Chapter 107 Love Rival? (6)

So this time, Gu Yumo prepared a gift for Ye Kelan in advance, and then took her to the movies. Maybe there would be a candlelight dinner next. Let Ye Kelan feel his heart!

The movie that Gu Yunmo and Ye Kelan watched was Mo Xiaobai’s movie that just came out. This movie was very popular. Once it was released, there were no seats left. Just Gu Yunmo and Ye Kelan went to see his movie today. It was also purchased in advance.

However, they went to the VIP hall, which is spacious and comfortable, and if Gu Yumo wants to watch a movie with Ye Kelan, he will naturally watch a movie with Ye Kelan alone, so Gu Yumo made a big deal and bought it. The entire VIP hall was occupied, so that he and Ye Kelan could watch a movie in the cinema alone.

Naturally, watching a movie requires drinks and popcorn, and Gu Yumo will not forget this, and Gu Yumo also knows that Ye Kelan can eat it, so there is no problem with eating two big buckets, but Gu Yumo Yun Mo would not buy so much for Ye Kelan, he was afraid that Ye Kelan would overeat, so he just bought a big bucket of popcorn and a big glass of drink, but he asked for two straws.

Ye Kelan would drink when watching a movie, but he didn't care which straw he used. This also gave Gu Yumo a chance to kiss Ye Kelan indirectly.

For the [-]-minute movie, Gu Yumo and Ye Kelan stayed in the VIP hall all the time, and there was no reason to take a step away during the movie.Although they were always in the VIP hall, they really didn't watch many movies, they were too busy looking at their beloved each other, how could they go to the movies with extra eyes.

After watching the movie, Ye Kelan held Gu Yumo's arm affectionately, and the two walked out of the movie theater talking and laughing, but they didn't want Gu Yumo to be yelled out with some uncertainty from the person behind him: "Colby ?”

Gu Yumo paused, and felt that the voice was familiar, so he stopped and turned back to look at the source of the voice. Gu Yumo stopped, Ye Kelan naturally would not leave again, and stopped with Gu Yumo down.

Naturally, Ye Kelan never knew Gu Yumo's English name. Firstly, it was unnecessary, and secondly, she thought that Ah Mo sounded nice after all.

So now when she sees Gu Yumo stop and turn around, she has already confirmed that 'Colby' is Gu Yumo's English name, but Ye Kelan doesn't like this English name, Colby, a person from the dark area , the name is bad, and the meaning is even worse, she doesn't like it.

The owner of that voice saw that the man stopped, and turned his head back. After confirming that he was really the Colby she was talking about, he jumped over with a smile on his face, and pulled Gu Yumo's sleeve with some excitement, with a smile on his face. Hua'er, and asked in disbelief: "Colby, it's really you, I thought I missed you so much, so I saw it wrong? Why did you come to the cinema, did you know that I was coming here to watch it?" That's why you came here on purpose?"

Ye Kelan stared at the girl in front of Gu Yumo in a daze. She really felt that her skin had reached a certain level. What does it mean that Gu Yumo came here because she was going to watch a movie here?Isn't it obvious that Gu Yunmo followed her whereabouts anytime and anywhere, and then deliberately appeared here to meet her by chance?
Who did she think Gu Yumo was?A playboy who meets and loves one?
And what is the meaning of the obsessive look on her face when she looked at Gu Yumo?The man who seduced her in front of her, and completely ignored her who was holding Gu Yunmo's arm tenderly next to her, did he really treat her as a dead person?

Ye Kelan was unhappy, quite unhappy, she could bear that woman who appeared out of nowhere and ignored her, but she decided she couldn't bear the person who seduced her in front of her face after she ignored her, uncle could bear it My aunt couldn't bear it either.

Ye Kelan held Gu Yumo's hand and stretched out Gu Yumo's hand, and she happened to step forward to block Gu Yumo's face, looking at the woman who wanted to stick her eyes to Gu Yumo's body She said with a smirk: "I'm afraid you've misread this elder sister. He came with me because I wanted to watch a movie, not because he knew you were coming so he intentionally created a chance encounter. You just Don't be so sentimental." She glanced at her freckles, and continued with a disdainful sneer, "Besides, you look much older than Colby, and I don't think Colby is interested in finding someone who can be his own mother." woman's."

But even though Ye Kelan said so, when she saw the woman's pair of white meat that was about to come out, she still couldn't help but admire and sigh: It is because of the different food that her food is better than others. How small is it?
When Gu Yumo was pulled behind her by Ye Kelan like a calf, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but smile, even his eyes were full of smile and warmth, he lowered his head slightly, his eyes were focused on The back of Ye Kelan's head, Gu Yumo was really in a good mood when he heard Ye Kelan mocking the girl jealously.

If it wasn't because he was outside now, Gu Yumo would definitely press Ye Kelan and give her a good kiss, at least he would be happy for Ye Kelan's actions today for a long time.

Adele and Gu Yumo are both staff members of the CIA. As early as two years ago when she first met Gu Yumo, Adele fell in love with Gu Yumo irresistibly.It's just that Gu Yumo is usually cold and cold, coupled with his special cleanliness and self-love, there are no scandals about being with other women, and he doesn't like to discuss things other than business with his colleagues.

Such a good man, Adele, naturally wouldn't give up easily, and she was really attracted to Gu Yumo, and she looked at the clothes Gu Yumo was wearing, which couldn't be bought even if she had money. Yes, the cars and the like are basically replaced once a month, and they are all luxury cars.

Adele was thinking at the time that it would be hard to find a man who is rich, handsome and has a fast private life, not to mention that she has fallen in love with him deeply, so she later relied on her family relationship to let her immediate superior put her I was assigned to a group with Gu Yumo, so the first thing you can do is to be close to the water.

When working in a group, there are naturally more opportunities to meet, because Adele is also a second-generation official after all, and girls also have low self-esteem, so she has been hinting that Gu Yumo is interested in him and wants to be with him. together with him.

(End of this chapter)

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