Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 85 Pursuit

Chapter 85 Pursuit
Not to mention, Ju Ying really regarded her third elder brother and third sister-in-law as a fool stuffed with tofu bubbles in her head.

The main reason is that Ju Wenqi and his wife used to be too honest and easy to play with, and she used to take advantage of this.

It's a pity that Ju Wenqi and his wife are not what they used to be. She still stays where she is and pretends to be smart, so she is destined to fail.

After Zhao Fen came, Ju Min called again to report the latest situation.

Their second aunt had already made plans before coming here. They didn't plan to live in Ju Ying's house or Ju Wenqi's house at all. They just rushed to Ju Wenlin and Cai Meiyu's house.

Cai Meiyu's sons and daughters are all married, and there are only old couples in the family. Zhao Fen can live here completely.

She also knew that Cai Meiyu was small-minded, and she would definitely not be able to eat and live for free, so she brought a lot of things here, which made Cai Meiyu very happy.

While Zhao Fen was getting along with Cai Meiyu in the village, Ju Ling's mumps finally healed and he was able to return to school.

The school paid more attention to SARS. The functional classrooms of each class and even the toilets in the corridors smoked white vinegar every day. The smell could make healthy people wilt.

This is not counted, the class teacher supervises the students to take their body temperature twice a day, morning and evening, and records them one by one.The recorded data will also be reported to the school, and the school will compile it and hand it over to the higher-level unit.

From these changes, we can know how optimistic the situation of fighting against SARS is.When Ju Ling and Qiao Jue were on the phone, they also heard that some schools in Kyoto had been closed, and many big events had to be canceled or postponed, and many people fell into panic.

Qiao Jue is quite calm. He travels between home, cafeteria, and laboratory every day. He doesn't meet many people, and he doesn't go out when he has nothing to do. He is relatively safe.

Compared to Kyoto, Yunhe County is obviously much quieter.Some of the school's measures didn't make the students panic, they just found it troublesome, so every time they took their body temperature and filled in the data, some people tried to fool them.

Ju Ling is a person who is very serious about everything, so of course it is impossible to fool around in this kind of thing.

After a few days of sickness and rest, she missed some homework, and after returning to class, she studied even harder.Everyone has a different way of relaxing when they are tired from studying. Ju Ling's way of relaxing is a bit special. She likes to write things to relax herself.

Since the first manuscript was paid for, she made up her mind to write more and contribute more. It doesn't matter the length of the subject matter. Casting a wide net may not always catch fish, but there will always be gains.

The school's electronic classroom was contracted to sell all kinds of stickers, magazines, books, newspapers and periodicals. Ju Ling went there to take a look almost every day, and took a small notebook to write down any calls for papers, and then write and submit papers as required.

While she was busy studying and submitting articles, her second sister was being pursued fiercely.

The suitor is a netizen whom Ju Jing met from playing games.Originally, we only met occasionally, and we had a tacit understanding during the game, so we chatted a few more words, and found out that they were fellow villagers, so they added QQ after the game.

That man's real name is Jiang Che, he is three years older than Ju Jing, he is 21 this year, and he is a freshman student in a university in D city of this province.

In the later contact, Ju Jing learned that Jiang Che's family has stores in Yunhe County and Binjiang City. The business is not very big, but the family conditions are definitely considered good.

When chatting normally, Ju Jing can also feel the sense of superiority that Jiang Che inadvertently reveals that only a child from a wealthy family can have.

For example, when buying shoes, Ju Jing mainly depends on the quality and price when buying shoes, and cheap and easy-to-wear shoes are the first choice.But Jiang Che is different, he looks at the brand and style.It must be a big brand, and the style must be new. In other words, you must buy what is expensive, and it must be new in the season.

With a different outlook on consumption, Ju Jing felt that she and Jiang Che could only be friends for the rest of their lives.So in the face of Jiang Che's pursuit, Ju Jing remained calm all the time, and refused very simply.

If rejection was useful, there wouldn't be so many idiots in the world.

This Jiang Che is also an interesting person. Just based on the online chat and a blurry mosaic-like photo of Ju Jing, he claimed that Ju Jing must be his girlfriend in this life, otherwise he would be a bachelor for the rest of his life.

Ju Jing is not someone who can be coaxed with just a few words, whoever likes to beat a bachelor, it's none of her business.

Jiang Che chased her, but she didn't want him to chase her, deleted QQ and game friends, refused to answer the phone and text message, anyway, she was determined not to give the other party a chance.

What Jiang Che believes in is that strong girls are afraid of being pestered, so they re-apply for QQ, change game accounts, borrow mobile phones from roommates and classmates, anyway, they just try their best to contact Ju Jing again, and express their feelings by the way.

It was already June when Ju Ling knew that there was such a person stalking her second sister.

In the mid-term exam, she still performed steadily and her ranking was stable. However, several of the submitted manuscripts received replies, some of which were directly published and sent manuscript fees and sample issues, and some decided to accept manuscripts but the manuscript fees had to be paid cumulatively.Of course, there are also manuscripts that are returned, not many, and only one or two are returned after ten articles are submitted, and the success rate is very high.

In addition to writing letters and submitting articles, she also started to contact literary websites on the Internet. Going to Internet cafes to surf the Internet has changed from chatting and watching dramas in the past to writing and reading articles today.

During the weekend break, she went to the Internet cafe to surf the Internet again.

SARS, which shocked the whole world, was effectively brought under control. People saw the light of day after months of gloom. Yunhe County, which had always been calm, even canceled a series of preventive measures. The business of Internet cafes was much better than in the first few months.

On weekends, there are more Internet cafes.

Ju Jing deliberately reserved the seat next to Jing Chengxi for Ju Ling, no matter how chaotic and noisy the Internet cafe is, Jing Chengxi is protecting Ju Ling, and she will be fine.

As soon as Ju Ling sat in front of the computer, Jing Chengxi, who has always been ruthless, began to report to her, saying that Ju Jing has been annoying to death recently, and that there is a bastard who is always harassing Ju Jing and making Ju Ling more Just look at her second sister, don't make her stupid.

Ju Jing never told Ju Ling about this, and Ju Ling didn't notice anything unusual about her second sister, so when she heard what Jing Chengxi said, her first reaction was disbelief.

"Hey, if you don't believe me, don't regret it when you have another second brother-in-law who owes you money!" Jing Chengxi changed back to his ruthless appearance, turned around and continued playing games, his hands were terrifyingly strong , clacked the keyboard.

After thinking about it, Ju Ling was relieved.Jing Chengxi has no reason to lie to her, so it must be true!
She didn't read the novels either, so she pawed at Jing Chengxi and asked him to explain to her in detail what was going on.

Knowing how her second sister was entangled, Ju Ling was angry and worried.

Is that man named Jiang Che sick?He doesn't understand what people say, he thinks that stalking is infatuation, but in fact, isn't that just harassment.

Compared with being angry, Ju Ling is actually more worried about Ju Jing.

Jiang Che's family is in Yunhe County, and now he is going to university outside, but the university is going to be on vacation, so he has to pester Ju Jing when he returns to Yunhe County.

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(End of this chapter)

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