Chapter 105 Love Rival? (4)

Ye Kelan couldn't help teasing when she heard Gu Yumo's words: "Actually, all of this is not because of that necklace at all, but because of my father's special affection, and my mommy is the only one in my heart from the beginning to the end. Otherwise, I wouldn't have kept my body as jade from seven to 13 for my mommy!"

Gu Yunmo agrees, he will be a dedicated man like Ye Ningyuan, he promises.

Just about to start talking, I heard Ye Kelan say enviously: "If only I could have a man who loves her as much as my daddy like my mom, but I also know that there is only one Ye Kelan in this world." Ning Yuan, no one else will belong to him, so naturally they cannot compare to him."

Gu Yunmo walked up to Ye Kelan, held her hands against his chin, looked at Ye Kelan calmly and said: "I know there is only one Ye Ningyuan in this world, but I am willing to give you A unique Gu Yumo, his heart and his body will only have you alone. Although I know that I only love you in my life, but I can’t prove it, I am willing to use my whole life to prove it to you , are you willing to give me this chance?"

This should have been a very provocative scene, and according to the development of the plot, Ye Kelan should also look at Gu Yumo affectionately, and replied shyly with a bit of disbelief: "I am willing."

But the reality is that Ye Kelan pulled his hand out of Gu Yumo's hand, one hand was hanging by his side, and the other hand was raised up and stretched out his index finger to poke Gu Yumo's forehead, domineering questioning Said: "Are you stupid? If I don't want to give you a chance to prove that I will stay here with you alone and widowed? And I can't beat you at all." At the end, he said with a bit of grievance. He looked down at the toes of his shoes.

Ye Kelan's grievance is that she has always been invincible, but she didn't expect to fall into Gu Yumo's hands in the end. She didn't know how strong Gu Yumo was, but Ye Kelan knew that she couldn't beat him. The strength must be very strong.

Gu Yumo approached Ye Kelan, raised her hands to hold Ye Kelan's face, forcing her to look up at him, "I'll let you in from now on, okay?"

Ye Kelan tilted his head and blinked his big wet eyes, and said after a while, "Okay, since you've already said that, then I can't help but agree to you, even if you regret it one day in the future, let's go head-to-head If I don't win you, I don't believe that gang fights are okay. Don't be complacent, although men are gentlemen and don't know how to do gang fights, but don't forget that our women are not easy to mess with!" Ye Kelan said quite proudly, although he has said this before, but saying it again can be regarded as deepening the impression on Gu Yunmo.

Gu Yunmo nodded with a smile, and happily agreed: "Okay, I know, how dare I bully you, just the look in your eyes that doesn't want to see me can make me miserable, if you treat me as an enemy I'm dead, do I still want to live?"

What he said is true, but some things will not develop like what he said, but so what, things have already developed to this point, so they must continue, and he cannot turn back, and he has no It's time to turn back.

Ye Kelan closed her eyes and nodded, and pulled Gu Yunmo's hand off her face, then turned and walked to her room, saying as she walked, "Aren't you going to buy me a necklace to put it on?" Am I chained? Why don't you go change your clothes? If you don't take the initiative, then I won't go!" Ye Kelan just walked into the room when the last sentence was finished.

Yesterday, Gu Yunmo and Ye Kelan went shopping together for only skirts, so Ye Kelan chose an emerald green long skirt with white suspenders and a coat of the same color.

This person is good-looking, and naturally he looks good in any clothes, so this emerald green long skirt with white suspenders and coat is worn on Ye Kelan's body, which is pleasing to the eye and reveals an amazing feeling.

Ye Kelan doesn't like makeup, and it's the same today, she never even wears lipstick, at most, she only wears a little makeup on special important occasions.

As for the perfume, there is no need to wear it, she can't stand the pungent and strong smell.Besides, according to what Gu Yumo said, there was a faint sweet smell emanating from her body, which was much better than those perfumes.

Now that Gu Yumo said it, Ye Kelan naturally moved closer to his arm and smelled it. Facts have proved that what Gu Yumo said is correct, there is indeed a sweet smell on his body, and Ye Kelan likes to smell it very much. .

When Gu Yumo said that, it was beauty in the eye of the beholder, and Ye Kelan herself thought that, so it could only prove that her narcissism had returned.

But no matter what, everything about Ye Kelan is the best in Gu Yumo's heart, even if it stinks, he will say it is delicious!
Of course, it is impossible for Ye Kelan to have such a day.

Ye Kelan changed his clothes and came out. At this time, Gu Yumo had already changed his clothes. He was wearing black casual trousers and a white shirt as usual.

Although the hem of the shirt was neatly pressed into the trousers, there were only two buttons left unbuttoned, and the two sleeves were loosely rolled up above the elbows. In addition, he was in a good mood at the moment, with a faint smile on his lips. Therefore, it seems that he is a little more gentle Mr. Pian Pian.

Ye Kelan consciously walked up to Gu Yumo with a few steps and stretched out his hand to hold Gu Yumo's arm. The two walked out talking and laughing. The destination was very clear. They were going to choose a jade pendant, so now they want to Go to the place where jade is resold.

Naturally, Gu Yumo would not go to that kind of place where good and bad people are mixed together, and besides Ye Kelan, who is such a beautiful woman by his side, wouldn't it be a loss if those people looked at him with dirty eyes, and he estimated that as long as If those people didn't do anything excessive, Ye Kelan would definitely not do anything to them.

But Gu Yunmo is not that kind of person, what he wants to give Ye Kelan is the best, and he never shoddy.So this time, Gu Yunmo took Ye Kelan to a high-end place for buying and selling jade, because the jade here is of good quality, and the people who come here are all rich people, so there are many separate rooms inside for private use. The sales staff brought out the best jade for customers to choose.

There are uncut jade, you can choose the style or draw it yourself, and then let the staff polish it.Naturally, there are also polished ones, and you can buy them back directly if you like them.

(End of this chapter)

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