Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 467 Prejudice

Chapter 467 Prejudice (two chapters in one)

The motivated Ju Ling turned on the computer and typed more than [-] characters, she typed a full [-] characters, and turned off the computer at almost two o'clock in the middle of the night.

At six o'clock in the morning, she was woken up again by the alarm clock. She got up for a run, came back to wash up, had breakfast and went to class. After class, she went to the activity room of the department's debate team to train with the team members.

There have been several rounds of debate competitions in the school. The debate team has won and won. Generally speaking, more wins and less losses. The situation is not bad.

Next up is the semi-finals, winning the championship and runner-up, losing No.3, both are already good rankings.But they have already come to this point, everyone is rushing to the championship.

The semi-finals and finals were recorded by the education channel of the local TV station, and everyone was even more nervous.

Ju Ling is definitely not the strongest in the team, she knows her strength.No matter what, she doesn't want to be the short board of the whole team, so she has been trying to enrich herself and make herself stronger and stronger.

Just in order not to hold back, Ju Ling gritted her teeth and persevered all the way, and unexpectedly became a celebrity in the school's debating circle, nicknamed Ju Sanbian.This third does not refer to her ranking at home, but she has always been the third debater in the team. As long as their team wins the championship in the end, she must be the strongest third debater in the school.

The fourth debater of the debate team is a junior senior, tall, handsome and knowledgeable, the dream man of many girls in the school.

However, Ju Ling didn't like this senior very much because he had a prejudice against Ju Ling.

When the members of the debate team assembled on the first day, the senior politely invited the whole team to have dinner. Everyone drank a little wine, and after the atmosphere became lively, they talked about some more personal topics.

Everyone else said whether they were single or in a relationship, but when they came to Ju Ling, they couldn't seem too special and didn't say anything. She just told the truth that she was married.

This is not a secret, many people around Ju Ling know about it, but coincidentally, few people in the team don't even know about it.

Everyone was shocked, but most of the teammates expressed their admiration for her young marriage. Only the senior Sibian criticized Ju Ling after the shock.

Yes, it is criticism.

He even said that Ju Ling was a big blemish on B, holding back all progressive women!

Ju Ling immediately became unhappy.What's the matter, late marriage is more noble than early marriage?Is being unmarried more noble than being married?What kind of bullshit theory is this.

Women's ideological progress is reflected in whether they have the right to dominate their own destiny and life. Marriage or not is just a choice. No matter which one you choose, as long as it is voluntary, it should be respected.

Before Ju Ling had learned any debating skills, she had a deep and explosive debate with seniors who had joined the debate team for a year. In the end, Ju Ling ended the debate with a look that could kill people.

She won, but she didn't convince the seniors of Sibian, the two of them formed a knot, and they would stare at each other when they met from now on, neither of them convinced the other.

Coincidentally, today Ju Ling came over on the front foot, and the senior Sibian came on the back foot.

The two of them occupied a corner of the activity room, and no one said anything.

Ju Ling's book was always difficult to read, and she always felt that something was missing, but later she figured out that she missed a look at Senior Sibian, who didn't seem to stare at her either.

She hurriedly raised her head to look at the senior, ready to make up for it, but she didn't want the senior to look at her sideways, with a special look - strange.

Ju Ling was taken aback, and looked at Senior Sibian warily.

"What are you doing? What's the matter?" Ju Ling asked.

Senior Sibian snorted softly, turned around and said sullenly: "You can't watch it if you have nothing to do? Some people are so proud that others can't even take a look at it. Do you need to be so overbearing?"

Ju Ling: .
What is the reason for the yin and yang strangeness of the four debate seniors?Isn't this sick?

Soon she knew that the senior was not sick, but just jealous.

The head of the department found her through a mentor and told her good news.

The school has several places for short-term study abroad at public expense, and mainly rewards outstanding students who are both good in character and learning, and Ju Ling is one of them.

This kind of thing can't be bought and sold by force, the student has to be willing to do it, so the director asked her to come over and ask her what she thought.

If this matter falls on others, he would be happy to agree to it, such as Senior Sibian.When he was a sophomore in college, he applied for it on his own initiative, but he failed, and without him this time, he was always unconvinced.

Ju Ling didn't reply right away, so she applied to the director for two days and thought about it carefully.

The director thought that she was going to discuss such a big matter with her family before making a decision, but in fact Ju Ling and Ben didn't plan to discuss it because she didn't plan to go at all.

Yang Liu in the dormitory has been fighting for the opportunity to go abroad. Ju Ling wants to stretch out this quota first, and see if Yang Liu can find a way to win it. If the department thinks she is also good, Ju Ling will tell the director that she will not go. Wouldn't the hope of being able to go be great?

