Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 480 Dispute

Chapter 480 Dispute
Ju Tangyou was very embarrassed by what Ju Jing said, and stood there blushing, not knowing what to do.

Ever since Tangyou Ju married Song Qing, he has really changed a lot.

Changing from a fat man to a thin man is only an external change. What really makes people stand out is the change in his personality.

He was such a lazy and arrogant person in the past, and when his parents didn't follow him, he would play around and play rogue. After getting married, he seemed to be tortured by someone's soul. He was able to work hard and eat hard, and his personality was much better than before.

So it is very important for a man to marry a good wife.But to put it another way, if such a good woman marries a man who is nothing, only by trying hard to change this man can she have a good life, which is quite unfair to women.

Ju Jing had no intention of discussing these esoteric things with Ju Tangyou, and even if they discussed, she couldn't understand. She just couldn't help but want to ridicule Ju Tangyou.

The students counted the things in the trolley, and they were able to count all of them.

Ju Tangyou said sorry to Ju Jing and the students many times, before Ju Jing could speak, those students couldn't stand it and said it was okay, and told Ju Tangyou not to take things casually in the future and let him go.

Foreign students don't know the twists and turns, but Ju Jing can guess it.

Tangyou Ju definitely wouldn't have taken these things. He and Song Qing had a good life, so they wouldn't steal these things they didn't need at all.It must have been taken home by Ju Changlong or Li Qiuju, but they were too embarrassed to return the things when things got serious, so they sent Tangyou Ju to return them.

In fact, Ju Jing guessed wrong. It was not that Ju Changlong and his wife were embarrassed to send their son over here. Think of what's going on.

Song Qing asked Ju Tangyou to send the things back without discussing with Ju Changlong and Li Qiuju. It was not because she was afraid that she would not understand after the discussion, but because she was not willing to discuss it with her parents-in-law at all.

In private, she really despises them.

There are risks in cutting first and playing later. The couple were very angry when they found that all the things they had worked so hard to get home were returned by their son, and they rushed to the room of Tangyou Ju and Song Qing and scolded them.

Li Qiuju scolded them for not knowing how to live and not being frugal, and also scolded them for being wolf cubs who were not familiar with raising their elbows.

On the surface, the young couple scolded, but in fact they were scolding Song Qing.

Song Qing didn't take it to heart when she heard the throbbing in the left ear, and when Ju Changlong and Li Qiuju left, she took all her anger on Tangyou Ju.

Regardless of how the husband and wife get along with each other, one of them is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, and their lives are really good.Song Qing has money and is good at calculating. He farms and raises livestock. Now he has taken over the fungus shed left by Huang Zhaodi. The husband and wife earn much more from working hard for a year than others who go out to work.

When the family ate together, they chatted about Tangyou Ju and Song Qing, and both Ju Wenqi and his wife praised Song Qing for being good.He boasted that he didn't know how to transfer the topic to Huang Zhaodi, saying that Ju Tang's achievements were not as good as Ju Tangyou's life, and Huang Zhaodi would have a good life if he hadn't left Ju Tangcheng.

They felt sorry for Ju Tangcheng, Ju Jing couldn't bear to listen and interrupted: "Huang Zhaodi is living a good life now, and she is very kind to her after getting a marriage certificate. Both husband and wife are hardworking. It's much better. I think it's the right choice for her to leave Ju Tangcheng, and it's hard to think about staying with Ju Tangcheng to make do with it."

"What do you know?" Ju Wenqi glanced blankly at Ju Jing, put down her chopsticks and took a sip of water and said slowly: "She is a woman, and she has been with so many men. She herself is not afraid of others saying that her child is wrong? Now I don't understand, wait Can he not blame his mother when he gets pointed at when he grows up?"

Let alone Ju Jing, Ju Ling couldn't bear to hear this.

She jumped ahead of Ju Jing and said: "Then you can't change the wrong person? It's fine if the child grows up in a home without love? The child can feel at ease seeing his mother wronging himself for an unworthy man for the rest of his life." Huang Zhaodi is just choosing her own life and the life she wants to live, she is not the one who is wrong from the beginning to the end, what kind of psychology is the person who says she is doing something wrong!"

Ju Wenqi often flirts with Ju Jing, but rarely gets flirted with by Ju Ling.He was stunned by what the little girl said, and he didn't reply for a long time.

Ju Jing smiled and said: "Dad, you must be consistent in your life. If any of the three of us live with a man like Ju Tangcheng, do you encourage us to endure no matter what we suffer, or break up with this man as soon as possible before going away?" Looking for someone else?"

Ju Wenqi was completely speechless after being exhumed.

I really don't know the pain when the knife is not stuck on my body, I feel that I am rational and may be patient.There is not so much reason to stick to yourself. After all, people are self-interested.

A good meal tasted like good medicine, Jing Chengxi hurriedly interjected to smooth things over.

He said: "We have to contact the recording team of the eldest sister's wedding now. I'm afraid they won't have time. Also, whether the wedding video should be posted on the Internet, I feel that there are still many details about the wedding that have not been discussed." Well, it's time to see it, let's discuss serious matters when we have time, and don't care what others are doing."

What Jing Chengxi said is right, how people live their lives is their business, it's fine to just chat when they have nothing to do, it's totally not worth arguing about it or anything.

The students didn't have enough paint and went to Binjiang City to buy more, so Ju Jing asked Yin Kaixuan to drive them there, and the children were not allowed to pay for paint and tools, and Ju Jing reimbursed them all.

These students didn't expect such a good thing to happen, so they naturally painted more attentively.

After the village committee's house was finished, they started to build a restaurant.

The hotel is large and the wall area is also large, which gave them enough room for creativity.Because Ju Jing wanted to make it more joyful, the children simply used half of the wall to draw a sea of ​​roses, and the other half painted a Chinese-style bride and groom's worship hall. They are all red in tone, but not too red. , the finished visual effect is very shocking without feeling exaggerated.

Really very nice.

This is just the front wall. A house has four sides, front, back, left, and right. Ju Jing let go, and the remaining three sides are for the students to play freely.

The students were not too bold, so they drew some happy things in a regular manner. Among other things, at least Ju Wenqi and his wife liked it.

After the restaurant is finished, it will be done at home. The small walls of the house at home are naturally relatively small. Ju Jing asked them to paint boldly. As long as it is not too dark to scare people, it doesn't matter.

These children were really thoughtful, so they made abstract graffiti on the wall at home. It is completely impossible to see what they are painting, but the bright colors are very comfortable and beautiful when they meet together, which is amazing.

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(End of this chapter)

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