Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 456 Lively

Chapter 456 Lively (two in one chapter)

The whole family gathered together, chatting and laughing, and Ju Jing urged Ju Ling to call Qiao Jue so that he could feel loneliness more deeply.

Ju Ling really listened to Ju Jing, and called Qiao Jue openly.

When the phone was connected, Qiao Jue's voice was even louder, and he could tell he was in a crowded place.

"Where are you?" Ju Ling asked wonderingly.

Before Qiao Jue could answer, a female voice came from the station radio.

"Are you at the train station? Are you coming over? Have you bought a sleeper ticket?" Ju Ling asked happily and worriedly.

It's the end of the year, and it's the peak time for migrant workers to return home for the New Year. Tickets are very difficult to buy. It's good to have a seat ticket, and don't count on a sleeper ticket.

Qiao Jue raised his voice to suppress the noise around him and replied, "Today I've finished all my work, and I don't go to work until the tenth day of the new year. I don't feel like being at home alone, so I thought about spending the New Year together. I also want to give you a surprise." , I never imagined that you would suddenly call me at night."

Tonight's car, the terminal is Binjiang, and then guide the car to Yunhe, it is already thirty in the afternoon, and it is almost after six o'clock in the evening when we get home.

"Brother-in-law, I'll drive to Yunhe to pick you up, don't worry, I won't let you miss any of the Spring Festival Gala," Yin Kaixuan came over and said bluffing.

Ju Ling also wanted to tell him to pay attention to safety on the road, but unfortunately there was no time, and Qiao Jue started to check the ticket, so they had to hang up the phone.

"Oh, the train is so crowded, why don't you come back by plane? How fast is the plane", Ju Wenqi put on the posture of pointing the country again.

Ju Ling explained helplessly: "Nian Gen'er tickets are not easy to buy, he must have inquired all about it, probably only this train has tickets."

Ju Wenqi didn't believe it.

After soaking his feet, he ordered Ju Ling to pour water for washing his feet, and then he followed quietly.

It was minus [-] to [-] degrees outside, and the wind was still blowing. The two of them didn't wear much, so they were hissing and talking at the door with the cold.

"Girl, don't you and uncle want to buy a house? Is there enough money? I heard that houses in Kyoto are very expensive. If you don't have enough, you have to tell your family, don't be brave," Ju Wenqi said worriedly, frowning.

Ju Ling immediately understood why Ju Wenqi said that.

It turned out that Ju Wenqi thought they were saving everywhere because they had no money to buy a house. Qiao Jue was even reluctant to buy air tickets and train sleeper tickets, insisting on buying the cheapest hard seat tickets.

Ju Wenqi really cared about the little girl's life, and was afraid that the girl would be wronged, so that these two things could be connected together.

Ju Ling was very moved in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He put the basin under the eaves and shrugged his shoulders and said tremblingly: "Dad, you think too much. Either you don't have money to buy tickets or you really can't buy them. Besides, we I’m looking at a house and haven’t bought it yet, even if I’m saving, it’s not the time to save.”

"Really rich?" Ju Wenqi was still worried.

Ju Ling repeatedly said that there is no shortage of money, so Ju Wenqi felt relieved. Before entering the house, he also told Ju Ling that if he lacked money, he must say that the family had money.

Ju Wenqi didn't just talk about it casually. At noon the next day, Ju Wenqi called Ju Ling outside again, took out a postal savings passbook from the pocket inside the big padded jacket, and showed it to her instead of giving it to Ju Ling.

"Look, your mother and I have money. We can make a lot of money by hosting a lot of banquets a month and have nothing to spend. If you need money, you have to tell Dad. Don't be like your elder sister. My sister and the bank don’t take money from me and your mother, it’s like our money is hot.” ​​Ju Wenqi cared about the little girl and didn’t forget to step on the other two girls, and even turned a little angry when he said it I rolled my eyes.

Ju Ling really wanted to cry, but the wind was too strong outside, blowing her hair like Mei Chaofeng - her face was so covered that she couldn't cry at all.

"Dad, go back and put the passbook away. Don't lose it. Don't worry, I will tell you if I need money, okay?" Ju Ling almost swore to Ju Wenqi.

Ju Wenqi put the passbook in his pocket again, and said before entering the door: "Don't tell your elder sister and second sister about this, especially your second sister, she has to say that I have money and can't let it go. push."

Can this be blamed on Ju Jing? In the past few years, Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei have saved some money to give to the girl, and they don't want to keep any money. How can this be possible?

Looking back, Ju Ling told Ju Min and Ju Jing about this matter, Ju Jing curled her lips, and said with an aggrieved look: "Sister, did you see that our dad is the most partial to the little ones, sneaky to steal the family property Give it to the little one."

Ju Min laughed and said nothing.

