Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 477 Graffiti

Chapter 477 Graffiti
Not only the house of the village committee has been plastered with advertisements, but also the houses with large walls in the village have been placarded, and there are also advertisements for different products, some red and some white. They took advantage of it.

Ju Jing caught a passing villager and asked about the advertisement, and the person said, "Jing Jing, you don't know, yesterday we had several groups of people here, and they said they were giving away dried noodles for writing on the wall. Everyone is scrambling to paint. The stone wall of my house can’t be painted, or I can get dried noodles.”

He felt that it was a loss that he didn't let others take advantage of it.

Ju Jing's eyes turned black.

"Then what's going on with the village committee? Who agreed with them?!" Ju Jing asked again.

The villager said, "It seems, it seems that your father agreed. They knew that your father is the village director's father and gave them an extra basin. I think the quality is quite good."

Ju Jing: .
I really should take Ju Wenqi to go shopping together, who would have thought that he can act like a demon at home after leaving for two days.

Ju Jing angrily went to the restaurant to find someone to settle the accounts. Not only did Ju Wenqi not realize that she had made a mistake, but she also happily said to Ju Jing: "Did you see it when I entered the village? The writing is very good, and nothing will be delayed." What a great thing to get something. Fortunately, I'm at home, otherwise we wouldn't be able to get this good thing."

Ju Jing: .
Looking at Ju Wenqi's cheerful look, Ju Jing really didn't know what to say.

She took out a bottle of drink from the refrigerator and drank it all, and when her breath gradually calmed down, she said to Ju Wenqi: "Dad, the house of the village committee does not belong to our family, and it is not up to you to let people post advertisements. Also, do you think that an advertisement on the wall is worth a bag of dried noodles? It’s so fun to let people fool you, I’m really convinced!"

"What? Is a pack of dried noodles cheap? How many packs of dried noodles are there?" Ju Wenqi asked stupidly.

"It's not a matter of noodles or noodles at all. I won't explain to you, I'll deal with it first!" Ju Jing said with a headache.

Ju Jing walked through all the people who had posted the advertisements, and wrote down the phone numbers under the advertisement slogans, and then went back to the restaurant to call one by one, asking them to take back all the dried noodles and so on, and the village should remove the advertisements uniformly.If you don't want to remove the advertisement, then give the common people money at the normal price.

The people on the opposite side knew that Ju Jing was a knowledgeable person, and it was not easy to fool around. In addition, there was no national highway or railway in Xiaofuqiangtun, so the effect of advertising was not that great, and they were unwilling to spend money on advertising space. She also felt that it was not worthwhile to make another trip for a few packets of dried noodles, so she asked Ju Jing to deal with the advertisements on the wall casually.

Ju Jing clarified this matter with the whole village through the loudspeaker, and told everyone not to be fooled in the future. Advertisements were posted on a place as big as the wall, and they would definitely not be allowed to post advertisements without paying. A package of dried noodles was sent away. Those people are obviously cheating.

The people who were happy when they got the noodles were very angry when they heard that they had lost money and were cheated. They wished they could immediately pour a bucket of paint on the wall to cover the broken words.But when I thought about the cost of painting, and it would be too ugly to use the bottom of the pot to plaster, I had to give up and suffer this "dumb loss".

Advertisements in other places don’t need to be cleaned up, but those on the wall of the village committee must be cleaned up. The facade of a village must be decent.

Before I bought the paint or anything, the girl with dreadlocks and the guy with the hole were about to leave.

After helping to grab water, the attitude of the people in the village towards them was obviously much better, and no one ever said they were scary.Now that the two of them were leaving, there was someone in the village who had packaged special products for them to take back.

Ju Jing prepared them a gift box of special products produced by Ju Min's factory, and Jing Chengxi went to Zhao Fen's to buy some dry food and cakes, which could be considered a special product, so they could eat them on the way.

After sending these two away, Ju Jing only needs to entertain the couple who are on annual leave.A group of art students will come in the past few days, and the place to live has to be tidied up. Ju Jing is too busy to buy paint to paint the walls.

Ju Jing didn't expect that the group of students she received had prepared their own paints. When they heard that Ju Jing was going to paint off the words on the wall, they were so excited that they rushed for help.

Are they trying to help?
Yes, for sure.Of course, they want to do graffiti on the house more. After all, in the city, it is not easy to find a wall that can be graffiti casually.

Graffiti can be done, but there must be restrictions on the content. It can’t be too graffiti or too scary. After all, the feelings of the whole village must be taken care of.

When Ju Jing and a group of young people were discussing this matter while eating barbecue in the courtyard of the restaurant at night, Ju Ling, who had been listening by the side, suddenly said: "Second sister, what do you want to do with the restaurant?" The hotel can’t hold a few funerals throughout the year, most of them are wedding banquets, so why don’t we make festive graffiti, and people will be happy to see them come to hold banquets.”

In fact, Ju Ling's main concern is Ju Min's upcoming wedding. The whole family wants to make the wedding special, and making the hotel festive is a special kind of thing.

Ju Jing thought about it with her, Dang even clapped her hands and said: "This is a good idea, not only the restaurant, but also our house."

There are so many places where you can create freely, but I am very happy for this group of children who have nowhere to display their artistic talents. One of the boys asked Ju Jing: "Sister Jing, when we entered the village, we saw many advertisements on the walls. Why don't you tell the people in the village, can we paint all the walls where advertisements are painted? If they don't trust us to paint casually, they can specify what to paint, and we don't need money. "

Ju Jing shook her head and said with a wry smile: "You guys think things are too simple. I'm going to tell them first, don't talk about giving you money, they will definitely ask you for money. But it's okay, you just hurry up When someone asks you about the paintings of the village committee and the restaurant, you say that I asked you to help with the painting, and if they also ask you to help with the painting, you will agree."

The children are still quite simple, and they didn't understand why Ju Jing made simple things so complicated, and Ju Jing didn't explain much, just let them do it.

While the youngsters were still contemplating what to draw, Ju Ling received a call from Qiao Jue.

He actually returned home early, and he had already arrived in the provincial capital.

Coincidentally, as soon as he landed, he received a message from Ma Yuran, asking him if he would come to Ju Min's wedding.

He reported his location, and Ma Yuran immediately happily asked him to pick up Ma Yuqiu.

The Ma family is very busy, even Ma Yuran can't spare time to attend the wedding, and they are worried that Ma Yuqiu will take a train for several hours to go there alone, so Ma Yuran thought of asking Qiao Jue, but Qiao Jue just happened to be there Just arrived in the provincial capital.

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(End of this chapter)

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