Chapter 475
Ju Jing's greenhouse was about to grow a second batch of vegetables, and the person hired to look at the greenhouse was too busy. Ju Jing and the others had work in the orchard and couldn't help, so they called Ju Wenqi and his wife to help.

The work in the shed is actually not tiring, just do it slowly. Ju Jing asked them to go there mainly to hope that they would relax and stop worrying about Ju Min's wedding all day long.

Ju Wenqi and his wife went to the greenhouse to help, and the restaurant was handed over to Ju Ling.

This summer vacation, she doesn't plan to open a cram school. She just reads the codes and codes every day.When there are banquets, she can also act as a waiter, letting students from prestigious universities serve food to the people sitting at the table, so that people can eat more happily even if they spend money to sit at the table.

Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei both went there in the morning and came back in the evening, and Ju Jing or Yin Kaixuan drove a big car to pick them up. They seemed to be quite happy.

In the evening, Ju Ling talked about this matter with the elder sister and the second sister in the group, and Ju Jing said: "In the past few years, our parents have put all their thoughts on the restaurant and stayed in the restaurant all day without going anywhere. They're happy but they also want to go for a walk."

After all, they are farmers, who have been dealing with the land for half their lives, and have a deep relationship with the land. Of course, they will be very happy if there is an opportunity for them to get in touch with the land.

"Second sister, you really know our parents best," Ju Ling said sincerely.

Of course Ju Jing understood that among the three sisters, she spent the most time with Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei.

There is not only an orchard greenhouse on the hillside, but also a melon field next to the bungalows under the orchard, where cantaloupe and watermelon are grown.

Cantaloupe matures early, this season is almost closed, and there are still a lot of cantaloupe in the field that have not been picked. Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei always feel that it is a pity that the field is so bad. They go to work in the greenhouse and pick two when they are thirsty and hungry. eat a melon.

Pay attention to the right amount of food, no matter how good the food is, too much is not good.Cantaloupe is very sweet and delicious, but eating too much can make you uncomfortable.

Ju Wenqi suffered from bad food, and when he was driving home at night, he was bumped a few times by the car and was so uncomfortable that he vomited while holding the side of the car.

It was Yin Kaixuan who drove the car. He was so frightened that he stopped the car and asked about Ju Wenqi's situation.

Zhang Yongmei, who was just a little uncomfortable and could bear it, couldn't help vomiting when she smelled the unpleasant smell.

Yin Kaixuan was afraid that something would happen to them, so he immediately called Ju Jing and Ju Ling.

The two sisters drove one from the field and the other from home. When they saw their parents, they were terrified.

The old couple vomited without saying a word, and their complexions were particularly bad, so pale that there was no blood at all.

"Walk around, go to the health center first, but don't make any serious problems," Ju Ling urged.

Yin Kaixuan drove them home in a farm vehicle, and then changed into a more comfortable car to take them to the village health center.

The doctor asked them what they ate during the day, and after a simple examination, they said with certainty that they were fine, but that their food was damaged.

Both Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei were quite embarrassed.

When she returned home, Zhang Yongmei leaned listlessly on the back of her chair and said weakly: "The two of us are over 100 years old together. We went to the clinic because we ate too much. It's a joke to say it."

"Well, let's not talk about it," Ju Wenqi immediately added.

He didn't want to be laughed at.

Ju Jing sighed helplessly, and complained: "I told you a long time ago not to be afraid of waste, the body is always more important than those little things, and you never listened. You have to clean up the leftovers when you are full. If you can’t eat the next meal, it’s okay to feed the chicken or the dog, you have to eat to feed yourself.”

It is true that Ju Jing has said this more than once, but the habit of saving and not wasting among the older generation cannot be lost at all.

Every time the Ju’s restaurant holds a banquet, they will cook more dishes. The prepared dishes that are not served at the end of the banquet are eaten by the family. Every time, Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei are afraid that the dishes will be spoiled and eat hard.

It's better now, with a refrigerator, even in summer, I can store two more meals. Before there was no refrigerator, Zhang Yongmei was still reluctant to throw away the food if it was spoiled.

After Brother Long came over, the three sisters gave Brother Long an important task, that is, he had to clean up the leftovers after every banquet in the restaurant. It's several meals for the two of them.

Take all precautions, guard against the leftovers in the restaurant, but fail to guard against the melons in the field, Ju Jing really doesn't know what to say about them.

"Oh, don't keep talking about me and your mother, didn't you eat bad food when you were young?" Ju Wenqi felt that he couldn't hold back his face and started to fight back.

This old man has to defend his face no matter how uncomfortable it is.

Zhang Yongmei poked and cooed him to make him stop talking, but unfortunately he didn't stop him.

Ju Wenqi said again: "At that time, Minmin took you up the mountain to pull physalis, and everyone ate it as a snack, but you three can eat it as a meal. After eating, you can't digest it and feel uncomfortable for several days."

Probably at that time Ju Ling was still young and had no memory, but Ju Jing still remembered it.

Her complexion was not very good, she moved her mouth, endured and endured and said: "Didn't you just eat these things as food at that time? Poor jingle, as long as you can eat enough, you don't care if you can eat more In the past, it was only because we were poor and had no conditions, but now our family’s conditions are not bad, and you can still eat bad food, but it’s unreasonable.”

Ju Wenqi accidentally uncovered the scar, and Ju Jing abruptly sprinkled a handful of salt on it. The Ju family members in the car were in pain because it was their common injury.

Zhang Yongmei glared at Ju Wenqi complainingly, and changed the subject: "Jingjing, someday you and Xiao Budianer will go to Yunhe or somewhere to buy back the things that your eldest sister is not ready for marriage. It’s okay to spend a little more money, the main thing is that the quality is good.”

Ju Jing came down, and Zhang Yongmei discussed with the two girls again: "It's such a big deal to hold a banquet, do you want to call Xiao Peng over here? It's in the town, it doesn't seem good if you don't, but it seems okay if you do." No, I have discussed with your father for a long time but have not discussed what to do."

This topic shifted very well, both Ju Jing and Ju Ling thought about it, and no one was entangled in the matter of hurting food.

Until the car drove to the entrance of the hotel, they hadn't reached a conclusion yet.

It is really a headache to let mother Peng come.

In the final analysis, it depends on what Ju Min and Peng Yan mean, after all, Mother Peng has more contact with them.

Peng Yan said a long time ago that he didn't want his mother to have more contact with the Ju family, and he doesn't know if he has changed his mind now.

A little later, Ju Jing asked Peng Yan what she meant by speaking in the group. Peng Yan didn't push this troublesome question to Ju Min, but replied happily: "Don't let her go. The town is located in Litunzi. It's so close, there will definitely be a lot of trouble for her to get to know the people in the village. It's better for my shop to be in Yunhe, and your eldest sister's factory is in the town. I can't guarantee that she will cause any trouble for your eldest sister, or don't Let her walk around there. Besides, didn't we agree that your eldest sister will follow the man's process to come to me to pick up the marriage, how can the man pick up the marriage with the old mother-in-law! "

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(End of this chapter)

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