Chapter 106 Love Rival? (5)

Ye Kelan and Gu Yunmo are both easygoing people, so they chose to buy uncut jade, but after going to the jade store, they also chose a few pieces of carved jade pendants and jade pendants. Because of the coldness of the jade, they chose warm jade, the kind that warms the tentacles.

These jade pendants and jade bracelets that have been carved are taken away directly, and the remaining piece of uncut jade is left for the staff to carve, and the address is also left when it is finished, and will be sent to him after it is finished. I don't even bother to run again.

Although there was a jade pendant, Gu Yumo still took out a necklace made of red string from one pocket of his trousers when he was in the car. Below was a jade pendant and handed it to Ye Kelan.

Ye Kelan took it and put it in his hand for a look. It was a jade pendant carved from black jade, but Ye Kelan looked carefully and found that the jade pendant made of black jade was not the purest black jade. The thinner part is still faintly red, Ye Kelan raised the jade pendant and looked carefully at the sun, it turned out that this is not black jade at all, but a piece of red and blackened pigeon blood.

Ye Kelan withdrew her hand, looked down at the pattern on the jade pendant, there were only two slightly protruding roses on it, after a closer look, Ye Kelan felt that these two roses looked very familiar, think about it carefully It seems to be the pair of black roses that I gave Gu Yumo back then.

Ye Kelan turned her head to look at Gu Yumo suspiciously, and asked puzzledly, "Are the roses on it carved from the roses I gave you back then?"

Gu Yumo nodded, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "It turns out that you still remember the appearance of the rose you gave me back then. I'm so happy. I wanted to say that even if you don't remember, I can borrow this jade pendant." Let me tell you the good memories that belonged to us back then, since you already know it now, shouldn't I be happy that you still value me as always?"

Ye Kelan looked away helplessly. The reason why she remembered the appearance of the rose was actually because of Gu Yunmo. If it wasn't for him, although she would remember, her memory was not so clear. As for it being so clear that she could remember every detail of when she was painting this painting.

"Don't be complacent. Of course I will remember my own works. Do you think my memory is that bad? If this is the case, then I have already forgotten what you look like. How can I remember it? What about an insignificant painting?" Ye Kelan said carelessly to Gu Yumo, and at the same time put the necklace that Gu Yumo gave her on her neck like a sweetheart. On her chest near the heart.

Gu Yunmo looked at Ye Kelan's actions and smiled slightly. Shouldn't he be glad that Ye Kelan didn't see the back of the jade pendant?
If Ye Kelan saw the back of that jade pendant, I don't know what kind of expression she would have, would it be joy...or surprise?Gu Yumo was really looking forward to it.

Gu Yumo sat in the driver's seat, and after thinking about it, he decided to tell Ye Kelan the origin of that jade pendant.Therefore, Gu Yunmo looked sideways at Ye Kelan, and said calmly, "Lanlan, do you know? I carved this jade pendant myself three years ago, and it was originally intended to be given to you. But I have never had the opportunity to give it to you personally, so I have to wait until today to have the opportunity to give it to you personally."

Ye Kelan's right hand was covering her chest, the jade pendant was right there where her hand was covering, the place was warm, but Ye Kelan's heart was even warmer.

Ye Kelan looked down at her chest covered by her hand, and said softly, "Ah Mo, I won't say thank you to you, and I don't know what to say about the others, but I like it very much." I will always wear this jade pendant."

There is no point in saying extraneous words, the most important thing is that each other knows that their hearts are very close to each other, this is the most important thing, isn't it?
Gu Yumo stretched out his hand to hold Ye Kelan's left hand hanging by his side, took her left hand to his thigh and stroked it gently, then tilted his head to see the beautiful curve of Ye Kelan's mouth, and finally moved closer Ye Kelan kissed her on the face, and quickly backed away.

At this time, Ye Kelan's hand had been released, but Ye Kelan's hand was still on Gu Yumo's thigh. Although Gu Yumo did not hold Ye Kelan's hand, because he had already activated After getting into the car, he couldn't hold Ye Kelan's hand all the time, but he would still hold Ye Kelan's hand whenever he had the chance, at least not to let her hand leave his body.

After a while, Ye Kelan came back to look at the scenery outside the window, but found that the direction Gu Yumo was driving was not the direction they came from just now, and thought that Gu Yumo had gone the wrong way, so she opened her mouth to remind : "Ah Mo, this is not the road we walked when we came here."

Gu Yumo replied softly: "I know, let's not go back yet. Let's go to the movies, shall we?"

Ye Kelan looked at Gu Yumo in surprise, her mouth was wide open, Gu Yumo glanced sideways at Ye Kelan, then smiled and asked, "Isn't it a matter of going to the cinema to watch a movie when you're in love?" Is it process?"

See a movie?Is Gu Yumo not mistaken?
Ye Kelan always thought that Gu Yumo was a very serious person, and it could be used that he did not behave like normal people, so Gu Yumo probably wouldn't do things like watching movies that normal people would do!

Of course, Ye Kelan can understand Gu Yumo, so she never expected that Gu Yumo would take her to the cinema to watch a movie. After all, that place is very noisy, and Gu Yumo should like quietness rather than noise local.

But on second thought, Gu Yumo can even go to places like bars, why can't he go to the cinema?

At most, you just keep a straight face the whole time you go in, and then you'll be fine when you come out.

But Ye Kelan knew that no matter what expression Gu Yumo would have or what state of mind he would have when watching a movie, she would be very happy that Gu Yumo was willing to offer to accompany her to do this kind of... For him, it was Ye Kelan was really happy about the childish things.

There is also a reason why Gu Yumo invited Ye Kelan to the movies, because he knew that no matter at home or abroad, lovers would go to the movies together, have dinner together, and the man would send the woman or give gifts to each other, so Gu Yumo didn't want Ye Kelan to feel that after they got together, she would find out that she didn't know how to be romantic, and then feel disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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