Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 457 Blessing

Chapter 457 Blessing
When Li Fengjiao was working in the canteen of Yunhe No. [-] Middle School, she made trouble for Ju Min, so the Ju family didn't like her very much. She didn't care if she was scolded or beaten when she came back. Will not go to nosy.

This excitement is very interesting.

Ju Tangcheng and Huang Zhaodi stood on the verandah of the yard, their faces sullen and silent, while Bai Guirong and Ju Changfu from the next yard acted as pioneers, pointing at Li Fengjiao and cursing endlessly.

Li Fengjiao acted quite calm, no matter how bad Ju Changfu and his wife scolded, she didn't swear, she just explained loudly why she did that in the first place.

She was forced to leave by Ju's family, she dared to say, but Ju Changfu and his wife would definitely not admit it, so she was explaining in vain, not only would Ju Changfu and his wife not forgive her, but they would think that she was pretending to be pitiful and slandering them, so they would definitely be worse angry.

Seeing that the two sides were at an impasse, Li Fengjiao sighed helplessly, took out a bulging envelope from her bag, stuffed it between the sticks, and said with a sigh: "Mom and Dad, there is some money in it, it must be more money than I got in the first place." If you leave a lot, think of it as me paying you back with interest. I really want to have a good talk with you when I come back after the Chinese New Year. Go back to your mother's house first."

After speaking, she really left.

What kind of trouble is this?
Come here early in the morning just to pay back the money?

"It's definitely not that simple." After returning home, Ju Jing analyzed: "She is not a careless person. What can she do with things that are not beneficial? Of course not. She must have other purposes, anyway, it has nothing to do with us It doesn't matter, just watch."

As expected, things were not that simple as Ju Jing analyzed.

The whole family first went to San Fatzi Village to pay New Year greetings to grandparents, cook and eat, chat and talk, and didn't come back until more than four o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhang Yongmei and Ju Wenqi went to the restaurant without taking a break when they got home, and got the latest news about Li Fengjiao from the people who were visiting the restaurant.

Li Fengjiao is very powerful now, and she doesn't know how much money she earned from outside, and bought a lot of things for the family when she returned home, making the whole family happy.

Her personality is also much more cheerful and generous than before. When she sees people in Xishantun, she will take the initiative to say hello, bring delicious food with her, and give a share to everyone she sees.

"I heard Dongtou Daguozi's daughter-in-law say that the candies she gives are all foreign, delicious and expensive. Oh, I never thought that she could make so much money outside", when my family chatted Zhang Yongmei said with emotion.

Ju Ling asked curiously: "Then did you find out what she was going to do when she came back? Her natal family didn't treat her very well. If she was doing well outside, she probably wouldn't come back if there was nothing wrong. There must be something wrong." what."

Zhang Yongmei shook her head: "I didn't inquire, but I heard that your sister-in-law called her behind her back and asked her to come here when she is free."

"Would Huang Zhaodi be happy?" Ju Jing said with a smile: "Some troubles are happening now. Tang Cheng and Li Fengjiao have obtained a marriage certificate, but they have nothing with Huang Zhaodi. No one knows what will happen if there is a trouble. .”

"It's fine not to have a marriage certificate," Qiao Jue said surprisingly, and explained calmly under the astonished eyes of everyone: "If Ju Tangcheng married Huang Zhaodi again without divorcing Li Fengjiao, then he would commit bigamy. Guilty. He's going to jail if the court finds him guilty."

If you think about it from this perspective, it's really good not to be married.

The most pitiful one is probably Huang Zhaodi.After finally gaining a firm foothold in the village and living a decent life, now that this kind of thing happens again, I'm afraid that the trouble will end in nothing.

What is even more unfavorable to Huang Zhaodi is that no one in the Ju family is on her side except Ju Tangcheng. This can be seen from Bai Guirong calling Li Fengjiao to ask her to come back.

Li Fengjiao really came, went straight into Bai Guirong's room, chatted with Bai Guirong and his wife for a long time, before leaving, Bai Guirong and Ju Changfu came out to see her off, both of them were smiling and chatting very happily.

The happier they were, the more flustered Huang Zhaodi became.

She was really flustered.

It's hard to have a home, and it's hard to live in a good direction. If all these are gone, what will she and her children do?
Bai Guirong and Ju Changfu looked for an opportunity to call Ju Tangcheng to them, and talked a lot softly. In conclusion, Li Fengjiao wanted to come back and continue to live with Ju Tangcheng, and asked Ju Tangcheng to go home and drive Huang Zhaodi's mother and son away.

Ju Tangcheng was unwilling, he and Huang Zhaodi had feelings for each other, how could he not want someone to sleep with because of his parents' few words.

However, there were some things he said that didn't count. From then on, Ju Changfu and Bai Guirong often called Li Fengjiao to come over for dinner and chat, and sometimes they even asked her to stay.

Li Fengjiao is good-looking and knows how to dress up, and now she is rich again. Many people in the village say that Ju Tangcheng is blessed.

"What's the blessing? The blessing of Qiren?" Ju Jing said disdainfully: "The gang of shameless old men outside just talk about it, and even the women follow suit. It's not a big deal for them to co-operate with this matter." Let's stand on their heads to see who can still smile and say this is a blessing."

Ju Min and Peng Yan had already left to attend to their own affairs, and the house looked a lot cleaner without two people, but it was quite lively when chatting about the gossip in the village.

"Second Sister, it's useless for you to stay angry here, if you can't help others, you will do it yourself." Ju Ling persuaded: "Let's just watch the excitement of other people's affairs, and don't think too deeply."

"Ju Tang is not a good thing in the first place. The more he looks at Li Fengjiao, the more beautiful he is. I thought about it before, but I didn't expect Huang Zhaodi to turn a blind eye, let alone Li Fengjiao. I made do with it. Huang Zhaodi and Li Fengjiao are okay in terms of conditions alone, not to mention marrying others, even if they don’t get married or married in the future, they can live a good life, so why bother!” Ju Jing said more and more Out of breath, the voice raised a little unconsciously.

Li Fengjiao has been staying at Ju Changfu's house for two days. Bai Guirong told people outside that Li Fengjiao will be staying in the house in the future, and the house has been tidied up. It will be convenient for Ju Tangcheng to live in in the future.

Huang Zhaodi never made a fuss, her silence was like a signal, a signal of compromise.

Li Fengjiao is not low-key at all in the village. She goes to the small store to buy this and that almost every day. When she meets people in the village, she will share delicious food. People in the village say that she is generous and that she is really rich. .

What the young people in Ju Laosan's family think about is what does she want?What the people in the village thought about was where she got her money from.

Some people feel that they have a good relationship with Li Fengjiao after eating the delicious food provided by Li Fengjiao a few times, and ask around and around to find out where Li Fengjiao is and what she does to get rich.

Li Fengjiao refused to say it directly, and mysteriously asked people to come to her at night, saying that it was a secret and that too many people should not know about it.

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(End of this chapter)

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