When she told Yang Liu about this, Yang Liu thought she was joking.

"Why don't you want such a good opportunity? Are you crazy?"

Not only Yang Liu thought so, but Dong Ruyu and Teng Rong also felt that this opportunity was rare, so they asked Ju Ling to think about it.

Ju Ling said: "I have never planned to go abroad, so this is not an opportunity for me. Going abroad is not a very necessary choice for the way I want to go, but for the things I want to do. This is not the case for Yang Liu, she needs such an opportunity."

Ju Ling really wanted to help her roommates. It was a good idea, but it didn't work out.

After winning the semi-finals of the debate, the seniors of the fourth debate invited everyone in the team to dinner, saying that there was a happy event to announce.

Ju Ling really didn't want to go, but everyone else went, including the team leader and teacher, it seemed bad for her not to go alone.

Only after I went there did I know that the so-called happy event of Senior Sibian was that he finally got the quota to go abroad.

There are two places in the department, and there is another senior sister who has been set up early in the morning. The remaining one, Ju Ling, turned down and let Yang Liu fight for it. Since the senior Sibian won the place, it means that Yang Liu did not fight for it.

Ju Ling was feeling sorry for her roommate, when she suddenly heard Senior Si Bian say: "Ju Ling, you shouldn't marry the teacher from the school next door, you should marry the teacher from our school, so you can do whatever you want , if you want to go abroad, go abroad, right?"

It's too yin and yang, and it also involves monks.

"What do you mean?" Ju Ling asked very bluntly.

Senior Sibian snorted softly: "What can I mean? I just want to say that you married the wrong person. The matter of marrying a teacher from our school and going abroad will definitely not go away. Marrying a teacher from another school will be a waste of effort."

Ju Ling's petty temper couldn't be suppressed at all.

Holding the wine glass, she didn't even pour the wine, she just threw the glass in the face of senior Siben.

"When my husband and I met, you didn't know where to pee and play with mud. Isn't it just a short-term study abroad quota? Do you think I was dismissed? It's interesting, that's what my sister didn't want. You pick up things that my sister doesn't want and put them there to show off, don't you think it's embarrassing." Ju Ling walked to Senior Sibian and pointed at his nose and said eagerly.

Sibian is one grade higher than her, but they are the same age, and Ju Ling's birthday is older, so she claims that there is nothing wrong with her sister.

Ju Ling's sudden anger frightened everyone at the table. Senior Si Bian held his painful face from being hit by a cup and felt that he had lost face and wanted to do something to Ju Ling.


Ju Ling is not afraid.

She has long been disgusted with these four debates. After reading a few foreign books, she feels that her thinking is the most advanced, and she feels that she is in line with the world. If other people do things differently from what he thinks, it must be someone else's fault, it is someone else's feudalism , is the retrogression of other people's thinking.

Uncle, it's because he's mentally ill.

Ju Ling moved very quickly, and the four debaters hadn't come yet. She stepped back one after another, picked up a bowl and a cup on the table, and threw them all at Si Bian's face.

They were all hit, and the nosebleeds flowed down.

Only then did the people at the table regain their strength, and hurried to pull people away.

There was quite a lot of noise in the private room, which disturbed many people to come to watch the excitement.

Coincidentally, the debate team who just lost to them today was also there, which made people laugh.

The leader teacher of the debate team told them to focus on the overall situation and solve any problems in private.

What can be done?
Ju Lingduo didn't even want to look at Sibian.

Sibian didn't want to look at her either.

Ju Ling's anger has not yet dissipated, and the department's punishment decision has come down.

The members of the two debate teams were fighting outside, and they were mainly seen by people from other departments. The influence was really bad, so the department gave them a punishment of notifying them of criticism.

Originally, Ju Ling didn't want to tell Qiao Jue about this, but after the punishment, even if she didn't tell Qiao Jue, she would know about it, so it's better to say it first.

Qiao Jue didn't speak for a long time after listening to her, and Ju Ling could feel his unhappiness from his uneven breathing.

"Little boy, why didn't you tell me about such a big thing!" Qiao Jue asked.

Really pissed.

Ju Ling explained: "I think it's my business, and I have already decided not to go, so there is no need to tell you. Besides, you have been very busy recently, and I don't want to bother you with my business .”

It would be better if she didn't make up the last sentence, but Qiao Jue would be even angrier if he made up the last sentence.

"Why bother me? When have I ever bothered you? Little boy, I'm your family member, you have to tell me if you have something to do. I know your idea is right, I don't want to interfere with you, nor do I want you to discuss with me What, you just need to tell me, can't you even do this!"

