Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 472 Temper

Chapter 472 Temper
Sure enough, as soon as Ju Jing finished speaking, people around her echoed her, driving Ju Changlong and Ju Changfu home and not letting them drink water.

Ju Jing crossed her arms and looked at them, and said with a sneer, "Don't think you are so smart and treat others as fools, there is no good thing in this world."

The two brothers couldn't get up and down by Ju Jing's sarcasm. Ju Changfu took a step forward with a shovel in his hand, and Jing Chengxi also stepped forward to protect Ju Jing behind him.

Ju Jing pulled him away, and faced Ju Changfu, who was less than one meter away from her, calmly and fearlessly.

She didn't have anything in her hand. Ju Changfu had a shovel in his hand, and a whip for driving cattle was pinned to his waist, but Ju Jing was not afraid of him at all.

"Don't give you shame, don't think that you are the village head"

"What about me?" Ju Jing interrupted him: "I'm going to float? Can I be patient? Can I fight against you, Ju Changfu?"

After a pause for a few seconds, Ju Jing continued: "You think too highly of yourself. Even if I put it aside, I still don't take you Ju Changfu seriously. Are you a bull if you have a shovel in your hand? Are you powerful if you have a whip? If you can greet me, you still treat me as a little baby who can't resist, right? It's not that I look down on you, you just don't have the guts, you only bully children and the elderly who have no strength to fight back!"

Ju Jing is using today's incident to talk about the past, saying that because a few rabbits Ju Changfu rushed into Ju Laosan's house with a whip to whip Ju Min, Ju Jing and the crazy grandma.

No one in the village who was so troubled by the incident didn't know it, but now everyone understood it, and looked at Ju Changfu with strange eyes, as if asking him if he really didn't dare to do anything.

Ju Changfu's hand holding the shovel tightened again and again, but he didn't make any next move. He shook his hand and walked away with the shovel on his shoulders.

He walked forward, and Ju Changlong also left. The scene was still silent, only the sound of rushing water could be heard.

As soon as Ju Jing changed her seriousness and apprehension just now, she immediately smiled at others, and said kindly: "The people in the upper reaches are dishonest, maybe they will cut off the water at night, you'd better discuss it and send someone to guard it at night, Call me if you have anything to do, or you can talk to my dad without my phone, I'll take care of it."

Ju Jing strolled home with her hands behind her back, Jing Chengxi followed her and turned her head to look at her from time to time, as if hesitant to speak.

"Why? Just say it if you have something to say," Ju Jing squinted at him and hummed softly.

Jing Chengxi immediately grinned, and said courteously, "Sister Jing, you were so handsome just now, did you know that? I was scared when he walked forward with the shovel, afraid that I would not be able to stop him alone. You were scared away, sister Jing, you are too powerful."

Jing Chengxi knows how to wear thousands of clothes and flatter but not wear them.

But Ju Jing showed a disdainful smile, and said with a cold snort: "They are only capable, I have seen through it a long time ago. Also, everyone has not forgotten about Li Fengjiao cheating money. How many people feel resentful?" As for Ju Changfu, it’s good that no one scolds him when he goes out now, does he dare to make trouble? He doesn’t dare, if he says he has to listen obediently.”

Jing Chengxi admired her even more, and gave her a thumbs up: "Sister Jing, you can think of so many things in such a short time, it's amazing."

"It's not that I'm good, it's that you're too stupid," Ju Jing looked at Jing Chengxi and said with a smile.

Kyung Seung Hee:
Jing Chengxi is not stupid, not only is he not stupid, but he has a good eye, otherwise he would not have been with Sister Jing many years ago, let alone have a safe and smooth life now.

When they got home, Jing Chengxi recounted the confrontation with Ju Changfu in a more eloquent manner. Young people naturally wanted to praise Ju Jing for being amazing, but Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei disagreed with her approach.

"Jingjing, you should also pay attention to it in the future, don't say that you have a good relationship with everyone but don't offend others. If you offend such a wicked person, you may not know how to retaliate against you," Zhang Yongmei persuaded.

To sum it up, you can't offend villains, villains are used to stumbling behind their backs, making it impossible to guard against.

Ju Wenqi also said: "It's not a big deal. You had a good time arguing with him today, but if he stabs you in the back one day, it will hurt you. It's not worth it."

It was rare for Ju Jing to listen to Ju Wenqi's words.

They were right, she was indeed a little too impulsive.

She's still too young to hold her breath. If she doesn't change, she will suffer from her bad temper sooner or later.

There are still many things to be busy on the hillside, and Ju Jing didn't stay at home for a long time before taking people back to the mountain.

After the young people in the family left, Ju Wenqi sighed at Zhang Yongmei, and made Zhang Yongmei, who was in a good mood, feel irritable.

"What are you doing? Why are you sighing if you have something to say!" Zhang Yongmei said, staring at him.

Ju Wenqi sighed, and said leisurely: "The second girl's temper doesn't follow me at all, nor does it follow you. We both have good tempers. It's just her who has a temper. Who do you think she looks like?"

"The tempers of the three girls don't follow the two of us. Don't look at them who are usually happy and cheerful, but they all have big tempers." Zhang Yongmei said with a smile: "It's good if you don't follow us, it's good, but how much anger you will suffer if you follow us."

Although they all have tempers, but in order from one to three, Ju Ling is actually the most tempered among the three sisters, but she has always been well protected, and there are not many times when she really needs her to lose her temper.

However, recently, there are always people who challenge her bottom line.

Senior Sibian's qualification to go abroad was cancelled. The reason given by the department was that someone reported that the senior participated in unfair competition. After investigation, the department confirmed that the report was true, so the qualification of the senior was cancelled, and by the way, it was dealt with. Several staff involved.

After tossing and turning, the spot finally fell on Yang Liu's head.

Yang Liu was very happy and wanted to invite some people in the dormitory to dinner.

It is indeed something worth celebrating, and the meal must be eaten.

It's just that the place to eat has not been chosen well, and there is no private room, so they can only sit in the lobby, which is a place in the middle where there are more people coming and going.

Everyone is here, and everyone is too lazy to change places, so let's make do with this place.

Since it was a celebration, drinking was a must. After the four of them clinked glasses twice, someone came over to find fault.

Coincidentally, Senior Four and his roommate were also there.

Ju Ling and the others are helping Yangliu to celebrate, while senior Sibian's roommate is calming him down.

The four boys drank a lot of wine, and accidentally heard that Ju Ling and the others were celebrating the opportunity for their roommates to go abroad. Senior Sibian was extremely unbalanced, and called his roommates to come over and make trouble.

If they were all sober, they could still chat, but it was useless to say anything when they were all drunk and nobody. Ju Ling was also decisive, and directly pulled out his mobile phone to call the police.

It's just that before the alarm call was made, the mobile phone was snatched by Si Bian, and the thief slammed it onto the ground, and the good mobile phone suddenly fell apart.

Ju Ling: .
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(End of this chapter)

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