Chapter 471
"How do you talk about literature and how do you talk about martial arts?" A man in his 40s on the opposite side asked.

It must be their leader who dares to speak first.

Ju Jing just looked at him, and said slowly but very imposingly: "Wen, let's memorize rural policies, whoever memorizes the most will win; Wu, don't do this and that, just hit him directly, but he was beaten by the police station." Don't bite anyone when you catch them, let's squat together with the eight donkeys."

No one wants to stay in a detention center. Of course, the simpler the solution to the problem, the better.

Ju Jing saw that they were hesitating, so she added: "Wen, I am one against you and one village, how about it? I won, and I opened the canal to give us water, and I can't stop the water in the future. I lost, what do you think? Whatever it is, the people in our village and I guarantee that we have no objection.”

When she let out her ruthless words, she didn't expect that the first person to stand up against her would be the people in her own village.

"Jingjing, when you were in school, you kept counting backwards, and you couldn't memorize anything. It's better not to compete with others, we will definitely lose." One person said this, and everyone talked in a hurry. What Ju Jing said was particularly embarrassing.

Ju Jing was still a little embarrassed when all the old things about her school days were exposed.

I can't blame her for not studying well. At that time, she had a headache when she read the book, and felt uncomfortable when she did the questions. What can I do?

The internal strife on their side made the people on the opposite side optimistic. It turned out that the female village director's writing was not good, but she was trying to show off her skills. The villagers who didn't want to fight to solve the problem in their hearts encouraged their village director to accept the writing.

However, after comparing this article, they will know how powerful this young female village director is!

It was true that Ju Jing could not memorize books when she was in school, but now she can memorize these policies and regulations for her own farm and the future development of the village.

She wrote a petition to apply for road repairs. She read all the policies that benefited the people in recent years. Because she always writes petitions, she always uses some more practical policies, so she will naturally memorize them. .

One person VS hundreds of people, one person wins.

"I would like to bet and admit defeat, we won, let's open the canal," Ju Jing said calmly without showing her complacency.

It's embarrassing to lose, and everyone on the other side has a bad face, standing there looking like they're going to cheat.

Ju Jing snorted coldly, and shook the sickle in her hand: "It seems that you still want to add martial arts, no problem, come on."

As soon as she uttered the word "ah", the six dogs rushed to her side and barked at the person opposite.They are all big dogs, and it would be scary enough to pick up one, let alone six.

Immediately afterwards, the girl with dreadlocks and the guy with the hole pierced them also took a few steps forward and walked to Ju Jing's side.The power of these two people is stronger than six dogs. Really, the people on the opposite side were scared back several steps.

In the popular fighting movies in the past few years, there are a few people who are dressed in strange clothes as thugs, and their martial arts are all advanced.

Before fighting, suppress them first in terms of momentum, which is also one of Ju Jing's strategies.

After suppressing the momentum, Ju Jing gave them a step down again. As long as the person on the opposite side is sensible, the matter can be resolved smoothly.

"We are all fellow villagers. Children study, girls and boys get married, there is always a connection, there is no need to fight over such a small matter. Raise your hands, we will have a way out, hello, hello, hello everyone, What a simple thing, isn't it?"

The other party still didn't speak, Ju Jing gave Jing Chengxi and Yin Kaixuan a wink, and the two immediately came over with a shovel to open the canal, and the water gurgled downstream.

He didn't say anything or stop him, that's what Ju Jing and the others did by default.

Ju Jing clasped her fists: "Thank you, thank you, everyone will take care of each other in the future. Don't worry, if anyone in your village comes to Ju's restaurant for a wedding, I promise I won't let my dad wear small shoes for you, and my orchard will definitely not hire people to work." They will pay you less or not hire you because you are from your village.”

Can the second girl of Ju Laosan's family suffer?Of course not.Let her say "thank you" twice, and she has to find it elsewhere.

She just wants to remind people in this village that the Ju's restaurant belongs to her family, and if they want to have a banquet at the Ju's restaurant, they should not be demons.Those who want to work for others after finishing their own work also think about it. After all, she is Ju Jing who most often hires people to work in all directions.

After the matter was settled, Ju Jing led the convoy back in a mighty manner. Most of the villagers went directly to their own fields halfway, but not many actually returned to the village.

Ju Jing took the elder sister's arm and went back to the hotel. Ju Min smiled and said, "I should have listened to Peng Yan not to come back. You handled it very well, especially the last paragraph."

The two sisters looked at each other and smiled, tacit understanding.

Originally, Ju Jing could have said this first, and it might be possible to solve the problem without even having to say a few more words, but she didn't want to let the person on the opposite side lose, or make them unable to step down. Say a few words to bother them.

Ju Min still had things to do, so after complimenting Ju Jing, she chatted with Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei for a while before leaving.

Today, the girl with dirty braids and the guy with a hole in the hole helped a lot, and Ju Jing specially asked Brother Long to cook some delicious dishes to reward them.

While the others were busy, Ju Jing took Jing Chengxi and the two of them to another trip to the paddy fields.

When the water came, people from every house lined up waiting to pour water into their fields.Sure enough, both Ju Changfu and Ju Changlong were standing by the canal with shovels in their hands, happily bragging to the villagers.

Want to pick up a bargain?

no way!

Ju Jing walked over and said bluntly: "Yesterday, I made it very clear on the radio that people who don't follow to grab water today can't irrigate their fields. No one from Ju Wenlin's house, Ju Changfu's house, or Ju Changlong's house will go. So irrigation is none of your business."

Before the two brothers spoke, Ju Jing said again: "Don't say that I am not good to the elderly in the village. Ju Wenlin's family has patients to take care of. He is also old, so it is understandable if he can't go. So his house can be filled with water, but you Two families, no way."

Ju Wenlin and his wife only have a lot of paddy fields, and there is a piece of Dianzi land that is not so short of water, so whether they are allowed to irrigate it has little impact, but it has a great impact on the Ju Changfu brothers and their families.

Ju Jing is thoughtful in her work, loose where it should be loose, and tight where it should be tight, no one can fault it.

"Ju Jing, don't go too far, just pouring some water is such a big deal, as for you?" Ju Changlong frowned and said dissatisfied.

"Do you think it's a trivial matter? What if the people in the village got injured and went to the police station because of the little water in the fight today, and you didn't help at all, An An stayed at home, would you have to laugh at us for such a small matter? Are you stupid?"

The purpose of Ju Jing's saying this is to remind the villagers who are watching the excitement not to follow to grab water.

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(End of this chapter)

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