Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 463 Village Director

Chapter 463 Village Director

Ju Ling didn't have many classes this semester, and the electives were quite easy. She thought she could devote more time and energy to writing, but she was nominated by her classmates not long after the start of the semester, and became a member of the department. A member of the debate team.

The annual debate competition in the school is held in mid-May. Before that, all members of the debate team have to undergo intensive training.Ju Ling has never participated in this kind of competition before, and her foundation is relatively poor. She needs to learn more and work harder than others.

The purpose of the school competition is to select talents and finally determine the debate team players who can represent the school.

Every student who comes to University B is an excellent student in all aspects in their respective schools and even regions. No one is willing to lose, just like Ju Ling. To be selected is to be compared by others, and she will unconsciously be high-spirited.

She was so busy that Qiao Jue was in charge of such a big thing as buying a house from the beginning to the end. She just answered "yes" or "no" when Qiao Jue asked her opinion.

They bought a house in a real estate not too far from the two schools. There was nothing to say about it, it was very good, except for one thing - expensive.

Years later, Ju Ling lent Ju Jing a sum of money, and the sum of the two's money was not enough for the down payment. In order to get this lovely house, Qiao Jue borrowed some from his colleagues and friends.

Anyway, they are still young and can make money, and the money they borrow will be repaid sooner or later.

The house is an existing house, and it will be renovated as soon as the formalities are completed.

In order to save money and pretend to be a house that satisfies them, Qiao Jue decided to do the renovation by himself.

Decorating a house is more difficult and troublesome than buying a house. In just a few days, Qiao Jue felt that he had lost more than a circle of weight.But he didn't complain to Ju Ling, because he knew that Ju Ling was also busy.

They are all working hard for life, and it is not easy for anyone. If he doesn't complain or she doesn't complain, they will be the warmest support for each other.

When the husband and wife in Kyoto are busy kicking the back of their heads, the couple in the town are also very busy.

The interns have not come to work for several years, and the factory is understaffed. Ju Min decided to use a two-pronged approach. While continuing to recruit interns in colleges and universities, he released social recruitment information to the outside world.

Either way, however, it takes time for newcomers to arrive at the factory.The orders from the factory are constantly increasing, and the purchase volume is increasing. After simple processing, they are stored in the warehouse and need to be put on the assembly line as soon as possible.

In order to complete the supply of orders on time, Ju Min, the factory manager, has to work overtime every day. She goes wherever she needs people. The biggest official in the factory is also the one who works the most and is the most tiring.

Peng Yan didn't go home until ten or eleven every day, and Peng Yan was very distressed.He thought about going to the factory to help her while there was nothing else going on in the store, but he didn't expect that he had to leave for a while when Ju Min was the busiest because of a phone call from his friend.

A friend of Peng Yan who lived in the south was ill, and the situation was not good. Peng Yan wanted to go and have a look, and try to help if he could.

Not knowing how long it would take, Peng Yan could only hand over Yunhe's shop to Ju Min.With the clerk here, Ju Min doesn't have to go every day, just check the accounts every few days.

As a result, Ju Min became even busier.

But Ju Minjue is very happy and at ease when she is so busy. The money she earns makes her feel that no matter how busy she is, it is worth it.

The same is busy, but Ju Jing is very busy.

Because of the whole village being cheated, Shen Zhicheng decided to resign as a village cadre. Jobs are vacant.

Ju Jing bought a big car and a big machine, wandering around in the fields every day, never being able to finish one thing at a time.

She was so busy, and someone took the initiative to find something for her.

When Shen Zhicheng resigned, he recommended Ju Jing to be the village head with his superiors. The superiors really took this as a matter and asked Ju Jing to talk to him.

Ju Jing is a young man who is willing to take root in the countryside and do farming in a down-to-earth manner. She is also a young woman. She is also famous in Yunhe, not to mention the village. She will give her some convenience when she goes to work.

This is equivalent to taking advantage of others' short mouths and taking advantage of other people's hands. She gets convenience from others, and she is not easy to refuse when they ask her to do something.

Unable to refuse directly, Ju Jing thought of a good way, she said: "The people choose the village director. In the past, the village director was voted by the people in the village one by one. If they don’t like my job and it’s hard to do in the future, why don’t we hold a poll, and whoever you vote for will be the one.”

When she said this, she was quite confident, and felt that the people in the village would not vote for her.why?Over the years, her bad temper has offended many people in the village. If the villagers held grudges, they would definitely not vote for her.

Besides, even if she wants to be elected, her careless uncle will definitely use means to sabotage it quietly. The probability of her being elected is really very, very small.

In addition to her, there are two candidates for village director.

Ju Jingjue's two people are more popular than her, so she feels more at ease.

However, she put this heart down too early.

Every candidate had to speak before the first round of elections, and Ju Jing was unprepared. When it was her turn, she only said a few words.

Everyone said that if she was elected, she would benefit the villagers and lead the whole village to become rich and well-off. But when it was her turn, she said that if she was elected, she would support all her decisions. Don’t support her work when she is elected now. At that time, she will definitely quit.

She thought that if she was like this, she would not be able to enter the second round. Who would have thought that she would get the highest number of votes after the first round of voting.

Two days before the second round of election, Ju Jing began to feel uneasy, for fear that people in the village would choose her again in the second round.

She didn't understand why the people in the village chose her.She couldn't find out anything by herself, so she sent Jing Chengxi and Zhan Yi to help inquire.

It turns out that there is a saying in the village that the eldest daughter of Ju's family runs a factory in the town, and the second daughter has a big career in the village. If Ju Jing is elected as the village head, she must not patronize For myself, I have to think of the villagers when I have good things.In this way, young people can go to work in Ju Min's factory, and older people who stay in the village can go to Ju Jing's place if they want to work. This is a solid benefit. .

The benefits of being down-to-earth go far beyond that.

When Ju Jing’s netizens come over, they will want to buy anything new in the village. In the past, Ju Jing would tell them how much money they can buy, and never let the netizens be cheated. But if she becomes the village head, the people in the village will have money. Can she stop her from earning? This is also of great benefit to the villagers.

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(End of this chapter)

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