Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 481 Exchange

Chapter 481 Exchange
Not only the Ju family saw this miracle, but also the villagers.

When the students were painting in the restaurant, many people came to watch the excitement and chat with the students.

In fact, they were asking students if Ju Jing gave them money for painting. When they heard that it was free, the villagers' eyes were full of light, and when they heard that Ju Jing paid for paints and tools, the light dimmed a lot.

Many people in the village thought it would be nice to paint on the walls, and wanted the students to paint for them, but they were not too happy about asking them to spend money.

The students just want to practice their hands and enjoy painting. In fact, even if the villagers don't pay for paints and tools, they are willing to paint as long as they are allowed to paint.

Ju Jing also knew what they were thinking, but she still told the students not to let go easily. If the villagers felt that the students were eager to paint for them, they might ask the children for money.

Ju Jing analyzed the twists and turns in it with the students, and they still believed in Ju Jing, and they would do what she said.

On the night when the family house was completed, all the students of Ju Jingliu had dinner in the restaurant, and then sang songs and ate barbecue together in the yard after the meal.

Young people chatting all over the world, without deliberately creating an atmosphere, it is naturally very happy.

The joyful atmosphere attracted many villagers to join in the fun. The first one to chat with the students was Shen Zhicheng's wife.

Shen Zhicheng's wife also wants students to paint her house, but it does cost money to buy paint.No matter how much money is spent in this kind of place, it is not worth it, so Shen Zhicheng's wife is quite hesitant.

However, it is unreasonable to ask others to contribute and pay for painting for her family. Shen Zhicheng's wife came up with a good idea - when the children painted for her family, their family took care of the children's three meals a day, not only To make children full, let them eat well.

Shen Zhicheng's daughter-in-law said that Ju Jing still believed it. Under Ju Jing's gesture, the students agreed to Shen Zhicheng's daughter-in-law's request.

The fact is that what they did was far better than what they promised. The summer sun is extremely hot. A group of children are wearing hats, gloves, masks and even masks to paint outside. It is very hot and hard.

Although they enjoy doing what they like, others feel sorry for them when they see it, especially those who are mothers, and they can't see their children who are about the same age as their children suffer. Bringing water, popsicles and ice cream to cool them off, and letting the children take a nap at her house at noon, and they are very willing to spend money on three meals a day.

It started with Shen Zhicheng's family, and then another family came to find him.

Later, one of the leaders of the students counted and found that 90.00% of the families in the village approached them and asked them to paint graffiti on the walls.

That's it, they still feel very sorry.

"Every house must have graffiti on it to look good, but it's not so good if this house has graffiti on it. Sister Jing, can you help us find a way to get those people to agree to our graffiti, and we don't have to eat at their house." said the student.

Ju Jing shook her head and said with a smile: "Don't tell me, if you haven't found you at this time, it means that people don't like it, so let's not force them to accept it."

Entering August, there is suddenly more rain, and the students have less time to graffiti, but it is definitely a good thing for the crops in the field.

Although it has rained intermittently since the last water grab, the rain is not heavy, only a layer of land is wet, and the rain evaporates as soon as the sun shines, which cannot solve the problem of drought at all.

On the first day of August, there was a heavy rain. It rained lingeringly for two days, watering the land thoroughly, and the wilting crops finally regained their vitality.

After the rain, Ju Jing started to get busy, and Yin Kaixuan and Jing Chengxi naturally followed suit. The task of entertaining and taking care of the students fell on the shoulders of Ju Ling and Zhan Yi.

As a recorder, Zhan Yi followed the students' graffiti in the village almost all the way.He has already agreed with the students that a related video will be released in the future to promote them, and he is also promoting Xiaofuqiangtun and Quiet Farm.

The filming team invited by Ju Min's wedding was also contacted by Zhan Yi. It was not cheap, but their technology must be very good. The most important thing is that their equipment is professional, and the things they shoot are clearer and better looking.

From Ju Ling's wedding to Ju Min's wedding, Zhan Yi really helped a lot.

When Ju Ling was alone with Zhan Yi, she asked Zhan Yi: "Brother Zhan Yi, do you and Brother Xiao Jing want to have a wedding? Last semester, I heard from my classmates that a pair of senior sisters in our school graduated and worked. We held a wedding and invited classmates, friends and teachers from the school to attend, which was very touching.”

In the past two years of studying in university, Ju Ling has really gained a lot of knowledge. She knows that there are many kinds of people in the world, and she must learn to respect even if she cannot be tolerant.

Zhan Yi shook his head without thinking, "No, it's fine as it is now, Xiaojing and I don't want to be too high-profile."

"Are you guys really not wanting to have a wedding or are you afraid of causing trouble to my parents and second sister?" Ju Ling went straight to the root of the problem.

There is a big difference between the two. The former is subjective desire, while the latter is the helplessness of reality.

Zhan Yi shook his head with a wry smile, and asked Ju Ling: "If you were me, would you hold a wedding?"

Ju Ling thought about it seriously for a while, and replied: "Maybe it won't be as big as the eldest sister, but our family can get together to celebrate, or we can ask a team to take pictures. When you and Xiaojing grow old, How nice it is to sit together and look at old photos and videos to reminisce about the past."

Zhan Yi thought about the scene for a while, and also showed yearning.

Ju Ling then urged: "Brother Zhan Yi, why don't we fix your wedding with Brother Xiao Jing in winter, and we can find a professional photography team to shoot a winter blockbuster for you on the spot. What else do you need? Let’s think about it slowly, anyway, we have time to prepare.”

The more Ju Ling talked, the more excited she was, she immediately took out her mobile phone and sent a message to the sister group about this matter. Ju Jing and Ju Min were probably busy and didn't reply, so she continued to discuss with Zhan Yi.

Zhan Yi was also very moved by what she said, but he had more worries and couldn't make up his mind at all.

"Don't worry, you can discuss it with Brother Xiao Jing later. In fact, you don't have to worry about causing trouble to our family. You and Brother Xiao Jing are also family members. No matter what time it is, our family will not think that our family is troublesome." ", Ju Lingbel said sincerely.

Zhan Yi was so moved that he turned around and thought about this question seriously.

When Jing Chengxi came back from the hillside in the evening, they discussed this matter, Jing Chengxi's attitude was very clear, just do what you want, don't worry so much, because the Ju family will definitely support them.

Even if you decide to do this, there is no need to worry, after all, there are still several months, and the big event in front of you is Ju Min's wedding.

As the day drew nearer, everyone became more and more anxious, and they all secretly prayed in their hearts that nothing would happen, and they must spend these days safely.

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(End of this chapter)

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