also integrated in and can help analyze the problem: "If you offend them, there might be some trouble."

Ju Jing smiled cunningly, and said to them: "My eldest sister's factory doesn't recruit people, but my farm still does. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I go to their house and say that I need people for farming, and I'm also a part-time worker, and I get paid for doing the work." Yes, if these people in the village want to come, I definitely welcome them."

In fact, Ju Jing was going to take the lead in a few nearby villages to take the lead in working. The phone numbers of a few people who love to talk about things. If you need someone to call them directly, you can get them all. Heart and easy.

She went to Shen Zhicheng and said that she wanted to find someone to plant the land for her, let alone convey it to the people below, Shen Zhicheng could directly reject her.The reason why they went out to work was because they didn’t want to farm at home. They felt that farming didn’t make much money and they were very tiring. I guess they would rather go out to burn boilers than work for Ju Jing.

Ju Jing understood their thoughts thoroughly, and went to Shen Zhicheng's house to talk about it when she looked for an opportunity.Sure enough, as she expected, Shen Zhicheng said euphemistically that he had found a way out for the young people in the village who wanted to go out to work.

This can't be blamed on Ju Laosan's family for not taking care of the villagers. It's Shen Zhicheng's job that he turned down.

In such a large piece of land, people alone are not enough. Ju Jing has to buy carts and various machines, and buy cattle to feed the cattle in order to deal with the straw reasonably. It costs a lot of money for odds and ends.

The loan didn't get that much money, and it happened that the elder sister and the younger sister were going home for the New Year, so Ju Jing mentioned the money to them.

Ju Min didn't have a lot of funds at her disposal, so Ju Ling lent her the bulk.

Ju Jing took out her small account book, and said in pieces while keeping the accounts: "Who is the richest in our family now? It's not the eldest sister or me, it's the little one. I owe her so much, I don't even dare to settle the account , I was so worried that I couldn’t sleep.”

The richest Ju Ling waved his hand and decided: "I will pay for the rest of the New Year's goods that I haven't bought this year. Who will accompany me to go shopping in Yunhe tomorrow?"

"Peng Yan is also coming tomorrow, why don't we all go for a walk, Kaixuan drives, if you can't sit down, you can take the bus, let's meet at Yunhe, and the two cars should be able to sit when you come back," Ju Min suggested .

Ju Jing still had to entertain the netizens, but she suggested to take Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei. The old couple have worked hard for a year, so they should go out for a stroll.

When Ju Wenqi heard that he was going shopping in Yunhe to buy new year's goods, he said that there was no need to spend money indiscriminately, but he couldn't hide a smile on his face.

Early the next morning, Ju Wenqi woke up Ju Ling with the small blackboard hanging in front of the door, and asked her to write a notice, telling people in the village that the restaurant was closed today and everyone went to Yunhe to play.

Ju Wenqi said it in a serious manner, but in fact, anyone can guess his little thoughts.

He, he just wanted to show off and let everyone in the village know that Ju Lao San was going to Yunhe to buy new year's goods, while those who had looked down on them could only hiss in the cold and squeeze into the market to buy things.

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(End of this chapter)

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