Chapter 101: Love Your Daughter (3)

An Xia looked at Qiao Junting's back and slowly put away the smile on her face. She thought that she was Qiao Junting's biological sister, so Qiao Junting should value her more, but she also knew that Qiao Hanwan had been in Qiao's family for more than ten years. The feelings of the Qiao family are naturally deep. Although Qiao Hanwan has been squandering the feelings of the Qiao family towards her in the past three years, this does not deny that Qiao Hanwan has a status in the hearts of the Qiao family at least now.

Because Qiao Junting can fool Qiao Hanwan but not her, she can see from Qiao Junting's eyes that he still has feelings for Qiao Hanwan, otherwise she wouldn't be jealous after seeing Qiao Hanwan leave with her foot injured Hastily went out.

She knew that Qiao Junting would not forget to call someone to clean her room, but she also knew that Qiao Junting would personally bandage Qiao Hanwan after calling someone. Although it was nothing, she didn't care, but if Qiao Hanwan dared to come again If she speaks rudely to her or makes trouble behind her back, she will definitely make everyone in the Qiao family completely dislike her.

An Xia looked at the glaring blood stains on the ground, and found that she was in a good mood at this time, because she had suffered retribution before she hit Qiao Hanwan, An Xia hummed happily to her I took a pair of pajamas that felt good in the cloakroom and went to the bathroom to take a shower.


Father Qiao was walked out angrily by Qiao Hanwan, but he didn't go too far, he just sat in his back garden to get some air, every time he was angry he would come here to get some air.

Mother Qiao and his husband and wife have known his temperament for so many years. After a while, Mrs. Qiao also followed, sat on the chair beside him, and said kind words to Qiao Hanwan softly: "My child You're still young, so don't be too angry, and we've really neglected Wanwan recently, so we're too nice to Xia Xia today and she will inevitably get a little angry."

Although Qiao Hanwan's actions today did make her a little angry, but after all these years of relationship, she still couldn't bear to see her husband get too angry with her.

Qiao's father looked back at Qiao's mother and sighed: "I know what you said, but you have to know that Xia Xia is our biological daughter, and as soon as she came back, Wanwan told her that her nose is not her nose and her face is not her face. There will be shadows in Xia Xia's heart. And I always feel that she knows something from what Xia Xia said today, otherwise she wouldn't have such a big attitude towards Jun Ting and Wan Wan Difference!"

Mother Qiao was startled, and carefully recalled every bit of what happened today. Xia Xia called out to Jun Ting very kindly for her brother, but she was indifferent to Wanwan. Not only that, but also sarcastically Wan, did Xia Xia really know those things back then?

Mother Qiao couldn't believe it, Xia Xia was still dissatisfied now, how could she know what happened so many years ago?

But if Xia Xia didn't know what happened that year, then her attitude towards Wanwan would not be that way. Mother Qiao looked at her husband with wide eyes in surprise, and asked uncertainly: "You mean Did Xia Xia know what happened back then?"

Father Qiao nodded, "Well, look at what Xia Xia said today, if you said she didn't know those things, it would be impossible." He sighed again, and said distressedly: "These secrets are from many years ago. Things happened, Xia Xia actually knew about it, this can only show that Xia Xia has lived a very good life these years, otherwise she would not have the ability to know what happened so many years ago."

Mother Qiao recalled how she felt when she held her daughter's hand today. Her hands were covered with calluses, and the joints were not delicate and smooth. It made her feel distressed, it was not at all as delicate and white as Wanwan's hands, at first glance she looked like a daughter of a thousand gold who did not touch the spring water with her ten fingers.

Thinking of the touch of those hands, Mother Qiao couldn't help shedding tears. She hated herself for not finding her sooner, and why she had lost her so carelessly that she had suffered so much all these years!
However, everything that should belong to her daughter was snatched away by a girl of unknown origin. This made her feel unacceptable. She regretted the calluses on her hands, and wished that all the suffering she had suffered would be left to her to bear.

But now it's too late to regret it, she also knows to try her best to make up for her daughter, no one can bully her daughter, not even Qiao Hanwan.

Qiao's mother choked up and looked at one place and said: "I know, Xia Xia is our daughter, I will naturally put her first in everything, and I will never let anyone hurt her, if I forget what I said today If so, you must remind me!"

Father Qiao hugged his beloved wife in his arms distressedly. They hadn't blushed once in the past [-] years. Even when their daughter disappeared, they encouraged each other to come over. It can be said that the Qiao Group can have the scale it is today. An Xia also contributed a lot.If it weren't for being able to find their daughter as soon as possible, they would not have made such a big business. They all say that money can make ghosts turn the clock, so the Qiao Group will grow gradually day by day. It is precisely because of this reason of. ?
So they are able to live such an admirable life partly thanks to An Xia, but if they use their wealth today in exchange for their daughter growing up safely by their side, they will definitely be willing, and will definitely give An Xia Xia had a peaceful and happy childhood, and when she grew up, she would unconsciously curl her mouth when she recalled it.

Mother Qiao felt that she must have a good chat with An Xia at night, and she must know how An Xia got here in the past ten years, of course, there would be no shortage of compensation.

Although An Xia didn't let them go to England with her to stay with her, it didn't mean they couldn't sneak there by themselves. If An Xia was free one day and remembered them, call them for half an hour or so You can meet in an hour, wouldn't that save time and worry.

Regardless of whether An Xiatong agrees or not, this is their wish as parents.


An Xia had already come out of the shower at this time, and the blood stains in her room had been cleaned up without any traces. Not only that, An Xia even sniffed it vigorously, and there was no smell at all. Instead, the faint fragrance of pink lilies drifted over. Apart from the newly added lilies, there were also several pots of green plants appearing in her room. An Xia looked a little more. The spring room smiled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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