Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 474 Management

Chapter 474 Management
Ju Min handled this matter very simply, without giving the veteran employees any face.

She told all the workers in the factory that in her factory, there is no respect for sympathy, only rules.If you do a good job, you will be rewarded, if you don’t do a good job, you just don’t need it, and there is nothing to talk about.

To be honest, the vast majority of people in this land have long been accustomed to handling affairs and talking about human relations and laughing at everyone. It seems very unreasonable for someone like Ju Min to be unaccommodating at all.

The warehouse keeper was taken away by the police, and the loss in the factory must be compensated, anyway, nothing will be left behind in the end.

This position is too important. When Ju Min was worrying about the new warehouse manager, people in the factory were panicked, and people were already talking bad things about her in private.

Compared with those who said bad things, of course there were more people who turned to Ju Min. After all, before the Chinese New Year, Ju Min gave bonuses for activities and prizes. These are all real things.

Someone made a small report to Ju Min, and then made Ju Min very angry.

She wasn't angry that someone talked about her behind her back, but she was angry that these people couldn't grasp the point.Isn't it so difficult to obey the rules?She always thought that following the rules was the most basic requirement, but it turned out that this was not the case for many people in the factory, and they valued favors more.

These people also feel that when they talk about human relations, they value affection, and they have to respect human relations if they are human beings. It is simply ruthless to not care about human relations like Ju Min.

The ruthless Ju Min held another meeting in the factory, at which more than 50 regulations were read out in public.It seems that there are quite a lot, but in fact they are the most basic requirements, such as not stealing things from the factory, wearing gloves and masks when packaging, and so on.

On a monthly basis, 20 yuan of wages will be deducted for the first violation, and [-] yuan will be deducted for the second violation. A total of three violations in a month will be directly dismissed and will never be hired.

Didn't she say that she is ruthless? Well, she will be ruthless to the end. Let's see what these people can do.

Of course there is no recruitment. Where can I find a part-time factory with such a good salary in the whole town?

After Ju Ling arrived home, Ju Min also drove back.

The car was a cheap second-hand car newly bought by Peng Yantuo's friend. Anyway, Ju Min didn't care whether the car was new or not, as long as it could be driven without safety hazards.

Ju Jing was busy on the hillside and couldn't come back, so Ju Min and Ju Ling chatted in the room.

Ju Min talked about what happened in her factory in the past two days, and asked Ju Ling if what she did was right.

Of course Ju Ling felt that her elder sister was right.

"It's the folks in the village who have to follow the rules. You can't make an exception once, but if you make an exception once, such things will definitely happen frequently in the future. Not to mention it's annoying, and it's easy to cause bad things," Ju Ling said.

Finally someone understood him, Ju Min breathed a sigh of relief.

"In the past, I just thought it would be troublesome to recruit villagers in the factory, so I resolutely refused to let people from our village go to work. Now I find that people from one township can't do it, and there are still many things. People from our township will gang up and bully people from other townships. Saying that they come from the same township as me will definitely support them, so asking others to be more polite to them is ridiculous if you say so," Ju Min said helplessly, shaking her head.

This is the case in small factories, and it will definitely be the case in larger companies.Therefore, the formulation of rules is really important. Those who formulate rules and implement rewards and punishments must be fair and equitable, so that enterprises can continue to develop.

Ju Min has been reading books on management. If she doesn't understand a book once, she will read it twice. But without a teacher explaining it, there are still many things she can't understand.

She took out the book, pointed out what she didn't understand, and asked Ju Ling to help her read it.

Where can Ju Ling, a student who studies Chinese and minored in film and television literature, understand the content of management, but she is also easy to learn, so let the eldest sister not worry, she will read the book from the beginning, and then explain it to Ju Min after reading it all.

Otherwise, if the three sisters of the Ju family can succeed in their respective fields, they have such a strong spirit in their bones, and they must complete it if they are stared at to death.

It took Ju Ling two days to finish reading the book, and she didn't dare to say anything to Ju Min, so the two sisters discussed with each other, and Ju Minjue learned a lot.

Greater gains are yet to come.

Ju Jing received a couple in their 30s and almost 40 years old.

In the words of the couple, they came to escape.They have been married for almost ten years, the relationship between husband and wife is very good, and the family conditions are not bad, but they have never had children.

Before they got married, the two had agreed not to have children, but they didn't discuss it with their parents. As a result, they were urged by both parents in various ways, and the couple did not dare to stay at home too much.

The two of them took their annual leave together. They originally planned to rest at home for a few days during the annual leave, cook and watch movies. Unexpectedly, their parents made an appointment to live in together.

Who can bear this, so the two of them packed up their things and ran out of the house overnight, and ran to Ju Jing to hide.

During the half-month vacation, they have to be with green hills, green fruits, trees, chickens and rabbits, and the wife said with a smile: "As long as I don't let me have children, I'm willing to stay here for the rest of my life."

It is impossible to stay for a lifetime, after all, they still have to live and work.

The woman is the department head of a design company, a high-paying white-collar worker; the man used to be a teacher at the School of Financial Management of a private university, but later resigned due to pressure, and now works in a small labor service company.

Hearing that the man used to be a teacher in the School of Management, Ju Min took her book and went to the hillside to ask for advice.

A teacher is a teacher. He can not only explain the knowledge points clearly, but also teach Ju Min how to read and study. It is useless to tell her not to read just one book.

He recommended more than a dozen books to Ju Min, and marked the order of the good books, and said to Ju Min: "You start reading from the first book, and when you read the last one, don't be too rigid when applying it, be flexible, and ensure You make a good manager."

Ju Min, who is good or not, hasn't considered it yet, but now she wants to learn more to make the small factory a success.

After getting the book list, Ju Min drove back to buy books that day. Instead of going to Yunhe in the town, he went to Binjiang.

After she left, Ju Wenqi and his wife complained to Ju Ling: "It's July, and it will be August soon, why is your eldest sister not in a hurry at all?"

In fact, everything that should be prepared for the wedding is almost ready, and the rest are things that cannot be prepared now and can only be prepared on the eve of the wedding, so there is no use in worrying.

But Ju Ling can also understand her parents. They have been worrying about most of their lives, worrying about everything, and the closer the wedding is, the more restless they become, and they can't persuade them at all.

If you can't persuade them, don't persuade them. You can find something for them to divert their attention.

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(End of this chapter)

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