Chapter 103 Love Rival? (2)

Speaking of this, An Xia sighed slightly on the other side of the phone, and then continued in such a tone: "It just so happens that you and Gu Yunmo are together, and I have also gone home. I think if I tell you now Maybe it's better. It's just that I didn't expect to interrupt your rest, I'm really sorry, baby Kelan~"

Ye Kelan laughed out loud. A good friend should be happy to have found her biological parents. An Xia always thinks about herself because of her deep feelings for her good friend. How could she blame An Xia? ?

Although what An Xia said is correct, she will not bother about Gu Yumo. For her, what is her own is always her own. If you get it, you will lose it. She never does that kind of troublesome thing.

Ye Kelan cleared her throat, and then said: "Fortunately, your matter is not a big deal, otherwise I would definitely be angry with you. But I am very sleepy, you disturbed my sleep, but it seems Because you found your family, I don’t blame you for disturbing such an important thing as my sleep.” Well, this matter is a little bit more important than her sleeping matter, so the gift is no problem escaped. "Finally, what gift do you want, I have a lot of time now!"

An Xia smiled and shook her head, she was so moved that she forgot to speak, she knew that what Ye Kelan disliked the most was when others disturbed her sleep.

After waiting for a few seconds without hearing Ye Kelan's voice, An Xia finally realized that she was on the phone with Ye Kelan, how could Ye Kelan see her shaking her head?
That's why An Xia said softly: "Thank you, baby Ke Lan. But you don't have to think about giving me any presents. You don't know how many gifts you have given me in the past ten years. And, if you don't In your case, whether I can live to this day is still unknown, even if I can live to this day, I will not live so comfortably."

An Xia took a deep breath and said sincerely, "Ke Lan, thank you."

Ye Kelan lay flat on her body, covered her forehead with one hand, and said nonchalantly: "Xia Xia, you will be offended if you say these words, we are good sisters. Besides, you have helped me a lot these years, So don't say these things anymore. If you really want to thank me, then you can give me gifts from now on."

After humming, Ye Kelan compensated in a warning tone: "Although I said that, you should also remember how kind I was to you before, don't forget! Do you know?!"

An Xia nodded her head and hummed, then remembered that when she called Ye Kelan, she didn't just tell her that she had found her family, but also told her who her family members were.

Thinking of this, An Xia raised her hand and patted her forehead in frustration, "By the way, Baby Ke Lan, I have one more thing to tell you, I almost forgot."

Ye Kelan: "Well, tell me, I'm listening with my eyes closed."

Only then did An Xia pretend to be mysterious with her eyes closed and asked: "Do you know? Do you know who my family members are?" This tone was obviously for Ye Kelan to guess, but it's just not yet Ye Kelan started to guess, and An Xia couldn't wait to tell Ye Kelan: "You have met, and you have met twice with me. It is the two people who wanted to buy your pink diamond for the first time. Do you still remember the two people who were beaten up by your brother and me in an amusement park in the Middle East?"

Ye Kelan was so surprised that she sat up all of a sudden, and the sleepy bug didn't know that she had run into that corner. She regained her energy and said excitedly, "Of course I still remember, that woman was so I hate it, and you still love my Ah Mo, how could I forget?"

Then he nodded with a sigh, and expressed his opinion: "You said they are your family, but no matter how I look at it, I don't think that woman is like a member of your family. I think it was either wrong or it was her. Her gene has mutated. Because she exudes the smell of a nouveau riche all over her body, which is too far from the image and temperament of the beautiful boy beside her!"

An Xia said noncommittally: "Indeed, as you said, she is not Miss Qiao's family at all, but because my mother missed me after I was taken away for some reason, she looked for me everywhere. The orphanage saw her who looked very similar to me, and then they took her back and gave her everything they owed me. But they didn’t give up and continue to look for me because of this, if it weren’t for them If you have been looking for me all the time and have never given up, even if you are in a golden nest and a silver nest, without that feeling, I will not come back!"

Ye Kelan agreed and said: "I agree with what you said. If they don't value you, it's okay if you don't go back. If they still value you, you can go back. But there is one thing, before I retire, You are not allowed to leave and not be my assistant."

An Xia pursed her lips into a smile, and readily agreed: "That must be done. I will be your child's godmother in the future. How about I take good care of you? In case a newcomer takes my place, I will But what should I do?" Turning her head to look at the time, "Go on to sleep, I'm also a little sleepy, sleep for a while." Then she lay down, how can she fight with people who trouble her at night if she hasn't slept enough?
After Ye Kelan hung up the phone, she felt that she couldn't fall asleep, and wanted to talk to someone, but it was already three o'clock. If she went to talk to Gu Yunmo, would he disturb her sleep because of him? And hit yourself?
However, Ye Kelan obviously wanted to test her position in Gu Yumo's heart, to see whether sleeping was more important or she was more important in Gu Yumo's heart.

Ye Kelan threw off the quilt, jumped out of bed, and went out of her room to Gu Yumo's room without even wearing slippers.

Gu Yumo's room door was not locked, even if it was locked, Ye Kelan was able to open it. After Ye Kelan opened the door, he saw Gu Yumo lying comfortably on his back. He was naked and naked from the abdomen up. "It's exposed in the air, although it's a bit dark, but Ye Kelan can also see clearly the well-proportioned muscles on Gu Yumo's body, which looks very powerful.

Ye Kelan closed the door softly, walked to Gu Yunmo's bed on tiptoe, brushed up a handful of her hair, just wanted to bend down to play a prank, but didn't want Gu Yumo to grab Ye Kelan's hand In her hand, before she could react, the other hand wrapped around Ye Kelan's waist.

(End of this chapter)

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