Ju Ling immediately climbed up the pole, and said to Ju Jing: "Then I will go to my father and tell him that you want their passbook, our father and mother will definitely be happy to give it to you!"

After saying that Ju Ling really wanted to go out, Ju Jing was so frightened that she hurriedly grabbed her and said with a smile: "Wrong, wrong, I was wrong, don't tell my dad, if he takes it seriously, I will be in trouble .”

The three sisters were laughing and talking, when Zhan Yi came in from the outside and told them that Yin Kaixuan's car had returned.

Yin Kaixuan went to pick up Qiao Jue, and when the car came back, it was Qiao Jue who came.

Ju Min and Ju Jing didn't move, only Ju Ling went to the ground to pick him up, but he didn't pick him up, and Jing Chengxi abducted him to a restaurant.

Ju Ling checked the time. It was past seven in the evening, and it was time for the restaurant to gather to make dumplings and watch the Spring Festival Gala.

Qiao Jue didn't rest well in the car, and he didn't rest well when he got home. Seeing a little tired, Ju Ling felt distressed, so he took Qiao Jue to the next room amidst the young man's booing, and asked him to take a rest for a while.

Qiao Jue was not too polite, he was really tired.There were too many people on the bus, and not long after he got on the bus, he gave up his seat to a grandfather in his 80s who hadn't bought a ticket, and stood all the way by himself.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the Spring Festival Gala officially began. Zhang Yongmei and Long Ge took a few large panels out of the kitchen, mixed the noodles with stuffing, and prepared to make dumplings.

The more people in the family, the more flavors, Zhang Yongmei chops several kinds of stuffings to make everyone eat well, and packs them in groups when making dumplings.

Others were busy making dumplings, and Ju Wenqi was not idle either. He was lighting a fire in the kitchen, and could only hear the anxious voice when he couldn't watch the TV.

After only performing a few shows, Zhang Yongmei commented: "This year's party is boring, not as interesting as last year, but last year's is still good."

Jing Chengxi asked her what programs were on last year's Spring Festival Gala, but Zhang Yongmei faltered and couldn't tell.

In fact, not only Zhang Yongmei thought this way, everyone also felt that the Spring Festival Gala seemed less interesting than before.

There are DVDs at home to play, movies, TV shows, singing and dancing, but no one wants to watch them. Even if the Spring Festival Gala is boring, everyone is used to the family gathering to watch the Spring Festival Gala on New Year’s Eve.

This year, the dumplings were made early, so they came out of the pot early, and they were on the table after ten o'clock.

Ju Ling went to wake up the drowsy Qiao Jue, and the family ate steaming dumplings while watching the Spring Festival Gala.Yin Kaixuan opened a few bottles of wine. Except for Ju Wenqi, everyone else drank a little no matter whether they could drink it or not, adding a little festive atmosphere.

It was only after eleven o'clock after the lively meal. Zhang Yongmei and Ju Wenqi couldn't bear it even when they were getting older, so they went to bed after cleaning up. Brother Long seemed to have something on his mind, so he returned home with a bottle of beer. The remaining group of young people can have fun.

Yin Kaixuan moved out all the singing equipment. If he wants to sing, he can dance and dance. If he wants to play cards, he can set up a table to play cards.

No one thought that Zhan Yi and Jing Chengxi would be so domineering when they got together, they couldn't pass the microphone out of their hands, and they couldn't stop singing one song after another.

The three sisters took out mahjong, three were missing one, Peng Yan joined in.

At exactly twelve o'clock, Yin Kaixuan and Jing Chengxi ran out to set off firecrackers. After they finished setting off, the other house continued to set off firecrackers, intermittently until around 12:30.

Young people are full of energy, and no one is crying sleepy or tired when it is almost one o'clock.

Qiao Jue went out to the bathroom, and when he came back, he pulled a chair and sat next to Ju Ling. Everyone thought he was trying to give Ju Ling a trick, but he took out a ribbon tied with a bow from his trousers pocket. In the surprised eyes of others, he said to Ju Ling: "Little one, happy Valentine's Day."

Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, which is also Valentine's Day on February [-]th. Ju Ling had long forgotten about it, but she really didn't expect Qiao Jue to remember it, and even prepared a gift for her.

Open the small box, what is inside is not jewelry, but a key.

Ju Min and Ju Jing were booing at the side, they all thought that Qiao Jue had already bought a house and gave him the house key.

For such a big deal as buying a house, Qiao Jue would definitely not settle it without discussing it with her, so Ju Ling guessed that this must not be the key to the house.

Sure enough, Qiao Jue announced the answer himself: "I bought you an electric bicycle, and it will be easier for you to run around school and home in the future."

Very practical gift, Ju Ling likes it very much.

