Chapter 104 Love Rival? (3)

Gu Yumo's eyes didn't open, but the corners of his mouth curled up happily like his master, and then his hand holding Ye Kelan tightened a little, and he said cheerfully: "Baby Lanlan! Did Erda come to my room at night without sleeping to plot against me?"

Ye Kelan lowered his head and snorted as a response to what he said just now, raised his head and looked at Gu Yumo's embarrassing face, pouted and said, "Xia Xia just called me and told her After a while, I can't fall asleep, so I came to see you, not as much as you think."

Gu Yumo opened his eyes, he didn't mind whether Ye Kelan came here because he had some thoughts about him, he only came here as Ye Kelan because the time apart from him was too long, she miss him.As for other reasons, Gu Yumo never thought about it, nor was he willing to think about it.

"I don't care, you came to see me because you missed me." Gu Yunmo began to play tricks.

Ye Kelan buried herself in Gu Yumo's chest and smiled helplessly. She found that this man was becoming more and more adept at acting coquettishly in front of her. Every time he acted coquettishly, Ye Kelan felt that Gu Yumo He is still a young child who needs to be protected and cared for everywhere, but Ye Kelan likes Gu Yumo like this very much.

He raised his head and stretched out his index finger to point Gu Yumo's chin, and said softly according to his intention: "Okay, I came here because I missed you, why, can't I?"

Yes, of course you can, damn it!

Gu Yumo turned over and pressed Ye Kelan tightly under her body. Although it was tight, Ye Kelan didn't feel oppressed.

Gu Yumo's elbow was resting next to Ye Kelan's head, so the distance between their lips was very close. As long as Gu Yumo pouted his lips, he could kiss Ye Kelan. Indeed, he did that, he couldn't do that when Ye Kelan was by his side, he still acted like a gentleman, he was not Liu Xiahui, so he could sit still.

In fact, Liu Xiahui may not always sit still in his arms. The root cause is that the person in his arms is not his beloved. If so, Gu Yumo dares to guarantee that Liu Xiahui will definitely do something. What, just like what he is doing to Ye Kelan now.

It took Gu Yumo a while to let go of Ye Kelan's lips to let her take a breath of fresh air, but he himself was not much better, he leaned his head against Ye Kelan's ear and gasped, "Lanlan, don't do it next time!" You came to my room in the middle of the night, I can't hold you back every time, understand?"

Ye Kelan stared straight at the ceiling, her breathing was still a little short, just now Gu Yumo's kiss was too fast, and she still couldn't slow down.

It took a long time for Ye Kelan to breathe evenly, raised his hand to gently caress Gu Yumo's tense back, and said, "I see, you get up, I'm going back to sleep."

Although Gu Yumo couldn't move Ye Kelan, it didn't mean he could let Ye Kelan go back. He got off Ye Kelan and lay on his side beside Ye Kelan, lifted the thin quilt to cover Ye Kelan, Then he hugged Ye Kelan tightly, and whispered in Ye Kelan's ear: "Don't go back, just sleep here, I won't do anything to you, I'm just afraid that you will cause trouble!"

Gu Yunmo's hand hugged Ye Kelan tightly. Ye Kelan tried to break it but gave up without breaking it. Gu Yumo would never forget what she said to her, so she just let it go. Gu Yumo moved her body once, found a comfortable position in Gu Yumo's arms, and then fell asleep, regardless of whether Gu Yumo couldn't sleep because of her.

The second half of the night was naturally very comfortable for Ye Kelan, but it was quite a torment for Gu Yumo. The one he loved was in his arms, but he didn't dare to eat it. He even let her sleep in his arms, but he was so uncomfortable that he couldn't sleep all night, it was really his own fault!
Ye Kelan slept in Gu Yumo's arms until dawn. Of course, it is impossible for Gu Yumo to sleep with her until dawn. Gu Yumo woke up at six o'clock to prepare breakfast. After breakfast was ready, the temperature of the porridge was already cold enough to be eaten directly, but Ye Kelan hadn't gotten up yet.

Gu Yumo couldn't bear to wake Ye Kelan up, so he simply lay on the bed and looked at Ye Kelan's unguarded sleeping face, only to see that there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, Gu Yumo knew that Ye Kelan He slept well, otherwise he would never have slept so soundly when he got up and left.

Gu Yumo knew that Ye Kelan trusted him with all his heart, otherwise he would not have fallen asleep so deeply. Gu Yumo was very happy for what he had discovered, and the corners of his mouth were slightly twitching like Ye Kelan's. Bend a little.

Just like that, the boy slept soundly on his side. The boy lay on the bed and looked at the girl who was sleeping soundly. There were faint smiles on the corners of the boy and girl's mouths, which showed that they were very happy at this time. .

I don't know how long it took, but Ye Kelan was finally willing to wake up, but when she opened her eyes, she saw a large pet lying in front of her looking straight at her, smiled at him, and said lazily :"morning."

Gu Yumo looked at Ye Kelan and replied with a smile, "Morning."

Although the two said good morning to each other, Ye Kelan didn't want to get up, and Gu Yunmo naturally didn't want to get up either, but in the end Ye Kelan pouted and said pitifully, "Ah Mo, I'm hungry." gone."

Gu Yumo smiled, supported his body with his hands and got up gracefully, then bent down to hug Ye Kelan, his big baby, and Ye Kelan let Gu Yumo hold her softly as if she had no bones Go to the bathroom by yourself.

There is a spare new toothbrush in Gu Yumo's bathroom, and it doesn't matter if Gu Yunmo uses the water cups and towels, and Gu Yunmo doesn't mind, nor does Ye Kelan.

After being served by Gu Yumo, Ye Kelan became energetic after washing up, and went to the restaurant to enjoy her breakfast. Everything else was fine, but the porridge was already cold.Fortunately, Gu Yunmo had the foresight, and half of it was still warm, so it was just right to eat it now.

After breakfast, Gu Yumo proposed to buy a necklace for Ye Kelan, because he heard about the love story between Ye Ningyuan and Xu Nuo yesterday, although he knew that he and Ye Kelan would not be separated for 13 years, but he But I yearn for the relationship between them, so I also want to have a necklace that can tie Ye Kelan's heart like that.

(End of this chapter)

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