Chapter 476
Ju Jing and Ju Ling are very satisfied with Peng Yan's attitude.

They really didn't care if Mother Peng came or not, they only cared about the position of the eldest sister in Peng Yan's heart.

Looking back, Ju Ling told Ju Wenqi and his wife Peng Yan's decision, and the couple were very satisfied.

To be honest, Ju Ling was a little surprised.

She asked her parents: "It stands to reason that you should think it's not good to persuade Peng Yan to let his mother come here!"

Ju Wenqi sighed and said, "It's not easy for your elder sister to open a factory. The people in our village are thinking about going to work in the factory every day, and there must be many people who are thinking about it outside. Your mother and I are her own parents, of course. Facing her, I always wanted not to cause trouble for her, but Peng Yan's mother and her son are not in the same mind with your elder sister, let alone your elder sister. What if I cause trouble for your elder sister? Your mother and I are not stupid. "

After all, the couple have experienced major events, and they may act like monsters in normal times, especially Ju Wenqi, who loves to act when he has nothing to do, but when it comes to critical moments, they can clearly understand it.

For several days after the injury, the husband and wife did not have a good appetite, and Zhang Yongmei, who was already thin, became so skinny that she looked a little scary.

This is very distressing to the people in the family. Zhang Yongmei happened to be a little bit, and Brother Long made a lot of nourishing dishes for her to eat more.

Zhang Yongmei herself was in a hurry, as the eldest girl was about to get married, she didn't want to embarrass the girl.

Ju Ling saw her thoughts, and after discussing with the elder sister and the second sister in the group, she decided to take Zhang Yongmei out to buy clothes, have her hair done, and tidy up.

After agreeing with Zhang Yongmei, Ju Jing called Zhang Yongli, hoping that her aunt could go with her.

Zhang Yongli has also been very busy in the past two years.Regardless of whether pork is expensive or cheap, Zhang Yongli insists on raising pigs, and her two children are still young, so she has to spend time and energy taking care of them.Feng Guangquan is very busy with work, and Zhang Yongli has to take care of all the big things at home, not to mention going out to do hair and buy clothes, she seldom goes to the big fairs in the village and in the village, she really has no time.

When Ju Jing mentioned this to her, she didn't say anything, the pigs were not fed and the children were not watched, how could she go away.

Ju Jing asked Feng Guangquan to answer the phone and asked him which day he would not have to go to work and let him feed the pigs and watch the children at home.

Feng Guangquan happily agreed, and asked Ju Jing to take Zhang Yongli for a stroll, buy more clothes, and buy some jewelry if he visited a gold store.He said that Zhang Yongliguang has been busy making money these years and has not bought anything for himself.

The phone fell into Zhang Yongli's hands again, but she was still worried about her family and told Ju Jing that she would not go.

Ju Jing said: "Auntie, what are you worried about? Usually you are alone at home with the children to feed the pigs, and my little uncle is not worried. He can't go to work. He will take the children to feed the pigs at home for two days at most. What can happen?"

After repeated persuasion by Feng Guangquan and Ju Jing, Zhang Yongli let go and agreed to go shopping together.

Originally, it was planned that Ju Jing and Ju Ling would take Zhang Yongmei and Zhang Yongli to go shopping, but Yin Kaixuan said that it would be better to go by car, not to mention the comfort, and it would be convenient to put things in the car after shopping.

Jing Chengxi and Zhan Yi also wanted to go out for a stroll, both of them said that they hadn't bought clothes for a long time, and it was annoying that they had nowhere to spend their money.

There are too many people and one car can’t drive, what’s the matter?

Ju Min and Peng Yan said that they both came back by car, how could these people drive in three cars, and there were still vacancies.

The girl with dreadlocks and the guy with the hole who were still here signed up to go shopping when they heard that there were still vacancies in the car.

If you want to go, go there, it's crowded and lively.

They were having a lot of fun, and Ju Wenqi's face turned dark.

He also wanted to go shopping, but no one offered to take him with him, sorry.

In fact, as long as he took the initiative to say something, how could he not take him, but he himself refused to say anything. The day before Zhang Yongmei asked him if he wanted to go together, he still stuck his neck and said that Zhang Yongmei wasted money so he would not go. .

After discussing, I decided not to go to Yunhe, but to go directly to Binjiang.Prefectural-level cities are much larger than county-level cities, and there are many places to visit, both expensive and cheap.

The first day goes to the next day, and the middle stays in the hotel for one night.

After going to Binjiang, the group went to the hotel to check in first, and then split up, doing whatever they wanted, as long as they were there when they returned the next day.

Jing Chengxi and Zhan Yi want to watch movies, go shopping, buy clothes, and buy video recording equipment.

Peng Yan and Yin Kaixuan had nothing to buy, so Peng Yan took Yin Kaixuan to the store opened by his friend, chatting casually and the time would pass quickly.

The girl with dirty braids and the guy with the holes were going to play by the river. They brought their cameras and said they must take more photos before leaving here.

The three sisters took Zhang Yongmei and Zhang Yongli straight to the hairdressing shop, had their hair done, and went shopping after finishing their hair.

They didn't do enough shopping during the day, and at night they went to the night market and ate a lot of delicious food.

The old sisters of the Zhang family had a great time, and they were still talking about what they had seen at the night market when they returned to the hotel.

They were happy, and the three sisters were naturally happy too.

The next day they went to the gold shop again, and Zhang Yongli was interested in a pair of gold bracelets, which were quite expensive, and she was reluctant to buy them after trying again and again.The three sisters looked anxious, and it was useless to persuade them for a long time. Ju Ling had more ways to do it. He called Feng Guangquan and asked him to persuade Zhang Yongli.

In the end, Zhang Yongli bought the pair of bracelets and was very happy to wear them directly.

The three sisters bought a piece of jewelry for Zhang Yongmei, Ju Min bought a pendant, Ju Jing mended a necklace, and Ju Ling bought a pair of earrings. Zhang Yongmei blamed them for spending money indiscriminately. .

When returning home, Ju Ling, Ju Jing, Zhang Yongmei and Zhang Yongli sat in the car driven by Ju Min. On the way, Zhang Yongli and Zhang Yongmei said with emotion: "Sister, how time flies, the three girls have grown up so much in the blink of an eye. Even the little one is married. Well, we're both getting old too."

"You are not old, how old are you?" Zhang Yongmei sighed with a smile, and recalled: "You were quite young when I married your brother-in-law. When Minmin and the others were young, you often came to help the house, After transplanting rice seedlings, my face was swollen, and I was so tired that I cried without telling me or your brother-in-law."

Every time Zhang Yongmei talked about these things, she felt very sorry for her sister, but Zhang Yongli didn't think so.

As a family, it is right to support each other and help each other. There is no need to be grateful or feel sorry.

In fact, any relationship is mutual, Zhang Yongmei treats her well, and she is willing to give back the same or even more affection.

A carload of women chatted all the way, and happily sent Zhang Yongli home first.

Before the car entered Xiaofuqiang Village, Ju Jing suppressed her smile and asked Ju Min to park the car at the entrance of the village.

"Who did it!" Ju Jing stood pinching her waist in front of the village committee's house, looking at a series of large advertising slogans painted on the originally clean wall, and wanted to curse someone angrily.

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(End of this chapter)

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