The onlookers started booing again, saying Qiao Jue was so romantic.Qiao Jue just laughed and didn't speak, Ju Ling didn't have such a good temper, Dang even said: "I know why you are making a fuss, obviously you all have a partner, but none of them thought that today is Valentine's Day, let alone gifts, even If you don't listen to a single nice word, you're just jealous!"

Really jealous.

This couple must have something in their minds.

No one made a fuss anymore, and the following mahjong was played very poorly, and when the game was finally over, the total score was calculated, and it turned out that three losers and one won, and of course Ju Ling won.

The result of keeping the year old is that young people can't get up in the morning. Zhang Yongmei wakes up people one by one after preparing breakfast after nine o'clock.

You can't sleep in late today. If someone comes to pay New Year's greetings, it's shameful that people haven't picked up their bedding and left them untied.

The New Year's Eve is quite easy for the young people of the Ju family. They don't need to pay New Year's greetings to the relatives of the Ju family, they can do whatever they want.

However, there are many more young people who come to our home to pay New Year's greetings than in previous years.

Many young people from the village who had never been here before came over to greet the New Year politely, and some even came over with boxes of oranges and apples, which made Ju Wenqi and his wife quite embarrassed.

Among the younger generations of the Ju family, Ju Tangcheng and Ju Tangyou and his wife, Ju Tangyou and his wife, all came, drinking tea and chatting politely with Ju Wenqi.

The two cousins ​​changed a lot after marrying their daughter-in-law. Ju Tangcheng stopped messing around, and Ju Tangyou stopped playing games all the time, and the two families got better.

They are what they are today thanks to the fact that they married good wives, two powerful wives.

Song Qing had money in his own hands, and he was able to hold Tangyou Ju. If he wanted to lease the land, he would lease the land, and if he wanted to raise livestock, he would raise livestock.

Not to mention Huang Zhaodi's side, if Ju Changfu and Bai Guirong dared to be blind in front of her, she would dare to scold them back, who would dare to provoke her.Last year, their fungus was doing well, and they sold them directly to Ju Min after drying. I dare not say that they made a lot of money, but at least they made some money, which gave them the confidence to continue the cultivation of fungus.

It happened that Ju Min was also there, and talked a lot about fungus with Huang Zhaodi.Among the products produced by the factory, the sales of fungus have always been very good. This year, the factory will expand its scale and will definitely need to buy more fungus. Huang Zhaodi is very happy and thanked Ju Min repeatedly.

There is no such thing as thank you for mutual fulfillment.

After they left, Ju Min said with emotion: "Tang Cheng is a really good wife. She has ideas and courage. If my uncle and brother don't play tricks, the two of them can live a good life."

However, no one expected that Ju Wenlin and Ju Changfu didn't act as monsters, but someone came out to disturb their happy life.

In the early morning of the second day of the Lunar New Year, the three sisters were still under the covers, so Zhang Yongmei walked in against the wind and snow, and said to the three of them, "Li Fengjiao is back, hurry up and watch the fun!"

Mother let out a roar, and the three sisters all sat up from the bed.Sure enough, gossip can make people awake instantly.

"Mom, what's the matter? Li Fengjiao has been away for so long, why did she come back? She took money and ran away, and she is not afraid that Ju Changfu and Bai Guirong will break her legs when she comes back." Ju Jing asked while getting dressed. road.

Zhang Yongmei didn't know the specific situation either. When she got up early to go to the restaurant to light the fire, she heard the noise and went over to take a look. She only saw Li Fengjiao standing at the door of Ju Tangcheng's house arguing, and she didn't see clearly who she was arguing with.

At first, the three sisters felt that it would not be good to just go there and watch the excitement, and they could listen to it from a distance.

Going out to see, my good fellow, this early in the morning, half the people of the village gathered around to watch the fun, and the three of them squeezed past without being awkward at all.

This is the case in small villages. If there is something wrong with someone's family, it is a big issue for the whole village. Even if you can't get involved, you have to go and see the excitement.

Li Fengjiao's changes are very big, the birthmark on her face can't be seen at all if she is a little far away, and only a little trace can be vaguely seen when she is a little closer.

Li Fengjiao, who has no birthmark, is really beautiful, even more beautiful than the three Ju sisters.

Not only has she become prettier, but she has also put a lot of effort into dressing up. If someone she doesn't know sees her, she will definitely think she is a girl from the city.

"Yo, she's doing pretty well now." Yin Kaixuan approached the three sisters at some point, looked Li Fengjiao up and down, and said to the three sisters, "Did you see her bag? International famous brand, tens of thousands of dollars. And Her shoes are also from big brands, and none of them can't be bought for 4 yuan. Tsk tsk, if they are all genuine, she will save [-] to [-] yuan for this one!"

 Thank you for your support, thank you for voting and subscription, thank you Yixin for reading and Shuangqing Liudu's monthly ticket, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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