Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 470 Counterattack

Chapter 470 Counterattack
Why are you mad at herself?

Because she didn't get things done.

Although it was not her original intention to be the village director, since she became the director, she also rushed to be a good one. As a result, within a few months, the whole village has been bullied by others.

Just because she is a woman, does she deserve to be bullied as the village director?

There is no such reason in this world!

After getting angry, Ju Jing decided to fight back.

The first step in the counterattack is to code the people. There is no way to grab the water with just a few people in the family. There are more people and more strength.

She made a radio call to ask everyone in the village to gather at the entrance of the village at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning. If you want to bring a shovel or something, you can't come empty-handed. She has to take people to grab water.

Fearing that some people would not come, Ju Jing also said: "Tomorrow I will register the people who come, and after grabbing the water, I will use it for these registered people. If no one is sent to fill the water, I will find a way myself."

There is water for following her, and there is no way to get cheap without doing anything.

After the broadcast, Ju Jing called the girl with dreadlocks and the guy with the hole who were working on the hillside, told them the general situation, and asked them for help.

The two happily expressed that they are very good at this kind of thing, and they will be there on time tomorrow.

Not only people have to go to war, but dogs have to go too.

After everything was arranged, Ju Jing lay on the kang and sent a message to the elder sister and younger sister about this matter. Ju Min replied quickly, asking her if she wanted to help.

Ju Jing immediately called Ju Min and asked the eldest sister, "How do you want to help me?"

"I'll take all the people from the factory back to help you grab water," Ju Min said domineeringly, "You dare to bully my sister, you're screwed!"

Ju Jing's gloomy mood immediately cleared up because of the elder sister's words.

"No big sister, you don't need to do such a small thing. I just feel a little uncomfortable. I have worked so hard. Why do they still think I can't do it because I am a woman? I can't accept it." Rare Ju Jing Talk to your sister about your concerns.

Ju Min sighed, there are too many unfair things in this world, especially unfair to women.

When they were young, they were so-and-so's girls, and when they grew up, they became so-and-so's daughter-in-law, and after giving birth, they became so-and-so's mother, as if they had never lived for themselves in their entire lives.

Finally, some women want to live for themselves and fight, but they will be said to be overreaching and tossing around, as if it is a great sin for a woman to not live according to traditional standards when she reaches a certain age.

"Don't be discouraged, sooner or later we will impress those people." Ju Min comforted.

"Admiration?" Ju Jing said with a smile: "Some people are rotten to the bone, no matter how good we do, it is a toss in their eyes. Forget it, don't care about them, let's take care of ourselves. I'm just getting angry today It’s a bit of a dead end, just figure it out.”

After chatting with Ju Min, Ju Ling's phone call came in immediately.

"Second Sister, did you call Eldest Sister just now? The line I called to both of you is busy." Ju Ling said happily: "I have bought a ticket, it will be next week. Second Sister, don't worry, I will be there soon." Go home and fight for you."

Ju Jing: .
Even if there is a real fight, Ju Ling can't be allowed to come on, the whole family will feel distressed if it really breaks.

"Has the house been renovated? When will your guy return to China? Don't you have to wait for him to come with you?" Ju Jing asked.

Of course the house is not finished.

But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter where you pretend to be, anyway, you are not in a hurry to live, and you can continue to pretend when you come back from school.

As for Qiao Jue, he just spoke on the phone yesterday, saying that the exchange activities are going well and that he will be back in August, and he told her not to worry, he will come back on time with the wedding presents for the elder sister and Peng Yan.

After answering Ju Jing's question, Ju Ling turned the topic back to her family. Ju Ling wanted to know if her second sister had the confidence to solve the matter.

Ju Jing said honestly: "I don't know, I'll take a look tomorrow. I think it's the same whether it's our village or other villages. They are all afraid of dying, so I have to be a little stronger. Take all the dogs and take a sickle in your hand to scare them to death."

Ju Ling felt relieved a little, but she still reminded Ju Jing: "Second sister, no matter how big or small your own safety is, the most important thing is, if you can't solve it, call the police and ask my uncle to support you."

Ju Jing responded with her mouth, but she didn't quite agree with Ju Ling in her heart.

Calling the police for things like water grabbing can't solve the fundamental problem at all. Once the police leave, people can still intercept the water, so can they still call the police all the time?

The next morning at six o'clock in the morning, the village became lively. Ju Jing was sitting in the office of the village committee at the head of the village. On the table were two pieces of paper with the names of the heads of households in the village printed. Draw a tick and grab back the water, and these people can irrigate their own paddy fields.

By [-]:[-], almost only Ju Wenlin and his family in the whole village did not come.

It was also within Ju Ling's expectation.

Her uncle is so proud, he must not be willing to follow behind her.They have been used to it for so many years, and they must be thinking in their hearts that if they grab the water in the village, they will be so shameless that they will not let the water be used.

Hey, if you meet Ju Jing, then you won't be allowed to use it, not to mention being shameless, even if you are shameless, you can't use it!

Ju Jing ignored them, and greeted all the people who came over to get in the car and set off.

Ju Jing drove her big car at the front, and in the back of the car stood Jing Chengxi, a girl with dreadlocks and a guy with a hole in her head, and six dogs.

The cart behind was driven by Yin Kaixuan, and the cart was full of villagers.Behind them are the cars of other people in the village, which are quite long and mighty.

During the discussion, Yin Kaixuan suggested that Ju Jing take a car to go there, which is comfortable and looks extravagant, but Ju Jing did not agree.

They're going to grab water, there's no point in being expensive, you need to be domineering.

What could be more domineering than her own driving a big car to take the lead?No.

On the way, the convoy ran into Ju Min and Peng Yan who were rushing to the village.After all, the eldest sister was worried about Ju Jing and wanted to come back to help her life and death, so Peng Yan came back with her.

The car of the two people was inserted into the convoy, and they drove to the upstream village together.

The canal was watched 24 hours a day. When Ju Jing passed by, there were two people watching. Seeing that Ju Jing and his party were approaching aggressively, one person was left to watch the other person riding a bicycle back to the village to call for help.

After a while, a motley group of people rushed over with shovels and other tools. It seemed that the number of people was much larger than that of Xiaofuqiangtun.

Some people were frightened and quietly squeezed behind Ju Jing and said, "Jing Jing, there are so many of them, we may not be able to take advantage of it, why don't we withdraw first."

It's not Ju Jing's style to retreat without fighting, so she waved her hands slyly, and said confidently: "It's okay, look at me."

"I'm Ju Jing, the village director of Xiaofuqiangtun. I'm here to solve the water problem. Let's stop talking nonsense. Choose one if you want to be literary or military," Ju Jing said loudly.

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(End of this chapter)

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