Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 468 Alternative

Chapter 468 Alternative
It’s not yet the summer vacation, but several painting students made an appointment with Ju Jing, saying that they would come to play during the summer vacation and see the graffiti-painted houses with their own eyes.

Ju Jing didn't think they wanted to see other people's graffiti. They clearly wanted to participate in it themselves. After all, they wanted to find someone who could graffiti on a large area in the city.

But before dealing with those students, Ju Jing still has an artist to deal with.

This is also a painter, a very down-to-earth painter.If people don't do graffiti when they come here, they are willing to play with Ju Wenqi.

"You don't know, our dad drinks tea and talks about art with people every day, and when they paint, our dad carves tea trays. My God, I never thought our dad was so artistic!" Ju Jing said in the group Li sighed to the eldest sister and younger sister.

Ju Wenqi talking about art?Neither Ju Min nor Ju Ling could imagine that scene.

In fact, it is to talk about his carving skills.Ju Wenqi is self-taught in this respect, and has his own set of methods and skills. Artists who paint also like to sculpt, and they can learn something from chatting with Ju Wenqi.

"By the way, this painter knows that eldest sister is going to get married and wants to draw a wedding gift for you. If you prepare some things from your factory and send them back, you can treat it as a gift in return." Ju Jing is still very considerate in her work .

She was thoughtful, but not thoughtful to the point.

The gift that the artist wants is not a beautifully packaged local product at all, but a tea tray hand-carved by Ju Wenqi.

The painter stayed here for more than twenty days, watching Ju Wenqi make two tea trays.

One of them was painted by himself, and it looks much better than the paint that Ju Wenqi painted directly with the same color before.Another Ju Wenqi was given to the artist as a gift, which made the artist very happy.

All these things were recorded by Zhan Yi with photos and words and posted on the Internet, and the artist commented below, which attracted the attention of many art lovers, clamoring to come and experience the artistic atmosphere of the countryside.

Country art.

Okay, Ju Jing doesn't even know what to say.

The two painters before and after left a lot of waste manuscripts. After getting their permission, Ju Jing pasted these waste manuscripts on the wall of the hotel.

Let alone in the villages, even in the big cities, only those who really understand art account for the total population.

The painter is gone, and Ju Jing has other guests here, all of whom are a little strange.

There was a girl with dirty braids, smoky makeup, and dark eye sockets every day. On the first day she came to the village, she was frightened and cried by a child.

There is also a guy who likes to get holes in his body.Not to mention more than a dozen piercings in one ear, there are holes in the nose, mouth, tongue, and even the belly button. People in the village hide when they see him, so scared.

Ju's family reacted very calmly. Ju Jing has been on the Internet for so many years, so she has never seen anything before. The more cool and flamboyant this kind of person is, the easier it is to get along with.

Not to mention Yin Kaixuan, Jing Chengxi and Zhan Yi, one who has seen the big world and two who are considered different in themselves, both accept it well.

Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei were able to accept it calmly mainly because the children in the family accepted it. They trusted their children unconditionally, and felt that the people their children recognized would definitely not be bad people, so they also regarded these young people who came to play as their own children.

Ju Wenqi also asked the guy who loves piercings if it hurts, to see if he is so thin because the piercings in his tongue and mouth affect his eating.His kind inquiry was not offensive, and the young man had a good time chatting with him.

Zhang Yongmei also had a good chat with the girl with dreadlocks. It was cold on a rainy day and she was still wearing jeans with big holes. She kindly bought a pair of long johns for the girl, told her to keep warm, and told her that she is not young now. Note that when you get old, you will be the one who suffers from all kinds of problems.

I don't know which sentence she said touched the girl, but the girl actually put long johns inside her jeans.

Can you imagine it?Wearing a pair of trendy and pretty ripped jeans with a pair of long johns with small florals inside, not ordinary people can't control this way of wearing.

In fact, as long as you know more about them, you can understand why they can get along so well with Ju Wenqi and his wife.They were all born in relatively affluent families in the city, but they didn't get much love from childhood, so they disguised themselves with alternative attire, hoping that their family members could say a few words to them, even if it was disgusting scolding. Said it was a lack of love.

Anyway, no matter how different people come, they all have to listen to the nagging of Ju Wenqi and his wife, they all have to work for Ju Jing, and they all have to sleep on the hard kang.

The girl with dirty braids and the guy with the hole had stayed with Ju Jing for nearly a month and had no intention of leaving. Ju Jing politely asked them what their plans were, and both of them said that they had not stayed enough and wanted to help Ju Jing with work.

All right, free coolies, let them stay if they want to.

Ju Jing is willing to keep them, but some people don't.

It was Shen Zhicheng who took the initiative to come to Ju Jing. He was entrusted by some people in the village to talk to Ju Jing, hoping that Ju Jing would drive away the girl with dreadlocks and the guy with the hole, saying that they were too scary to affect the appearance of the village.

Ju Jing's attitude is also very clear, she will not drive people away, and will entertain such so-called friends who "affect the appearance of the village" in the future.

"Jingjing, we are all fellow villagers, so we understand each other. Those two people are really scary. I'm afraid even if I look at them, let alone the elderly and children in the village," Shen Zhicheng continued to persuade.

Ju Jing replied without giving in: "They have been here for almost a month. How many times have they come to the village? No more than five times. Every time they come back to the village, they either stay at my house or stay in the restaurant. They don't stroll around the village at all. People in the village Everyone has clairvoyance, right? You can see people across mountains, seas, and houses. If I don’t like relatives and friends coming to other people’s homes, can I ask them to drive them away? I’ve seen domineering ones. I have never seen such a domineering person. Also, if anyone has an opinion, come and tell me, and I will teach him a lesson."

With Ju Jing's appearance of fighting at any time, who dares to come and tell her these things, anyway, no one has ever come to Ju Jing since Shen Zhicheng left.

In fact, the girl with dreadlocks and the guy with pierced holes are dressed in a different way. They both look good. If you don't get used to it, you will get used to it.People in the village want to earn money from outsiders but are unwilling to accept their special features. How can there be such a good thing.

Ju Jing specially picked a day when none of the netizens were in the village to broadcast on the loudspeaker, and told the people in the village that if they believed that she could lead the whole village to generate income, then don’t worry too much about it. Fuck, wait for the pie to fall from the sky.

It has been a while since she took office as the village director. On the surface, she did not do anything for the village. In fact, what she is doing and planning to do, if successful, will be of great benefit to the entire Xiaofuqiangtun and even the surrounding villages. good.

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(End of this chapter)

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