Chapter 461

During the investigation, the police found that the so-called "buying golden eggs and smashing golden eggs" was not operated on a webpage connected to the Internet at all, it was just a small stand-alone game!

Not to mention asking Ju Jing, Yin Kaixuan and the others to take a look, even Ju Tangyou can find something wrong after taking a look. Unfortunately, these people have never seen buying eggs and smashing eggs with their own eyes, and those who have seen them don't know anything about it.

The more we investigate, the more we will find that this fraud case is absolutely impossible for Li Fengjiao to complete alone, and she must have committed the crime with a gang.

"There are really talents in her gang," Ju Jing said when sharing the latest developments with the elder sisters and younger sisters in the group: "They know people's hearts too thoroughly, one ring after another, not to mention others, just the three of us This IQ can’t even keep up. And that little game must have been specially made for fraud, it’s not something that can be done at the elementary level of computer science, and you can get along just fine if you don’t cheat and find a job.”

In fact, Ju Min and Ju Ling are not interested in whether there are any talents in the fraud gang, they especially want to know how the cheated people are.

"What else can I do, make trouble! Every day, I block the door of my elder brother's house and ask them to pay back the money. Just yesterday, when Tang Cheng went out, he was beaten, and a hole was cut on his head, bleeding profusely." Ju Jing said tut-tsk.

Ju Changfu and his wife were also defrauded of more than 1 yuan. It is said that they are also victims, but the people in the village don’t care about it. Ju Changfu's family will have to pay back the money left.

"Now I can roughly guess why Li Fengjiao didn't go back to her mother's house to cheat money but came to our village to cheat money. She must really hate the Ju family in her heart," Ju Ling said.

He hated the Ju family, so he intentionally left the mess for them. For a long time to come, the life of Ju Changfu's family in the village would definitely not be easy. The worse they were, the happier Li Fengjiao would be.

From the beginning to the end, the matter had nothing to do with Ju Laosan's family, but at this time, everyone in the village was involved, and it didn't matter that Ju Laosan's family was in an embarrassing situation.

Some people came to the restaurant and cried about how much money they had been cheated out of, and how sad it was for their family to lose the money this year. Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei also felt very uncomfortable when they said that.

Ju Wenqi comforted him out of kindness, and he didn't know whether he was not good at talking or the man was too sensitive and fragile. Anyway, after listening to Ju Wenqi's words, he not only didn't appreciate Ju Wenqi, but also said that Ju Wenqi's watching the excitement was not a big deal, saying that he was Easier said than done.

What the three sisters were most worried about also happened.

Some people in the village began to say that Ju's family had already seen that Li Fengjiao was deceiving people, but no one in their family said that they didn't stop them and watched the whole village being deceived. Maybe Ju Wenqi laughed at them behind their backs.

As for Ju's family, they knew about Li Fengjiao's deception for a long time ago, and they analyzed it logically. Yin Kaixuan went to college, Zhan Yi worked in a big city for several years and has seen the world, and Ju Jing is like a fox-like ghost. , others can't see it, it's impossible for the three of them not to see it!
The cheated people felt uncomfortable and urgently needed to vent their anger and resentment. After Ju Changfu's family, Ju Laosan's family also became the target of their anger and resentment.

First, a large group of people gathered in the courtyard of the restaurant and asked Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei to bring them food and drink. If they didn't take them, they would threaten to refuse to leave, and they would freeze to death and starve to death in Ju's restaurant.

There is even more shameless, saying that Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei are accomplices, if they are not provided for food and drink, the Ju family restaurant will have no business in the future.

Anyway, if they themselves were deceived, they would drag everyone into the sinking together. That's really ugly.

Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei were not poor when they were bullied a few years ago and dared not speak up. Money can make their backs hard, and they are now very hard.

Zhang Yongmei stood at the entrance of the restaurant with a kitchen knife in her hand, and shouted at the people who came to make trouble: "Do you not lose your conscience when you say these words? When you wanted to buy golden eggs but didn't dare to buy them, you came to the restaurant and told me and the third child. What did you say? We said that the golden egg is unreliable, and there is no such thing as a pie in the sky. Who of you listened? Who of you believed it? I remember clearly, Cui’s second wife turned around and said me He and the third child don't buy golden eggs and don't want others to buy them, they just don't want to watch you make money, and they say that we both have bad intentions or bad intentions, you pretend we don't know what's going on!"

Cui's second daughter-in-law who was named was indisputable, because she did say these words at the time.Not only she said it, but many people in the village said it.

From the very beginning, Ju Jing told Ju Wenqi and his wife that it was unreliable to buy golden eggs, and told them not to buy them.Ju Wenqi has always wanted to buy golden eggs, but he didn't want the people in the village to know whether he bought golden eggs or not, and the girl was in charge. It seemed that he, the head of the family, had no dignity, so he talked about it to the outside world. It's not right, there must be a problem, let everyone in the village be careful.

No matter what Ju Wenqi's purpose was at the time, it can be used to stop these people now.

"Never mind, what else do you want my parents to let our family manage?" Ju Jing, who rushed back after hearing the news, led a few dogs, and walked to her parents with great momentum, and said with a sullen face: "At that time, what did you think? Li Fengjiao is the best person in the world. Who dares to say that buying golden eggs is wrong and Li Fengjiao is not good? If her computer is smashed, why don't you tear them up. Be reasonable, look for your own faults, and don't blame others when something happens."

No one said anything, they all stood there staring at Ju Laosan's family.

At this time, Shen Zhicheng pushed aside the people around the outer circle and walked in, sighed and said: "This is not at all my fault for my third uncle and my aunt. Before I bought the golden egg, my third uncle also persuaded me and asked me to find out about the golden egg." What's going on. At that time, I thought that Uncle San wanted to persuade everyone not to buy it because he couldn't buy the golden egg. In fact, Uncle San really meant well. Uncle San is not to blame for this. If you want to blame it, you can blame me. It's me I didn't find out what was wrong in time, because I didn't fulfill the responsibility of the village cadres."

The more he talked, the more regretful he became. In the end, Shen Zhicheng even said that he would quit his job in the village and let the villagers re-elect.

Things are developing in an unexpected direction, and people who have been cheated of money start to feel confused again.

Ju Jing didn't expect it to happen like this.

Does anyone blame Shin Zhicheng?Of course not, because he too was lied to.

Don't blame Ju Laosan's family, or the village cadres, who can be blamed?Of course, I still blame Ju Changfu's family, but they can't blame themselves anyway.

The people gathered in the restaurant moved their positions again and continued to block Ju Changfu's family.

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(End of this chapter)

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