Chapter 466
That's what Ju Wenqi meant, of course.

Let Jing Chengxi and Zhan Yi have a house of their own, a life of a single family, isn't that just telling the people in the village that these two young men live together.

When they were young, they could still explain that they were allowed to go out to live alone because they couldn't live with the old people of the Ju family. Then when they were old and stayed together all day without getting married, no one would guess what was going on with them.

Ju Wenqi is such a person who cares about face, and is so afraid of being criticized by others, it is really not easy to make such a decision.

Zhan Yi explained to Jing Chengxi clearly the twists and turns, and Jing Chengxi was also completely moved.

He said with red eyes: "Now you can understand why I have a family and relatives but I refuse to leave here. Everyone in the family is very nice."

To be honest, Zhan Yi didn't understand before, really didn't understand, but he understands now.

Ju Laosan's family has the word "family" deeply in their bones. Whenever they accept them as family members, no matter how they close the door, they will definitely protect and pamper them.

After the two of them settled their emotions and returned to the house, Jing Chengxi asked Ju Wenqi why he was not afraid to let outsiders know about them.

Ju Wenqi sipped hot tea, shook his head and sighed, "I can see now that if people want to criticize you, even if you do everything right, they can find faults. So, if you want people to say nothing, it is up to us Shut up in front of you, you can only be a little bit stronger, and it's not okay to keep thinking about not doing things they don't like."

The perception was quite profound, and Jing Chengxi asked him how he suddenly realized this.

In fact, it can't be said that he realized it suddenly, it's just that the people in the village suddenly pointed the finger at their family about Li Fengjiao's deception before, which made him more sober.

Li Fengjiao led the whole village to buy golden eggs and smash them. In the whole village, Ju Lao San was the only one who didn't get involved. He persuaded people not to buy them and they couldn't get good ones. If he didn't persuade them, they still couldn't get good ones. What he can decide depends on what other people say and think.

Since it's not pleasing to anyone, why bother yourself to conform to others, and do what you want.

If you have the guts, you can say it face to face, but if you don't have the guts, you can only say a few words behind your back.

In Xiaofuqiangtun, there is nothing that people don’t say, no matter how good you are, there are still people who say behind your back, if you really want to have zero negative reviews, then you really can’t live.

Ju Wenqi only regrets that he understands too late, and has wronged his wife and children all these years in order to let others say that he is good.

Fortunately, it is not too late to understand now, the road ahead is still long, if you walk openly by yourself, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Ju Wenqi talked to Jing Chengxi and Zhan Yi a lot with his heart and soul, and also inspired the two young men a lot.

That night, Zhan Yi sorted out the videos and photos taken during the day on Pankang, edited them, and typed out thousands of words of accompanying text. After finishing everything, he compressed it into a picture format and sent it to Ju Jing on QQ.

Ju Jing didn't see the video, but she was deeply moved by the pictures and accompanying text alone.

She called Zhan Yi directly, sighed and asked, "Are you sure you want to send it like this?"

"Sister Jing, there are rumors on the Internet that we are a healing farm. We can't change the direction of the wind, so we might as well follow the trend. If there is a definition, I think inclusiveness, harmony, and simplicity are all good."

Ju Jing doesn't want to give other meanings to her farm, it's just a simple farm, but now it's up to her whether to define it or not, so it's better for them to give the farm some deeper definitions.

Zhan Yi's blog is superficially introducing the process of Ju Wenqi taking Jing Chengxi to the Kang, but actually dug into the reasons for the Pan Kang, and even restored part of the conversation between Ju Wenqi and them, showing that Ju Wenqi, as an elder, is tolerant. , The loving side.

The idea is very good, but in this way, the affairs of Zhan Yi and Jing Chengxi will be made public on the Internet, which will affect them to some extent.

Ju Jing wants to protect her family, but at the same time respects their decision.If Zhan Yi thinks it doesn't matter, of course she supports him in doing so.

At around [-] o'clock that night, Zhan Yi posted his blog post on several popular platforms. The views of the article and video were very high, and the comments were quite harmonious, which was much better than Zhan Yi imagined.

Ju Ling saw this blog post on the Internet when she was resting, and immediately called Ju Jing to ask what was going on.

The phone was connected, but Ju Ling didn't ask anything, and Ju Jing said sadly: "Little boy, your second sister is going to be busy! I just sent away two big Buddhas who came to heal my wounds, and here are two more Young people who are looking for self-confidence and future. What’s wrong with people nowadays, why are they so hypocritical!”

Ju Ling couldn't hold back his laughter.

After laughing, she teased her second sister: "You are going to change from the intimate sister Jing of the people around you to the intimate sister Jing of the public, which is very good. But what happened to that article you posted?"

"What's the matter, the video and pictures were taken by Zhan Yi, and the text was also written by him. If they didn't agree, there wouldn't be this blog post at all! I think this is pretty good. They didn't steal or rob or do anything bad. They It's just a bold declaration of what kind of people they are." Ju Jing replied.

Ju Ling felt relieved and began to complain to her second sister.

"Second sister, I'm under a lot of pressure. The debate teams of our school's departments are not human. I wish I could dig three holes in one sentence. I'm going to be scared to death by them!" Ju Ling groaned in a coquettish tone Said.

Ju Jing doesn't know much about debating, but she is good at comforting people, especially her younger sister.

"Then how are you doing? Have you dug a hole for others?" Ju Jing asked with a smile.

Ju Ling smiled a little, and said proudly: "Of course I was dug up by them too. After all, I was also selected by the department."

"My little sister is amazing! You don't have to put so much pressure on yourself in a school competition. Anyway, you won't be paid if you win, and you won't be fined if you lose. Just be happy with yourself." Ju Jing persuaded her a little Partial.

But it works great.

Ju Ling immediately relaxed and giggled for a long time.

"You're right, if you lose and you don't get fined, then there is no pressure. Winning or losing is not important, but whether you have money is important. Second sister, I'm almost dying of poverty now!" Ju Ling went on again. up.

Ju Jing turned to Lai Ji with her, humming and chirping: "Not only does your second sister have no money in her pocket to pay off her debts! You little girl, work hard, work hard to make money, your second sister is still waiting to borrow money from you." Where's the money?"

This is a joke, the main purpose is to act like a baby with my little sister, and also to encourage Ju Ling.

It's really easy to use. When I hang up the phone, Ju Ling feels as if she has been beaten. When she thinks that the second sister needs her, her husband needs her, and the whole family needs her, she is full of energy and can still turn on the computer. Another five thousand words.

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(End of this chapter)

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