Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 84 False alarm

Chapter 84 False alarm
The old man was far away, SARS could not have spread to Yunhe County all of a sudden, so the Ju family felt that it was absolutely safe to stay here.

But no one expected that on the third day of the phone call, Ju Ling started to have a fever and a sore throat.

At first, she didn't take it seriously, and called the head teacher to ask for leave to rest at home.Li Dagang heard that she was more anxious than she was when she had a fever, so he urged her to go to the hospital for treatment, and asked her to notify him in time if she felt uncomfortable.

Ju Jing is at work, and she is the only one in the rental house.She drank a large cup of hot water, thinking that it would be good for the cat to sleep under the quilt and cover her body with sweat, but she didn't expect that her fever not only didn't go away, but it got worse and worse.

When she woke up, she felt weak all over, had a headache and a sore throat, her heart was beating very fast, and she felt limp and flustered.

When she got up to go to the bathroom, she took a look in the mirror, and Ju Ling was startled.

The cheeks were swollen, and the whole face was stretched out.

In fact, two days earlier, she felt a little off, but she didn't care at all, she thought it was because she talked too much and drank too little water, but she didn't expect it to be serious.

Unable to bear it, she immediately called Ju Jing and agreed to gather at the outpatient clinic of the county hospital.

As soon as the nurse heard that Ju Ling had a fever, she immediately called several medical staff, and accompanied her carefully along the way, drawing blood and doing ECG. When the results were obtained, she was called to a separate consulting room to ask who she had been in contact with these days. Wherever you go, that posture is particularly scary.

The hospital should have received instructions from above to pay special attention to patients with fever, so Ju Ling was taken seriously by them.

When the results of the examination came out, all the hanging hearts were put down safely.It's not SARS, and it's not a strange disease, it's mumps.

After prescribing medicine and returning to the rental house, Ju Jing was busy with boiling water and cooking a meal. After the busy work, she sat on the bedside and said to Ju Ling, who was mentally exhausted: "Okay, stay at home. The doctor said it's okay." It’s best not to go to school before, and don’t play too much at home, get up and read when you feel better, and don’t fall behind in your studies.”

Of course this Ju Ling knows that if she misses one day of class, she will learn a lot less. She doesn't know how many days she will be delayed. She was already chasing others. If she relaxes these few days, she will definitely be left behind.

Ju Ling not only missed class, but also missed a monthly exam.

After the monthly exam, Ju Jing helped her go to school and asked Li Dagang for a set of papers. She took time to do it at home, and when she recovered from her illness, she went back to school and asked the teacher for a score to see where she was in the school year.

Sensible children usually report good news but not bad news when they are away from home.It's like Ju Min, who didn't tell her family when she was hospitalized for appendicitis outside. Of course, Ju Ling didn't tell Ju Wenqi and his wife about her illness this time, but Ju Jing did talk about her situation when chatting with Ju Min.

Ju Min was worried about her little sister, so she called to care about her.

She had a terrible sore throat, and her voice was low and hoarse, which made Ju Min feel bad. If it wasn't for her parents finding out that something was wrong, she would have rushed to the county to see her little sister.

Ju Ling can hide from her parents, but she can't hide from Qiao Jue.

Just like she could guess that something was wrong with Qiao Jue through a text message before, Qiao Jue also found out that something was wrong when Qiao Jue called her and she hung up to send a message.

Knowing that she had mumps and was swollen and swollen, Qiao Jue was also very worried. He sighed in distress and sent her a message: You, it must be because of lack of exercise that your immunity is so low. I can find you.After recovering from illness, you should exercise more. A healthy body is the foundation of everything.

Just reminding me to exercise is still not at ease, Qiao Jue sent another message: usually eat more fruits and supplement vitamins, don't be reluctant.

The Ju family has no idea about eating fruits to supplement vitamins. They only think that eating fish and meat is the best way to nourish the body. Therefore, Ju Jing usually buys fish and meat without spending money, and this fruit is bought on a whim.

Knowing that it was useless to tell her, Qiao Jue sent a message to Ju Jing after chatting with her, and that night Ju Jing came back with a big bag of fruit.

When Ju Ling was struggling to eat apples under the supervision of Ju Jing, Ju Min called again to express condolences.

I just called yesterday. Ju Ling thought that Ju Min would hang up the phone after simply asking about the situation. She never expected that many things happened in the village, some of which were related to their family, so this phone call lasted for a long time.

Boss Wu and his wife got their wish and carried the son born to the woman picked up by San Fatty Tun Gao Mazi to their home. He said that he didn't pay the money, but the Gao family said they gave 5000 yuan. It doesn't matter which side is telling the truth. do not know.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that many people in the village who eat salty carrots and worry about it gossip about the plans of Ju Laosan's family from other people's affairs.

Many people in the village said that Ju Laosan didn't hug the Gao Mazi family's children because they planned to recruit an old son-in-law, that is, a door-to-door son-in-law as the saying goes.

Lin Dezhi came over a few years ago. He has lived in the Ju family for such a long time and has no intention of leaving. It is likely that he does not plan to leave. After a while, he will settle things with Ju Min, and the couple will take over the Ju family restaurant in a legitimate way. Everyone is happy.

The gang of idlers in the village not only arranged the marriage of Ju Min and his wife, but also thought of their children after they were born.As a son-in-law, of course the son born must be named Ju, but the daughter's surname is optional. In this way, Ju's third child can be regarded as a successor.

When Ju Min heard these rumors, she couldn't laugh or cry. She told her two sisters: "I think the people in the village understand our family's thoughts better than our own family. They can think of everything for us, and it's not too tiring."

"Isn't that how they are, if they don't care about other people's business, they can't live their own lives. Don't care what others say, just do whatever you plan." Ju Jing said very transparently.

Of course Ju Min knew this truth, she just felt helpless and funny.

When Ju Min was about to hang up the phone, another thought came to her mind, and she hurriedly said, "By the way, my aunt came over today and said that the aunt will come to live in the village for a while next Tuesday."

Ju Ying's mouth is also very powerful. Originally, Zhao Fen couldn't tell, and she didn't know how she told others. After a few phone calls, she actually moved people. Ju Changqing and Ju Changjie were regarded as big favors.

Zhao Fen didn't have a home in the village, so when he came here, he decided to live in someone else's house. The crux of the problem was whose house would he live in?

When Ju Ying came to find Ju Wenqi and his wife, she told them that her house was too small to accommodate guests and that she wanted Zhao Fen to live in Ju Wenqi's house.

Her house is small, so Ju Wenqi's house doesn't even have a place to move his feet.

Ju Wenqi didn't talk nonsense, and directly asked Ju Ying to look at his kang, and then looked at the people in this room, and asked Ju Ying to taste it by herself.

It's true that there is no place to live here, and Ju Ying doesn't want Zhao Fen to live in her house, so she can only make the idea to Ju Wenlin's house.She didn't want to show up for something that might offend others, so she urged Ju Wenqi to go to Ju Wenlin's house to talk about it.

After hearing Ju Min's words, Ju Jing laughed angrily.

"She thinks our parents are full of bean curd puffs! It's really interesting, she likes to talk or not, anyway, the second aunt will not come to our house to squeeze." Ju Jing said disdainfully.

 Thank you for your support, thank you for voting and favorites, thank you.Having a fever during the SARS period was really a big deal. Back then, Anu was almost quarantined because of the fever.
(End of this chapter)

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