Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 459 Disappearing

Chapter 459 Disappearing
Ju Jing can't take care of others, she just wants to take care of her parents.

She and Yin Kaixuan did half the night's ideological work for Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei, telling them to sell good things and run a good restaurant, and not to get involved in other things. That golden egg is not reliable.

They have been saying that smashing golden eggs is unreliable and may be a lie, but they have never been able to produce evidence. It is still somewhat difficult to convince Ju Wenqi and the others.

There were a lot of things going on on the hillside, and Ju Jing couldn't stay at home and watch them every day.Fortunately, both Jing Chengxi and Zhan Yi will go home to live at night, so they can ask about the situation of Ju Wenqi and his wife, and call Ju Jing if they find something is wrong.

In the beginning, Ju Wenqi liked to talk to Jing Chengxi and Zhan Yi about the golden eggs. He told them that someone in the village bought a 500-yuan golden egg and threw it at 6000 yuan. Egg, smashing his golden egg in a few days will definitely make a lot of money.

Every time, Jing Chengxi and Zhan Yi advised him not to get involved, told him not to be jealous of others, and to work hard and make money by himself to feel at ease.

Ju Wenqi was not happy to listen to their ramblings, so he stopped talking when they asked him later, and just said perfunctorily: "I know, don't get involved, don't get involved, definitely don't get involved."

Zhan Yi felt that something bad might happen to Ju Wenqi, so he asked Jing Chengxi to call Ju Jing to find a way.

Ju Jing discussed with the elder sister and younger sister in the group of three sisters, hoping to find a gentle solution to the problem.

It is said that Ju Jing and Ju Wenqi have similar tempers, so they always quarrel, and Ju Jing feels that it is impossible to force it. Ju Wenqi's temper can't be suppressed, so she must be gentle.

Ju Min thought of the most direct and pleasant way - to call the police.

The police will know if there is anything wrong with the smashed golden egg after investigation.If there is a problem, it can be regarded as saving everyone. If there is no problem, then there is nothing wrong with investigating.

But Ju Jing was hesitant. She said in the group: "Sister, you may not know the specific situation. The golden eggs are limited, and you have to rush to buy them every time. People in the village are afraid that more people will come to snatch them. The relatives in the village didn’t tell me anything. Really, I’ve never seen people in our village united so much since I grew up. Do you know how terrible the unity is? Maybe it’s even possible that I knew about it a long time ago but didn’t stop them from losing so much money. It’s not a scam that spread the word, I and even our whole family are sinners in the village, how can I stand here in the future!”

In the village, it's okay to offend one or two people, but if you can't offend everyone, that's really not giving yourself a way out.

Ju's restaurant is in the village, and Ju Jing's business is in the village. If they offend everyone and they fight to the death, they must be the ones who suffer.

"Brother Xiaojue and I are optimistic about a house, why don't I use this excuse to tell our dad that we don't have enough money and let them lend us all the money. They don't have a lot of money in their hands, even if something big happens, they have worked so hard for so many years I can still keep the old-age pension money that came, so the loss can be smaller," Ju Ling suggested.

This method is good, very reasonable and gentle, and will not disgust Ju Wenqi.

After agreeing, Ju Ling immediately called Ju Wenqi.

What is the purpose of making money?Flowers for girls of course!
Ju Wenqi was not so confused that he even forgot this point, so when Ju Ling said that she was short of money to buy a house, Ju Wenqi immediately said that he would transfer the money to her tomorrow, as much as he could.

After transferring the money, Ju Wenqi was depressed for several days, and told Jing Chengxi that he wanted to buy a golden egg. Most people in the village had bought it, but he hadn't bought it yet. Every time someone talked about it in front of him, he would I can't even speak.

Jing Chengxi and Zhan Yi had a secret discussion and decided that they would spend money to buy a golden egg for Ju Wenqi. It doesn't matter if it makes money or not, the main purpose is to make Ju Wenqi happy.

But before they bought it, Li Fengjiao disappeared! ! !
Li Fengjiao told the people in the village that she was going to Yunhe to do some shopping, and that she would be back that afternoon, so those who wanted to see the golden eggs should not worry, and wait until she came back.

Before that, Li Fengjiao also went out every now and then, and she always returned on the same day. Everyone thought that she was just going and returning this time, but she never thought that she would never return.

It was almost noon the next day and Li Fengjiao hadn't come back yet, and she couldn't get through to her cell phone. Some people felt that something was wrong, so they gathered at Ju Changfu's house and refused to leave.

At night, someone finally couldn't hold back and started arguing with Ju Changfu and Bai Guirong, wanting to go into the house and look through Li Fengjiao's things to see if she had taken all her things and ran away.

Ju Changfu and his wife couldn't resist so many people, so they finally gave in.After searching, everyone found that Li Fengjiao's clothes and everything were still there, except for the money.

Others buy golden eggs and give Li Fengjiao cash, and Li Fengjiao will also give cash on the spot after smashing the eggs, but she takes out more and receives less, so she has to go out to get cash back every time before a new round of golden egg smashing , everyone knows this, and it is normal to have no cash at home.

"Wait, wait, maybe something happened to Fengjiao that delayed her," Bai Guirong reassured.

It took a lot of effort to persuade everyone to leave, Bai Guirong called Ju Tangcheng over, and the family of three started a meeting.

They also felt guilty.

During this period of time, they bought and smashed golden eggs and made a total of more than 6 yuan. This is not a small amount of money. There are many people like them in the village, and they all earn tens of thousands of yuan.

Li Fengjiao helped the people in the village earn so much money, no one in the village would praise her, she had no reason to leave.

For money?She gave all the money from the golden eggs smashed earlier on the spot. If she cheated the money, she only cheated the last batch of money from her to buy the golden eggs, so that's not much.She has the intention to cheat money, and there are many opportunities to cheat more money, but she doesn't, so Ju Changfu and Bai Guirong still feel that Li Fengjiao is not cheating.

They were really afraid that something would happen to Li Fengjiao, what if she was robbed outside?

Ju Changfu and Bai Guirong began to discuss whether to call the police. Ju Tangcheng listened and suddenly asked, "Have you called her natal family? Maybe she has returned to her natal family."

Bai Guirong slapped his forehead and immediately called the Li family.

Li Fengjiao did not return to her natal home.

The Li family also revealed an important piece of information. Li Fengjiao told her family that she made money by learning how to trade stocks from others. After making some money, she felt that the stock market was too risky, so she stopped trading.

The saying is different.

Bai Guirong kept his eyes open and didn't say much on the phone. She hung up the phone and said in a trembling voice: "Why didn't she tell her natal family about the way to make money by smashing golden eggs? Why did she think of making money first?" Is it the in-law’s family or not the mother’s family?”

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(End of this chapter)

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