"No, brother Xiaojue, you are a little angry today, what's wrong? Work is not going well?" Ju Ling keenly noticed that his mood was not quite right.

If he was angry because he didn't tell him about the number of places to go abroad, it would not be so angry. I always feel that there are other reasons for his anger.

Qiao Jue also felt that his temper was too big, so he took a deep breath to calm down, sighed and said, "I'm sorry, I'm really annoying right now."

Qiao Jue is very busy with work and has to run around for renovations, so he wished he could take it apart and use it as a messenger for two people, so it's understandable that he has a little temper.

However, Qiao Jue is not because of these troubles.

"Our experimental project team wants to send people to study abroad, and the project leader decided to send me there. I will go in June and return in August at the earliest. If things don't go well and I can't come back in August, I will miss the wedding of my eldest sister and brother-in-law. Already!" Qiao Jue said sullenly.

This is a work task that cannot be pushed, and the person in charge decides that Qiao Jue must go.

"I can't do anything about work. My eldest sister and brother-in-law will definitely understand you. Have you decided when to go? You can talk to me about the renovation later. I will continue to do the decoration after you leave." Ju Ling Said quite calmly.

"Are you sure you want to do the renovation? Let me tell you, this job is tiring and cumbersome, I'm afraid you'll collapse." Qiao Jue vaccinated her.

Ju Ling doesn't believe in this evil.

In the finals of the debate competition, Ju Ling and the others lost their opponents. The first debater and the second debater in the team were selected into the school team to participate in the inter-school competition. Ju Ling missed the school team because of a fight with the fourth debater. Most of the time is spent on decoration.

Before Qiao Jue left, he had arranged the work to be done next, and Ju Ling just had to implement it step by step according to the plan.

However, there were too many accidents in the decoration. She implemented it according to the plan, and the decoration workers did not play cards according to the routine. The materials prepared in the plan would always be short of this or that, and the disposal of decoration waste also encountered troubles that Ju Ling had to solve. .

Thanks to the fact that there are not many classes this semester, Ju Ling will definitely cry if this is put on in the next semester.

Tired and paralyzed on the bed at night, she said to her two elder sisters in the group: "Elder sister and second sister, when you buy a building in the future, don't do the decoration yourself. Really, you can wear people down several times. It's only been a few days , I have lost weight from a few hundred catties to over ninety catties!"

When I heard that my little sister had lost weight, it gave Ju Min and Ju Jing a lot of heartache.

Ju Min advised her to find someone to do the decoration, don't be too picky, and she can relax.

Ju Jing told her not to worry, just put it there when she was tired and don't pretend, and fiddle with it when she has time, and she is not in a hurry anyway.

The comfort of the two sisters made her feel better.

The two sisters responded very quickly last night, as if they were not busy, Ju Ling asked them what they were doing these days.

Ju Min is still busy with factory affairs.The factory expanded its production scale, expanded its sales channels, and made a lot more money than before, but Ju Min was not as busy as before.

why?Because Ju Min hired several employees who are more powerful in management, they shared a lot of pressure for her.

There is little pressure at work, but there are other things that need her to worry about.

Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei set her wedding date in August and are starting preparations now.It's different from preparing for Ju Ling's wedding. At that time, the whole family helped Zhang Luo, so basically there was nothing wrong with Ju Ling.Now, Ju Jing is busy and Ju Ling is also busy. Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei are not sure about many things, so they have to call Ju Min to ask them, and finally Ju Min has to make a decision.

Both Ju Jing and Ju Ling felt very embarrassed. They agreed to be in charge of the eldest sister's wedding before, but they really didn't have time and energy when they were busy. If I knew this, I should have helped the eldest sister persuade her parents not to hold the wedding. Let the eldest sister relax a bit.

It's too late to say these things now, everyone in all directions knows that Ju's eldest daughter is going to get married, and the wedding will be held in summer, how many people will be disturbed by the sudden failure to do so.

In addition to managing the farm, Ju Jing also has to receive a few weird netizens from time to time.

It's really weird.

Ever since the matter of Jing Chengxi and Zhan Yi was publicized on the Internet, Jingjing Farm's very inclusive label was posted, and many people came to play for this.

Ju Jing was not polite to the netizens who came to play, she let them work if they had work, and took them around to play when they had no work.

She didn't expect that not only did she not reap any complaints, but she also made these people feel more belonging to the quiet farm.

Among them was an art netizen who went to Binjiang City to buy a lot of paints and tools and came back to paint on the house on the underground side of the hillside. A lot of photos were posted on the Internet, which attracted a lot of praise.

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(End of this chapter)

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