Chapter 465
Ju Jing was exhausted physically and mentally.

She just wanted to keep the whole farm in a down-to-earth manner, and the online promotion was also carried out in a planned way. Who would have thought that the whole wind direction would change just because of someone else's blog post.

Healing Farm?What the hell, Ju Jing doesn't want her farm to be defined like this at all.

She complained to the older sisters and younger sisters in the group, and asked them to help out with ideas on how to turn the wind back.

Ju Min was in the driving school when she received Ju Jing's request for help.

Peng Yan had just returned from visiting friends in the south, and the factory had recruited enough manpower. Ju Min was not as busy as before, so he began to use his spare time to improve himself.

During this period of time, she ran on both sides of Yunhe in the town, and wasted too much time waiting for the bus. If she could drive herself, it would save a lot of time, so she decided to learn to drive.

No matter how hard or difficult it is, we must overcome it for a better future.

As for Ju Ling, she is warming up for her first debate competition, which will be held in seven hours, and she is so nervous that she wants to hit the wall.

Both of them took time to chat with Ju Jing.

Ju Min also thinks that the name of the healing farm is not good. The farm is a place for planting and breeding. How to heal?Is this false advertising?What if something happens?

Ju Ling held the opposite opinion with them.

She said in the group: "You didn't advertise the Healing Farm. You also clarified it on the Internet. Others still believe in it. What can you do? Can you really leave it alone when someone touches it? Of course it doesn't matter." No. So, I think what we need to discuss now is not how to change the direction, because the wind direction basically cannot be changed, but how to do things well along this wind direction.”

"Then how to do it well?" Ju Jing humbly asked for advice.

Ju Ling did have an idea: "Isn't your farm always lacking people to work? In the future, whoever comes to heal their injuries doesn't need to be polite to them. Let them realize the true meaning of life through labor. I guess they will know that they have lost their personality after suffering and suffering. It's so hypocritical that love is about to die or live."

"Can this work?" Ju Min expressed doubts.

Ju Jing was also afraid of accidents: "If they don't want to, can I still force them?"

"Then you should first issue a statement to let everyone who wants to come here know that they have to listen to you when they come, and don't come if they don't obey. I think adults with a little thought will make their own judgments and try not to cause trouble for others Well, most of them will listen to you when they come here."

Ju Jing didn't know whether what Ju Ling said would work, but she could give it a try.

She immediately asked Zhan Yi to do this, and then Zhan Yi reported the situation to her.

"Sister Jing, I posted the statement on the accounts of several platforms with a large number of fans, and everyone should be able to see it. There are still a few platforms whose overall traffic is not good. After comprehensive analysis, I think it will be difficult for these platforms to have development, so I don’t care about the accounts on these platforms in the future,” Zhan Yi said.

After Zhan Yi came over, he helped Ju Jing register accounts on many new platforms.The number of fans and attention of the account has a great relationship with the traffic of the platform. Some platforms have not developed, and the competitors are too strong. It is estimated that they will be eliminated soon, so naturally there is no need to waste too much time on it. and energy.

Do not use suspicious people, do not use suspicious people, Ju Jing has always had this attitude.

So she said to Zhan Yi: "You can figure it out yourself, I believe in your vision."

Zhan Yi has been living here for a while, and Ju Jing has never found a chance to have a good chat with him. Now that she has time, she approaches Zhan Yi and asks in a low voice, "How do you feel? I'm still used to it here. Bar?"

Zhan Yi smiled embarrassedly: "It's all very good, better than I thought. These days, uncles and aunts are preparing materials, saying that they want to build an extra kang at home, and everyone has a separate room to live in. "

Ju Jing knew about this, and Ju Wenqi had this plan in winter, but put it on hold because it was too cold to work in winter, and now that the weather is warming up, the kang is just right.

"Then why don't you make a video on the theme of pan-kang, this is quite rare, and the number of views must be high, and my dad will be very happy to be on camera," Ju Jing suggested with a smile.

Now making a video or writing an article is almost the same routine. Ju Jing thinks about the theme, Zhan Yi does it, and when it is done, it will be reviewed by Ju Jing, and it will be published after passing the test.

The two cooperated very well, the quality of the videos and articles was much higher than before, and it attracted the attention of many people.

Panning the kang can be regarded as a technical job. It can make the kang pan firm and flat, heat quickly, dissipate heat slowly, and not suffocate the smoke. There are really few people in the village who can do it.

Ju Wenqi can do it.

He only asked Jing Chengxi to help him by name, and the two of them spent most of the day moving stones and mud, while Zhan Yi took a video camera and took videos and photos of them. The three of them were busy enough.

After finishing the work, the three grandparents sat at the kitchen table to rest and drink tea and chat. Ju Wenqi hesitated and hesitated, and finally asked what he was holding back in his heart.

"Xiaojing Xiaozhan, do you two have any plans in the future?" Afraid that they didn't understand, Ju Wenqi explained again: "I didn't mean to drive you away, that's right, young people nowadays don't like to live with old people. Together, I will move back with your aunt in the future, and you will definitely not be as comfortable as before. I discussed with your aunt, if you are willing, we will buy another house in the village, and let you go out alone, a detached house How nice it is."

Jing Chengxi failed to comprehend the deep meaning of Ju Wenqi, and said in a dazed way: "Uncle, our kang is all set up, don't we just want to live together, it's you and my aunt who feel that living together is uncomfortable? "

Zhan Yi elbowed him, and said in a low voice, "Uncle, we live here and we don't go anywhere."

Jing Chengxi turned his head to look at Zhan Yi in bewilderment, and suddenly found that his eyes were red, with tears still glistening in his eyes, and he tried his best not to let the tears fall.

He found an excuse to pull Zhan Yi out, wanting to ask him what's wrong, but Zhan Yi suddenly hugged him, buried his face in his neck and began to cry.

"What's the matter?" Jing Chengxi seemed to be chasing a TV series and missed some important episodes, he was at a loss.But at this time, he was still afraid that Zhan Yi would misunderstand Ju Wenqi, so he explained: "Uncle definitely doesn't want to drive us away, don't be sad, don't cry."

Zhan Yi didn't cry for a long time.

He wiped away his tears and smiled embarrassingly, and said to Jing Chengxi: "I understand what uncle and aunt mean. They hope that we can live as we want like other people. They don't care what they say outside the accident. Let's not bother."

"Ah? Uncle, does that mean it?" Jing Chengxi was even more confused.

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(End of this chapter)

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