Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 464 Healing

Chapter 464 Healing
Ju Jing also knows people from the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, so she will definitely be able to get first-hand news about the planting and breeding industries.

Ju Jing is quick-witted and has many ideas, and she can produce tricks when farming the same land.

Ju Jing is the only one of the three girls who stayed at home. Ju Laosan will definitely support her work. After that, people in the village need to hold banquets in restaurants or do something. Everyone supporting his girl's work will also bring convenience to the people in the village.

Everyone has their own calculations in their hearts. No matter how they measure it, it will do them no harm to let Ju Jing be the village director, so why not choose them?

After learning this, Ju Jing was dumbfounded.

She underestimated these people in the village, they are full of minds, and they care more about long-term interests than the little grievances in front of them.

"Sister Jing, I don't think you can hide!" Jing Chengxi patted his sister Jing's shoulder and said gloatingly.

Ju Jing put her head in her hands, wishing she could turn back time, she resolutely never said anything about voting, no matter how good it is to refuse directly!

It's a pity, there is no regret medicine in the world, things have developed to this point, she can only resign herself to fate.

Saying that she was resigned to fate, Ju Jing still struggled a little during the second round of elections.

Speaking before the vote, she repeatedly stated that if she is elected, she will definitely not favoritism, will not help the villagers do bad things, and will not let her family's normal life be affected because of her being the village director.

She felt that what she said was clear enough, and those ghosts and ghosts in the village must be able to understand.

Yes, I understand, but I can't listen to it.

Everyone still insisted on their own ideas, and the final voting result was that Ju Jing was elected as the village director with a high number of votes!

The new official took office three fires, but Ju Jing was not in the mood to light the fire at all, she still had a lot of work to do.

However, the burden was on her shoulders, and when it was time for her to speak out, she still had to.

She really didn't expect that the first problem she had to deal with after taking office was Li Fengjiao's fraud case.

Li Fengjiao hasn't been caught yet, but her whereabouts are already known.

This person is also really capable, I don't know how many capable people she met outside, after cheating the money, she actually had a way to go abroad directly!
They are going to a country where there is no way to directly extradite them. It will be very complicated and difficult to catch people back. The police want Ju Jing to calm the emotions of the deceived and let them return to normal life first. Waiting for news from the police.

The job of appeasement is not easy to do, Ju Jing bit the bullet and walked to the two families, upset by the crying and howling of the two families.

Later, Ju Jing didn't have the patience to go from house to house, and she shouted directly with a loudspeaker, telling the people in the village that it was useless to cry and howl. If people didn't catch the money and didn't chase it back, even if they cried blindly and hoarsely, the money would not come back. , Let everyone quickly collect their thoughts and prepare for spring plowing, and don't delay the serious business.

The news in the village before was that Ju Jing would go door-to-door to appease them. Many people had already figured out how to raise conditions with Ju Jing and asked Ju Jing to help them.As a result, Ju Jing didn't follow the routine and flashed many people's waists.

Later, Ju Jing also figured it out. She is the village director and not someone's mother. There is no need to take care of everything, as long as the general direction is good. If the people below do not implement it, she will think of other ways. There is no need to get too tangled up.

The village director is no longer entangled in this matter, but there are other things coming up.

A netizen contacted Ju Jing very suddenly, saying that he wanted to come and experience the rural life.

This season is especially embarrassing.Let’s say it’s cold, the ice and snow start to melt; let’s say it’s hot, the grass doesn’t grow green and the trees don’t grow buds, everything is bare, what’s the good feeling?

I explained the situation to the netizen, but the netizen was quite determined and wanted to come and play.Anyway, he's the only one, come if you want, and give up if you find it's not fun, Ju Jing thinks so.

But as soon as the person arrived, Ju Jing regretted it.

This guy obviously has something on his mind. It doesn't seem like he came here to experience rural life, but like he was avoiding something.

It's okay to come here to relax, but what if you find a secluded place to commit suicide?
Thinking of the possibility that Ju Jing couldn't sleep at night, she sent Yin Kaixuan to keep an eye on him every day, for fear that something might happen to the young man.

I don't know why young people nowadays are so preoccupied with so many things, and why their mental endurance is so poor, they have to hide and hide when they have something to do, and within a few days, another netizen came over.

This netizen didn't say hello before he came, and only left a message for Ju Jing on QQ after he arrived at Yunhe.Everyone has arrived at the door of the house, and Ju Jing can't be driven back by others, so she quickly sent Yin Kaixuan to pick them up.

Ju Jing arranged for the two young men to live together. Brothers and sisters, they looked at each other, and it was good to talk about their thoughts.

This year has been full of surprises since the beginning of the year, and even the two netizens who took in did not follow the routine.

Having been here for more than half a month, the two of them seem to be in a better mood, and they are no longer confined in the room all day. Ju Jing and the others will come out to help when they are busy outside.

The two young men in the city had never done heavy and tiring work before, and they almost cried when they worked for Ju Jing in the first few days, but after getting used to it, they would take the initiative to find work if there was no work.

"I think the two of them work very quickly, why don't you hire them to work for you, as a long-term job, I think it's good," Yin Kaixuan joked to Ju Jing.

Ju Jing rolled her eyes at him.Still hire them to work, can she afford it?The two young men were well dressed and brought valuables with them, so it seemed that they were not short of money.

Speaking of this, Yin Kaixuan had something to say.

"I'm not worth more than them. If I can work for you, why can't they!"

Ju Jing rolled her eyes again: "Can you be like them? Or do you want to be like them?"

One question killed the topic, Yin Kaixuan obediently shut up and stopped talking.

The two boys couldn't do long-term jobs for Ju Jing, but they didn't intend to leave in the short term. One of the boys even asked to go to the village to surf the Internet. He said he wrote an article and wanted to send it out.

At this point, Ju Jing knew that he was a well-known emotional blogger on the Internet. He often posted emotional posts on social networking sites. He also posted a few words of chicken soup, and his fans were more than twice that of Ju Jing!
He came here to heal his emotional injuries, and by the way, he realized many principles of life and emotions during labor, and wrote an article of nearly [-] words.

After the article was published, Ju Jing's social account also gained a wave of fans, because the guy mentioned in the article that the place where he healed was Ju Jing's farm.

Annoyances turned into good things in an instant, and Ju Jing was treated as a good person and even advertised once for free, which is definitely a steady profit.

However, to Ju Jing's surprise, because of this wave of publicity, her farm has become a healing farm for many people. It is said that no matter how many emotional injuries she has suffered, she will definitely be healed here, anyway. The biography was so evil that Ju Jing was shocked!

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(End of this chapter)

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