Chapter 462 Jokes
The life of Ju Changfu and his wife is difficult, and the life of Ju Tangcheng is also difficult.

Ju Tangcheng is only lucky now that he didn't listen to his parents and drive Huang Zhaodi and his son away.If he drove them away, he would be the real chicken and egg, and he would have nothing.

He was lucky, but Huang Zhaodi didn't feel lucky.

When Li Fengjiao was around, she was tolerant, fearful, and worried about gains and losses. Now that Li Fengjiao is gone, everyone knows that Li Fengjiao is not a good person and will not come to rob her of men again. Instead, she has become more determined.

That night Ju Tangcheng went next door to discuss matters with Ju Changfu and his wife. Huang Zhaodi led the child to Ju's restaurant to find Ju Jing.

When Ju Jing was not there, Jing Chengxi asked her what was the matter, but she refused to say anything, and only said that she wanted to find Ju Jing.

"You know how to look for it, you know that my sister Jing is in charge of our family now," Jing Chengxi joked.

He called Ju Jing and asked Ju Jing to ask Huang Zhaodi what's the matter.

On the phone, Huang Zhaodi said to Ju Jing: "Second Gu, I heard that you haven't found someone to show you the shed, can you see me?"

In fact, I found someone to look after the greenhouse a few years ago, providing accommodation and salary, as long as the greenhouse is well maintained.But the man felt that the shed was too far away from the village, and it was meaningless to stay there every day, so he quit when he was young.

Dachun and Zhao Laohan had too many busy schedules, and they couldn't be allowed to manage the greenhouse all the time, so they still had to find a special person to look after the greenhouse.

The salary is not high, and the life is boring. No one really wants to come, so Ju Jing has not recruited suitable people so far.

"No, isn't your fungus pretty good? Why do you want to show me the shed? Let me tell you, you can't make much money from looking at the shed. There are many odd jobs, and it's up to you Whole fungus makes a lot of money." Ju Jing said honestly.

Huang Zhaodi also said to Ju Jing: "I don't want to get married with Ju Tang. He is just a stick, an idiot with no ideas and guts. If I don't have nowhere to go, I definitely won't stay in the village. I want to stay away from him !"

For Huang Zhaodi, who has a child, no natal family, no land, no house, can be said to have nothing, the decision to leave Ju Tangcheng is indeed very difficult and bold.

"You know that if I ask you to show me the greenhouse, they will have to ask for someone. I will face a lot of trouble, right? I also have a lot of work now, so I really don't want to cause trouble," Ju Jing said tactfully.

She admired Huang Zhaodi for making such a heroic decision, but she would not take trouble on her.

Huang Zhaodi also knew that Ju Jing was telling the truth, but she really didn't know who else to ask, so she confessed cruelly: "Let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart, I didn't plan to stay with you for long, I just I want to slow down first, and think about where I am going to do in the future. I feel sick when I see Ju Tangcheng and his parents and grandparents. I can’t stay in this family for a day.”

Ju Jing really sympathized with this woman, but after thinking for a long time, she still rejected Huang Zhaodi.

Huang Zhaodi hasn't reached the point where she can't live without help. Even if she needs help, Ju Jing can only help her with a little money so that they won't go hungry in the short term, that's all.

She didn't seek help from Ju Jing, and Huang Zhaodi didn't give up either.

She didn't tell Ju Jing the truth, she actually left herself a way out.

Last year, she and Ju Tangcheng were too busy to make fungus, so they found someone to do it. There are people from other villages in this village, and one of them is Zhao Dabao, a bachelor in his 30s.

Zhao Dabao has a disability.

He was electrocuted when he was young, and one arm was amputated. In addition, there was a sick mother in the family who could not save money, so he never found a wife.

There is no problem with his character, he is also very capable and able to live, and he looks good, except for the lack of an arm and the fact that his family is poorer, he is really better than Ju Tangcheng in everything, at least Huang Zhaodi thinks so.

Therefore, when Zhao Dabao was working for Huang Zhaodi, Huang Zhaodi made some small moves.

The two of them hadn't done anything cross-border, but Zhao Dabao, a bachelor in his 30s, would definitely not be able to stand her calls. Once she called, Zhao Dabao would definitely be willing to accept her and her children.

Ju Jing couldn't go this way, so Huang Zhaodi contacted Zhao Dabao immediately after returning home.

After breakfast the next day, Ju Tangcheng went to the next door to talk to his parents. He went there for more than an hour, and when he came back, he found that Huang Zhaodi and the child were gone.

Ju Tangcheng was looking for people all over the village, and asked people in the village if they had seen Huang Zhaodi, but no one answered him at all, and he didn't find out anything by himself.

Bai Guirong came to their house and rummaged through it, only to find dozens of dollars in change.She asked Ju Tangcheng how much money the family had in total, but Ju Tangcheng groaned for a long time and told his parents that he didn't know.

He really didn't know that Huang Zhaodi had always been in charge of the money.

Before, he was quite lucky that Huang Zhaodi was in charge of the money. If he had any money, he would have used it to buy golden eggs, and there was not a penny left.Who would have thought that it would be in vain, but in the end there was still not a penny left.

Not only is the money gone, but people are gone too!

They found out where Huang Zhaodi was going that day, and the family of three hurried to San Fatzi's village to ask for someone, but of course she didn't want to come back, and was almost beaten.

That's their territory, and of course it's not that simple for them to want people.

Ju Changfu thought about coming back to find someone to help, and bring more people there. Even if the people don't come back, they have to get the money back.

Who will help them?Not to mention outsiders, even Ju Changlong's family is unwilling to take care of him, but Ju Wenlin wants to take care of him, but he is getting old and has Cai Meiyu to take care of him, so he can't go at all.

Ju Bo asked them to call the police, and Huang Zhaodi took away the Ju family's money, and the police would definitely help them get it back.

Ju Changfu actually called the police, but none of them could prove that the money that Huang Zhaodi took away belonged to the Ju family. Huang Zhaodi insisted that the money was earned by herself, and it was not much, just over 2000 yuan.

The police let them negotiate on their own, and they didn't care anymore.

Just over 2000 yuan?That must be more than that.Last year, I made a few thousand yuan by making fungus, it is impossible to only two thousand.

But Ju Tangcheng couldn't tell the exact number, Huang Zhaodi said as much as he wanted, the police didn't care, they had nothing to do with Huang Zhaodi and Zhao Dabao.

The two women were kicked three times, Ju Tangcheng suddenly became a big joke in all directions.

Not only laughed at him, but also made fun of Ju Changfu and his wife.

It is said that Li Fengjiao was able to cheat so much money because Ju Changfu and his wife acted as a demon. If they could accept Huang Zhaodi early and prevent Li Fengjiao from coming back, none of these things would happen.

Ju Changfu and his wife also regret it, but regret is of no use, even if it is a chicken and egg, they have to live on.

Even if there were a lot of excitement to watch, the three sisters of the Ju family really didn't have the time to watch it.

Entering April, the three sisters are all entangled in their own affairs, not to mention watching the fun, they don't even have time to watch their family.

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(End of this chapter)

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