Chapter 102 Love Rival? (1)

After taking a few steps to the bed and sitting down, she picked up the phone and called Ye Kelan without checking the time. Although she knew that it might be late at night at Ye Kelan's side, this did not prevent her from telling Ye Kelan Ke Lan's news that she has gone home is good news.

Ye Kelan told Gu Yunmo to go with him to the city where he was living at the time after he bought the clothes and changed them that day.Gu Yumo naturally had no objection, he was worrying about how to coax and deceive Ye Kelan to his territory, but he didn't expect that Ye Kelan would take the initiative to go with him now, even though it was only a week time, but a week can change a lot of things.

Since Ye Kelan was willing to go with him, he would not refuse, instead he immediately booked a flight ticket back to the United States, because he was too lazy to carry luggage, so Gu Yunmo only bought Ye Kelan the dress she was wearing , Gu Yumo likes to see Ye Kelan in the skirt very much, he thinks it is very beautiful, the skirt is beautiful when he walks, like a fairy, very beautiful.

Gu Yumo lives in a high-end apartment with a total of 33 floors. Gu Yumo's house is on the 33rd floor. Like Ye Kelan, he likes to stand and look down at the scenery below.

In addition, Gu Yumo's decoration style of this house was intentionally or unintentionally based on Ye Kelan's preferences, so Ye Kelan was attracted by the layout as soon as he walked into the living room before he had a good look at it. Sitting comfortably on the sofa, with a smile on his face, he watched Gu Yumo busy making coffee and washing fruit for her, and serving her like a princess.

It's just that Ye Kelan was a little confused, why did Gu Yumo make coffee for her instead of giving her a glass of water or juice?
But before she could ask, Gu Yunmo explained her confusion: "Baby Lanlan, I'm afraid you'll be sleepy for a while, and I also want you to try the coffee I made to see if it suits you." taste, so I decided to make you a cup of coffee for you to taste."

Ye Kelan nodded with a smile, she was not dissatisfied with Gu Yumo's address just now, she also wanted to taste the coffee made by Gu Yumo, although she knew that the coffee he made would not be as delicious as her father's , but it’s also okay to take a sip and try it.

It's not that Ye Kelan thinks that Gu Yumo is not as good as Ye Ningyuan, she just wants to know what kind of coffee brewed by Gu Yumo, whose appearance and connotation are comparable to her father's.

Ye Kelan usually doesn't know how to eat the food on the plane, so she is a little hungry now. Gu Yumo's caring nature will not make Ye Kelan hungry anymore. Before making the coffee, wash the fruit and let Ye Kelan Ke Lan ate first, and then went to cook.

When Gu Yumo left here, he deliberately asked someone to fill up the refrigerator before he came back, so that Ye Kelan would not have to spend time going to the supermarket to buy it when Ye Kelan really came with him.

As for why it is no longer here, there is also a reason. Gu Yunmo has had it taken away since seeing Ye Kelan. After all, the genuine product has returned, so there is no need for the fake product to stay.

After eating, Ye Kelan and Gu Yumo went out to the shopping mall. After all, Ye Kelan didn't bring any clothes, only the clothes he was wearing, so he had to go shopping for clothes, and he didn't bother to go back after visiting the mall. They cooked by themselves, so Gu Yunmo and Ye Kelan went out to fill their stomachs before going back.

Ye Kelan had been shopping for a long time, and she was really tired after sitting on the plane for so long, so she took a shower and prepared to rest after returning home. Of course, sleeping in separate rooms is a must. Although the relationship has been confirmed, but This rule must still be followed.

Who knew that An Xia called after Ye Kelan fell asleep. Because of the time difference between the two countries, it was late at night with Ye Kelan, and because Ye Kelan went to bed earlier than usual, so An Xia She didn't lose her temper when Xia called.

You must know that it is already 02:30 in the morning at Ye Kelan's side. If someone else suddenly calls you while you are sleeping soundly, will you think that person is annoying, and then Why don't you turn off the phone and continue to sleep with your head covered if you don't answer the phone?
Ye Kelan would also lose her temper, but she knew that the person who called her at two o'clock in the middle of the night must have something very important to do, and everyone in the headquarters of the No. [-] terrorist organization knew that she was going to take a week off , so I won’t call her, even if I want to call her back, it will be Ye Tianyu or An Xia, because only the two of them have Ye Kelan’s private number You can call her anytime, anywhere.

As for the others, they don't have that honor. They may have Ye Kelan's private number, but they still have to call her according to the time, otherwise she will get mad if they disturb her sleep.

And Ye Tianyu has always only called Ye Kelan's private number, regardless of public or private, because he feels that he and Ye Kelan are brothers and sisters, the closest relatives in the world, there is no need to distinguish between public and private.

Ye Kelan grabbed the phone, opened one eye vigorously and looked at the display, and when she saw that it was An Xia calling, she closed her eyes and answered it without hesitation, and the lazy voice reached An Xia. In Xia's ears, "Xia Xia, did you call in the middle of the night for something particularly important?" Ye Kelan bit the words "very important" very hard.

Hearing Ye Kelan's voice, An Xia knew that she must not have woken up at this time. Although she knew that Ye Kelan would stay up late and anything, she still resisted getting up so early like now. Ye Kelan would have hung up and turned off the phone a long time ago, but fortunately, she is not someone else in Ye Kelan's eyes.

"Baby Ke Lan, I'm sorry to disturb your sleep." An Xia opened the quilt a little more, leaned lazily, and said in a nonchalant tone: "Actually, there is nothing particularly important, I just go home gone."

Ye Kelan let out a single sound from her nose and didn't speak, but she opened her eyes in surprise after she came to her senses, wait, go home?An Xia went home?If there is a family with father, mother and other family members, doesn't she remember that she has such a family?
"What did you mean just now? Tell me clearly." Ye Kelan asked with some surprise, her voice was no longer the laziness just now, replaced by the eagerness to know the truth.

An Xia smiled faintly, and said in a gentle voice: "I went home today. Actually, I already knew where my home was a year ago, but I never went back and didn't tell you. I also don't want you because of my Worry about things, I know that in the past three years, you have not been in a good mood because of your family's affairs, how can I, as your good sister, let you worry about me?"

(End of this chapter)

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