Chapter 458

On the day Ju Lingqiaojue returned to the capital, Ju Jing crazily bombarded the group.

The eldest sister and the younger sister are not at home, so I can only hear gossip from her, but she is active.

Ju Jing got the latest news that five people from the village had gone to Li Fengjiao to inquire about her secret.

Anything that can be told is not a secret at all, especially in this village, it may be possible to hide the secret for a longer time if it is told to one person, but if a third person knows, it will be passed on to the whole village sooner or later. all know.

Five people went to find Li Fengjiao. In fact, almost everyone in the village knew where her money came from.

According to Li Fengjiao herself, she met a noble man outside who brought her to invest.At that time, she only had more than 200 yuan left, so she gritted her teeth and invested all of it. In a few days, she doubled and got 400 yuan.In this way, she has more and more money in her hands, and she has become more and more familiar with investment.

It turns out that the investment can not only be doubled, but also quadrupled, six times, ten times or even more. Anyway, it depends on luck, and the worst is no loss.

Everyone in the village thought she was lying and bragging.

How can there be such a good thing in this world, isn't this equivalent to picking up money for nothing?

So far, no one in the village believed Li Fengjiao's words.

Ju Jing said in the group: "If the money is so easy to earn, then everyone will become rich and prosperous, so I think Li Fengjiao must be deceiving people. But I guess her purpose of deceiving people is definitely not as simple as bragging about her face. There must be something else."

"Don't be afraid of other things. Surely no one is stupid enough to think she is telling the truth, so no one will be deceived. Don't bother asking about these things to delay your own work. Just watch It's March, so hurry up and buy the animals and machines that need to be bought, and don't delay the serious business," Ju Min said like a big sister.

After the festival, the factory started working smoothly, and Brother Zhang's final payment for rice has also arrived in the account. Both the factory and Brother Zhang have made a lot of money.

I feel better when I make money, and I even chat more in the group than before.

Ju Jing has a sense of propriety in doing things, and the excitement depends on watching, and her work is not delayed.

Wang Yalei helps check the convenience of agricultural machinery, which not only saves labor but also saves money.Yin Kaixuan has full power to handle the livestock matter, and she only needs to check and accept the results.

By making good use of manpower, it is much easier for her to be the boss than before.

A few days later, the wind of Li Fengjiao's matter changed completely.

Ju Jing told the eldest sister and younger sister in surprise in the group that someone in the village believed what Li Fengjiao said!

"I'm sure you won't suddenly believe it for no reason. What's the matter here?" Ju Ling can always hit the point.

The people in the village didn't believe Li Fengjiao's words. Li Fengjiao overheard some people saying this behind their backs, and she didn't scold anyone or anything, so she said she would take those people to see for themselves.

She took those people to the Internet cafe in the town, and after a while on the computer, she showed them the golden eggs she bought online. Several golden eggs were still hatching, and some of them had already hatched. The finished golden egg was smashed.

There is at least 1000 yuan in one golden egg, and more than 4000 yuan in the most, and more than 2 yuan in several golden eggs.

Li Fengjiao told them that she only spent 8000 yuan to buy these golden eggs, and she made [-] yuan in a few days.

She spent another 5000 yuan on golden eggs, and transferred the rest of the money to her bank account.

Still afraid that they would not believe it, Li Fengjiao took them to the bank to print out the account number statement, and asked them to check the time and the account entry, so as to prove that she did not lie.

After returning, these people began to tell the people in the village that Li Fengjiao hadn't lied, and that smashing eggs could really make money.

When everyone in the village was discussing this matter, Li Fengjiao bought a computer and came back, connected to the Internet, and stared at her golden eggs every day.

Naturally, golden eggs cannot be smashed at any time, and it takes several days to hatch when you buy them.The so-called hatching is actually just leaving it there, and after a few days, it will show that the egg can be smashed and then smashed.

The golden eggs can't be bought anytime you want. There are only a few fixed days every month to sell the golden eggs. The quantity is limited, so you have to grab them.

When it came time for Li Fengjiao to smash the golden egg, Ju Changfu's house was crowded with people inside and out, and everyone wanted to see if money could really be thrown out of the golden egg, and how much money could be thrown out.

Li Fengjiao smashed five golden eggs in one breath, at least 1000 yuan, and at most 5 yuan!

The golden eggs she bought for 5000 yuan earned nearly 6 yuan!More than tenfold.

The people present were more excited than her one by one. Li Fengjiao told everyone that her luck was not good enough this time, and when she was lucky, she would smash more.

There are many people who have seen it with their own eyes, and everyone gradually began to believe Li Fengjiao, and the story was so wicked that both Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei thought it might be true.

A few days later, Ju Wenqi called back Ju Jing and Yin Kaixuan, who had lived on the hillside for several days, and quietly asked them: "You said I bought two golden eggs for 1000 yuan and smashed them? Several people in the village have already bought golden eggs from Li Fengjiao, and they will smash them tomorrow, so I thought, if they all spend their money, I will buy two and give it a try."

Only here did the young people of Ju Laosan's family realize the seriousness of the matter.

Ju Jing stopped Ju Wenqi from buying it, and said that it was most likely a scam, and there is no such good thing in the world.

Ju Wenqi, of course, believes that he has more girls, and repeatedly promises that he will not buy it.

Ju Jing was still worried, she didn't go to the hillside that day, and she had to watch Li Fengjiao smash eggs to buy golden eggs the next day.

The next day, most of the people in the village gathered near Ju Changfu's house. Only a few people who bought golden eggs from Li Fengjiao and people who had a good relationship with Ju Changfu's family could enter the house. There was a big sister with a loud voice at the door. She broadcasts to the outside as soon as possible how much money she pays.

They all made money, which is already very exciting, and what is even more exciting is that Li Fengjiao gave these people the money from the golden egg on the spot.

She said to everyone: "When you bought the golden eggs, you gave me the money, and I used the money in my account to buy the golden eggs for you. Now the money from the smashing goes directly into my account, and I will give you cash. Let's make money together, what a great thing."

It would certainly be a good thing if you could make money together, but how unreliable is it to make money doubled by smashing golden eggs, the more Ju Jing thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong.

That night Ju Wenqi went home with a sigh, saying that many people in the village went to Li Fengjiao to buy golden eggs.Ju Wenqi was also a little shaken when he saw that everyone was going to buy it. He wandered around the door of Ju Changfu's house several times with money in his pocket, but finally he didn't have the nerve to go in and ask.

Ju Wenqi felt that he had missed an opportunity to make a lot of money, and he regretted it. He also said that he must go and buy a few next time he smashed eggs to buy eggs.

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(End of this chapter)

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