Chapter 455
Ju Ling felt that showing off was unnecessary, and just about to refuse, Ju Jing poked her quietly and gave her a wink.

Ju Ling understood, and wrote according to what Ju Wenqi said, and watched him happily hang up the small blackboard.

"Our dad is getting old, let him do whatever he likes, and we will take care of him if he offends someone. But then again, it's not considered offending people. It's just telling the truth. If anyone thinks wrong, it's in his heart." There is a ghost, what does it have to do with us," Ju Jing said.

If you think about it carefully, this is also the case, and it is not a big deal, as long as Ju Wenqi is happy, you can do whatever you want.

After breakfast, Yin Kaixuan drove Jing Chengxi and Zhan Yi to Yunhe first, and then Ju Min and Ju Ling accompanied the couple to the entrance of the village to wait for the bus.

How comfortable it is to take a car. Everyone wants Ju Wenqi and his wife to take a car, but Ju Wenqi is unwilling to live or die, so he wants to take a bus.

This old man, the older he gets, the easier he guesses.

He felt that writing on a small blackboard was not enough, and he had to ride a bus with the people in the village to chatter.

Sure enough, while waiting for the bus, I chatted with some people in the village who were also going to Yunhe. When they asked him why he didn't go to Yunhe in the second uncle's car, he showed a disgusted expression and said that the car ran away. It was too fast and he was dizzy.

People also asked him why he went to buy New Year’s goods when he was old, and he said with a very reluctant expression: “I bought all kinds of couplets and firecrackers. You can only buy it in the river, don’t you think it’s a waste of money, if you have money, you don’t spend it like this.”

Ju Min and Ju Ling who were standing aside were embarrassed to listen, tsk tsk tsk, this braggart can go to heaven.

After getting in the car, Ju Wenqi's mouth never stopped. Ju Wenqi was not like this when he was young. It seems that his character has changed a lot when he is rich.

When they arrived at Yunhe Bus Station, they saw Yin Kaixuan and the others who had arrived earlier, and Peng Yan also drove over. They had a strong sense of service and resolutely refused to let the father-in-law and mother-in-law go any further.

Going to my uncle's car, Ju Wenqi didn't know how to lower the window, so he shouted to the people in the same village through the window of the car, asking them to go to the closed market to collect good money, so as not to let thieves touch it.

Zhang Yongmei really couldn't bear him, so she stretched out her hand and twitched his shoulder: "Shut up, you, you can do this, I don't know what to say."

"Mom and Dad, don't you watch "Country Love" every year? I think my dad is very similar to someone in it. Guess who it is?" Ju Min asked them with a smile.

Zhang Yongmei thought of it right away, saving face for Ju Wenqi and not saying it.

But Ju Wenqi couldn't recognize himself, so he cheerfully said that he was Wang Laoqi, honest and friendly, capable and reasonable, and an absolute good father and father-in-law.

Peng Yan, who was driving the car, couldn't hold back his laughter. Not only did this old man get better at it as he got older, he also became more and more funny.

Self-approval is not enough, you have to let others approve.Ju Wenqi asked Ju Min: "Minmin, who do you think I look like? Is it Wang Laoqi?"

Ju Min decided to tell the truth.

"Dad, I actually think you are the most like Xie Guangkun. But if you are better than others, you have to show it off, and you have to let everyone agree. Do you think you look like it?" Ju Min said bluntly .

Of course Ju Wenqi didn't admit it, and quarreled with Ju Min by pulling his neck.Of course he couldn't make a fuss, so he bowed his head angrily and didn't speak.

Get off at Pedestrian Street, and everyone strolls together.After wandering here and there for a while, Ju Wenqi forgot all the unhappiness before, and wandered around with his hands behind his back, as if following the leader to inspect the work.

Let's go shopping in the pedestrian street first, and buy a lot of clothes. Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei changed from head to toe.

When I was tired, I went to Peng Yan's shoe store to rest, and tried the shoes Peng Yan prepared for them by the way.

In the past, Ju Wenqi and his wife gave them shoes and they just wore them without paying attention to the price of the shoes. Now when they see the price tags on the shelves of each pair of shoes in the shoe store, they are terrified.

These shoes don't look as good as the shoes Peng Yan gave them, but the cheapest one costs 200 yuan, so how expensive are the shoes they used to wear.

"Xiao Peng, don't bring us such expensive shoes in the future. If you have two pairs of better shoes, you can wear them when you go out. It's convenient to wear them at home." Zhang Yongmei told Peng Yan.

Peng Yan replied, it's up to him whether to take the shoes or not in the future.

After resting enough, they went to eat together. They ate stir-fried vegetables at home every day and went out without thinking about eating. They ate something that they couldn't eat at home, so they went to eat bridge rice noodles together.

Ju Wenqi gave a bad review to Guoqiao Rice Noodles because it is expensive and the quantity is small, which is not cost-effective.

After the meal, Peng Yan, Yin Kaixuan and the others took Ju Wenqi to the closed market and shopping malls to buy other New Year's goods, and Ju Min and Ju Ling were going to accompany Zhang Yongmei to do hair.

At the beginning, Zhang Yongmei was unwilling to do her hair anyway.She felt that she was getting older, and there seemed to be more white hair than black hair, so why did she spend money on those fancy tricks, just buy a bottle of hair dye and go home to dye her hair black.

In fact, Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei are only in their 50s and less than 60 years old, but the ruthless years and hard life have left too many marks on them, making them look much older than their actual age.

Before coming here, the three sisters agreed that they must take Zhang Yongmei to pick up and chatter. Beauty has no age, so it is good to dress up as long as the economic conditions allow.

After much persuasion, Zhang Yongmei finally persuaded Zhang Yongmei to go to the barber shop to provide one-stop service for hair cutting, dyeing, perming, and the final result is very good. She looks several years younger than before.

After coming out of the barber shop, Zhang Yongmei complained that she spent too much money. Today, she spent hundreds of dollars on clothes and hair perm. This doesn’t even count the shoes Peng Yan gave. How much.

Before he could finish his long list of complaints, he raised his head and bumped into a few old ladies from the same village.People praised her for a good perm, and asked which barber shop she got it from, and they also wanted to have it permed.

Now it's all right, I'm happy, and I don't complain anymore, I happily go to Ju Wenqi and the others with Ju Min and Ju Ling.

Regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, an old man or a child, compliments can really make people happy and reduce complaints.

I went out early in the morning and didn’t get home until almost eight o’clock in the evening. The space in the two cars was full, and I bought a lot of things that I didn’t need during the Chinese New Year.

After entering the house to rest and chat, Ju Wenqi muttered regretfully while making tea: "It's too late, if people who come back to the village at dawn can still watch, they can't see anything in this big black sky. "

He thought he spoke in a low voice, but everyone in the room heard it. Ju Jing was the first to laugh out loud, followed by everyone else.

Zhang Yongmei gave him a white look: "It's useless to think about this all day, hurry up and soak your feet in a basin of hot water, your sweaty feet can be suffocated to death if you cover them in cotton shoes for a day."

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(End of this chapter)

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