Chapter 479
Ju Jing suddenly received a call from a student at around [-] o'clock in the evening. He said that he was the last one to leave the village committee before dinner, and all the painting tools, paints, self-painting and so on were left in the village committee room. But he seemed to have forgotten to lock the door when he left. I don't know if something will happen.

The village committee basically does not lock the door during the day, especially during the winter and summer vacations, because all the books donated by Ju Ling are stored here, and the door is not locked for children to read.But the door must be locked at night. After all, there are not many low-level people in any village, who can do any harm.

Ju Jing rubbed her brows and endured a headache to go to the village committee to lock the door. As soon as she passed, she realized that something was wrong.

The students didn't lock the door when they left, but it wasn't that they didn't close the door, but now the door of the village committee's house is wide open, obviously someone came from behind.

Even though Ju Jingdang had a bad premonition, she went into the room and turned on the light, and her face turned black when she saw the messy piles of tool paint on the ground.

These kids are laughing and joking all day long, they are quite out of tune, but they manage the painting tools and materials very well. I dare not say that they have been neatly arranged all the time, at least they won’t look like a pile of rags like they are now. pile up.

Someone must have been there and touched the paint.

It was so late, and it was impossible to call the students from the hillside to make sure what was lost, so Ju Jing walked along the road in the village to check the situation in the village first.

Qiao Jue definitely didn't expect the lighting tools he sent to come in handy so quickly. When Ju Jing was wandering from the west end of the village to the east of the middle of the village with a flashlight that could be recharged directly from the power supply or solar energy, she suddenly found this family All the advertisements on the fence were painted over.

It's still there in the afternoon, but it's gone in the middle of the night. It seems that this family is working in the dark.

Whether these people are bold or too stupid, the spent acrylic paint buckets are still thrown under the wall, and they don't even know how to sell the stolen goods. It seems that they are not afraid of being discovered at all.

Going forward, I saw that the advertisements on the walls of several houses were painted over, and paint buckets and brushes were thrown on the ground casually, which was extremely arrogant.

Ju Jing was laughed at by these stupid and bad people.Don't they just use their own things, don't they know that doing so is against the law?Or they think that these things are worthless, and others will not hold them accountable if they use them casually.

Think things just go like this?no way.

Ju Jing went back and fell asleep soundly.

The alarm clock woke her up at five o'clock in the morning.

After tidying up, she called the students on the hillside and asked them to come over for breakfast, and deal with the matter of stealing things by the way.

After breakfast with the students, Ju Jing took them to the village committee.The students were very angry when they saw so much less tool paint. Ju Jing advised them to calm down, and she would definitely recover the loss.

Turned on the loudspeaker and started broadcasting. Ju Jing didn't exchange pleasantries, and said as soon as she opened her mouth: "Ma who came to the village committee to steal paint and tools last night slipped over to register for compensation. If you don't pay for the stolen things, call the police. Don't try to fool the past. I know whoever stole from me, don't force me to tear myself apart with you. You all know how I, Ju Jing, do things, so don't talk about it with me, I have no sympathy to speak of here."

After thinking about it, Ju Jing added: "I'll just give you one hour. If you don't come to pay within an hour, I'll call the police immediately. Don't think I'm joking."

The students bought relatively cheap paints and tools. The unit price is not expensive, but the quantity cannot be supported, and it costs a lot of money to put them together.

The stolen things add up to less than 500 yuan. After the students are angry, they don’t want to make a big fuss, so they just tell Ju Jing that it’s okay. Has little effect.

Ju Jing didn't think so. She said: "This is a matter of principle. Stealing is wrong. If these people are not taught a lesson, they will definitely make progress. Tolerating them is indulgence, and it must not be taken lightly."

Seeing Ju Jing's resolute attitude, the students couldn't say anything more, they just waited to see the result of Ju Jing's handling.

An hour is not a long time, more than half an hour has passed after chatting for a while, and it seems like an hour.

"Sister Jing, if no one comes to surrender, do we really need to call the police? Will the police not allow us to draw?" a student asked very worriedly.

At the beginning, they didn't want to pursue it because of this consideration.In the city, you can’t paint on the walls without approval. It would be terrible if you were caught. These children don’t know the situation in the countryside, and they are afraid that things will go wrong and they will lose this opportunity to practice their hands.

But Ju Jing reassured: "Don't worry, there are not so many rules here, as long as you don't draw something that you can't look at, there is no problem."

The students are still not at ease, each and every one of them is uneasy.

When the hour was almost up, a person finally came to admit his mistake with an empty paint bucket and unusable tools.

The reason this person gave was that he saw that others were taking them, so he thought that the students didn’t want the paintings after they finished painting, so he also came over and took a bucket of paint and went back to paint the advertisements on the wall of his own house.Now that we know that it is not what others don't want, we must lose money if we use other people's things.

A bucket of paint and two brushes didn't cost much at all. After the student quoted the price, the man honestly gave the money even though he felt distressed.

Ju Jing asked him to sign a form and let him go.

If there is the first one, there is the second one. The reasons given are very good. Anyway, no one took it knowing that they should not take it. They all made mistakes accidentally, and it was very happy to lose money.

An hour has passed, and Ju Jing asked the students if the number of paints and tools was correct, and the student replied after repeated confirmation: "No, there are still four buckets of acrylic paint, six bottles of self-spray paint, two brushes and two pairs of gloves. A gas mask."

Ju Jing turned on the loudspeaker again, said something that was still worse, and said: "I'll give you the last 5 minutes, if you don't come to pay the money, you can call the police. It's not worth much, and there are all kinds of people who have tossed the police over for such a small thing. It’s not me who knows the ugly face!”

But anyone who wants to save face has to think hard about what is important.

Moreover, it has been a while since the first person who came to lose money left, enough for those who have not yet turned themselves in to find out how much they will lose, and it is estimated that people will come after a while.

Sure enough, before 5 minutes had passed, a person pushed the wheelbarrow and brought the things back.

The same is not bad and the same is not bad. The paint and tools that this man stole were useless, and they were returned intact.

Ju Jing squinted at Tangyou Ju, snorted and said, "There is no advertisement on the wall of your house, why are you stealing these things? Also, would your wife be happy if you stole things? Or is it that you didn't steal these things at all, The person who really stole has no face and asked you to come and pay it back?"

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(End of this chapter)

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