Chapter 469
Ju Jing just doesn't like to talk too much, no matter how beautiful the words are, it doesn't matter how well the things are done.

Because of this, many people in the village feel that Ju Jing is cold, that she is difficult to get along with, and even a little afraid of her.

Ju Jing doesn't care what other people think of her. They chose her to be the village director. If they don't believe her and don't listen to her, don't blame her for giving up.

After the broadcast this time, no one came to talk to Ju Jing about it, and Ju Jing was relieved to be busy with other things.

She recently applied to the village to build a concrete road, which leads directly from the village to the village where the township government is located.

This road is not the original road to the outer village, but the road to the hillside that requires a big hurdle.

Townships require every village to have cement roads, but generally there is only one road. Xiaofuqiangtun already has one. If there is no sufficient reason to build another road, the application will definitely not be approved. Even if there are sufficient reasons, the application may not be approved.

In order to be able to apply, Ju Jing, a person who always typed typos and wrong sentences on the Internet, wrote a petition of more than 5000 words by hand.

She told Ju Min and Ju Jing in the group that they didn't believe it. Ju Min asked her directly if Yin Kaixuan wrote it for her. The law is over.

After knowing that she really wrote it, Ju Min and Ju Ling both apologized to her. Beer was sincere, but it's a pity that the second girl of the Ju family is not so easy to coax when she is angry, she needs a gift.

Even if Ju Min and Ju Ling had time to buy a gift, they didn't have time to send it home. This gift can only be put on hold temporarily.

Ju Jing also read the petition to Ju Ling, and Ju Ling helped to revise some of the content. After making sure that there was no problem, Ju Jing sent it to the village.

The village couldn't make a decision and sent it to Yunhe. No one knew what was going on in Yunhe, so Ju Jing could only wait for the news at home.

From Ju Jing's personal point of view, it is very necessary to build this road.Her farm is still developing step by step, and it will definitely be better in the future. Of course, it is more convenient to go to the township government to transport the fruits, chickens, rabbits and cattle produced by the farm.

Another point is that the nearby scenic spot can be linked with the farm to form a tourist route, which is beneficial to both parties.In this case, it is more necessary to build this road, because it can shorten the distance between the two places and save time.

However, those who are in charge of this area have to consider more aspects. After comprehensive consideration, they did not agree to Ju Jing's application.

Ju Jing was really disappointed for a while, and both Ju Min and Ju Ling encouraged her to apply again.If it fails twice, it will be three times, and if it fails three times, it will be four times. Let the people above see her determination and the feasibility of road construction, and the above will always approve it.

The encouragement of the sisters made Ju Jing regain her confidence, and she began to write petitions again.

Only people around her know what she does, and no one in the village knows about it.

This year, there is little rain. There has not been a penetrating rain in June. The leaves of the crops in the upland fields shrivel up at noon, and the paddy fields are cut off from water.

Ju Jing has two large agricultural vehicles, and she is willing to spend money on gas, and it is close to the river. Since the beginning of the drought, the water has been pumped every now and then, so the crops in her field are growing well.

She only has dry fields, and she only knows about the crops in the dry fields, not the paddy fields.

Ju Wenqi reminded her that people in the village rely more on paddy fields, and asked her to help the people in the village find a way.

For this reason, Ju Jing went to the paddy field to look around.

A large piece of paddy land, only the piece of Dianzi land that belonged to Ju Laosan's family in the early years and was later taken by Ju Wenlin's family envoy, was okay. The other paddy fields were short of water.

People who are willing to pay for oil and are close to the big river use pumps to pump water for irrigation. Some land is too far away from the big river, and there is no place to pump water even if they want to spend money to pump water.

There is no water in the irrigation ditch used by the paddy fields in the village. Ju Jing felt strange. In previous years, when the drought was worse than this, the ditch was not as dry as this. What's going on this year?
She walked up the ditch, and when she reached the paddy fields of the previous village where the ditch passed, she finally realized that the water had been intercepted by others!

When Ju Jing was quite young, she experienced a village-based water grab. It was really scary, and she almost got into a fight.

It's been years since this happened, what's going on now?
Ju Jing was very angry, but she still maintained her rationality, knowing that the most important thing now is to find out what the village wants to do, and why they are bullying people like this all of a sudden.

There were still two people watching the place where the ditch was blocked. Ju Jing put away her thorns and walked over and said, "Master, I am from Xiaofuqiang Village. My paddy field has not been filled with water for several days. If I don't fill it again, the seedlings will be dried." It's dry, you guys open up the ditch and let some water go in."

One of them saw that it was a pretty girl who came to ask questions with a good attitude, and while smoking a cigarette, he said, "That won't work, the paddy fields in my village are also short of water, and our village chief said we should keep our own paddy fields close first." Irrigate, wait until there is no shortage of water before pouring water down."

They are all short of water, but as long as the villagers in the upstream and downstream of the ditch agree that everyone will distribute a little to the downstream, then everyone's rice will still be saved. It is obvious that they do not want to give Xiao Fuqiang a way to survive.

"Master, we didn't do this before, what happened this year?" Ju Jing asked.

Next to the uncle, an uncle who looked a little younger said: "We don't know about this. The village asks us to take care of our own land, so let's take care of our own land. We don't care about your village's affairs."

Ju Jing really couldn't ask, so she sent Jing Chengxi out to inquire after returning home.

One of Jing Chengxi's advantages is that he knows the language of his ethnic group, so he can ask his own people in the upstream village, which is easier to talk to.

In less than half a day, Jing Chengxi came back angrily, and said to Ju Jing: "Sister Jing, they bully people too much, we must fight them to the end!"

It turned out that the village above dared to do this because Xiaofuqiang had a female village director in her early twenties.

It's that simple.

What do people from other villages say?It is said that there is no one in Xiaofuqiang Village, and the village head has been appointed by a girl in her 20s, so there is no hope!

Just because Ju Jing became the village director, they can draw such a conclusion, which shows how backward these people's thinking is.

Ju Jing patted her chest angrily: "I've lost my feelings on this farm, and my reputation hasn't spread in all directions, that's it."

If she was a man, people from all over the country would definitely praise her for being young and promising for making such a big commotion in Xiaofuqiangtun.Just because she is a woman, they still don't approve of making the farm the way it is this year, and people still think that she can't make a good movie with a girl.

"The people in our village are also the same. Why didn't anyone come to me about such a big matter? Even if they didn't tell me, they should talk to my parents! I might be patient when I usually gossip behind my back, but when it comes to critical moments It's over!" The more Ju Jing thought about it, the more she became angry, angry with people from other villages, also with people in her own village, and even more angry with herself.

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(End of this chapter)

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